Mesaĝoj: 18
Lingvo: English
lagtendisto (Montri la profilon) 2016-junio-12 12:42:40
nornen:I doubt that "kio nova" refers to "kio estas nova" or "kio novas". I suppose it means "kio nova okazas" or "kio nova estas". "Nova" being an attribute of "kio".In spoken speech it also could be confused with: Ki's' (de)nova?

Alkanadi (Montri la profilon) 2016-junio-13 09:44:11
nornen:I suppose it means "kio nova okazas" or "kio nova estas".Spoken Esperanto:
Sal. Kio nova? Mi parolas la anglan.
MSE (Modern Standard Esperanto):
Saluton. Kio estas nova? Mi parolas la anglan lingvon.
lagtendisto (Montri la profilon) 2016-junio-13 19:00:36
I understand your wish to use shorten sentences at spoken Esperanto especially if it would 'compete' with shorter sentences at your native language. It could provoke some kind of 'inner conflict/non-acceptance' the way 'why I should use that long sentence if I could do it shorter with my native language'. I had experiences like this with conlang Interlingua. Do, Esperanto spoken also entices for some kind of lengthiness. But it doesn't matter a lot. Contrary with Lidepla which translated from English the result always is shorter in sentence length. Esperanto translations seems to be between Interlingua (very long) and Lidepla (nearly pidgin-like nethertheless well sounding). Anyway, I like all of these conlang.
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2016-junio-14 03:25:14
Alkanadi:"Mi parolas la anglan" is 100% normal, non-slang, non-idiomatic Esperanto.nornen:I suppose it means "kio nova okazas" or "kio nova estas".Spoken Esperanto:
Sal. Kio nova? Mi parolas la anglan.
MSE (Modern Standard Esperanto):
Saluton. Kio estas nova? Mi parolas la anglan lingvon.
"Kio nova" should not be construed as standard spoken Esperanto. Spoken Esperanto should not be presented as grammatically different than written Esperanto because 99% of the time, it is not different.
Also - "Kio novas" is more likely as and informal (and fully grammatical!) "what's new".
Alkanadi (Montri la profilon) 2016-junio-14 09:31:20
erinja:"Mi parolas la anglan" is 100% normal, non-slang, non-idiomatic Esperanto.If that is true, then is it okay to say 'Mi kuras la verdan'?
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2016-junio-14 16:12:37
However, if you were to take a transitive verb, or else to re-word the sentence to an intransitive structure, you could use such a construction with the right context. We are always assuming in sentences like these that context is giving part of the answer. The green what? is something that could be asked, so you normally wouldn't use "green" alone unless it was clear what kind of green thing is being referred to. In the case of "paroli", since what we speak is normally a language, something like "Mi parolas la anglan" is always clear and is assumed always to refer to a language unless we happen to know otherwise from context.
En kiu domo vi logxas? - Which house do you live in?
Mi logxas en la verda. - I live in the green [one].
Kian legomon vi mangxas? - What kind of vegetable are you eating?
Mi mangxas verdan. - I'm eating a green [one].
Kiun libron vi legas? - Which book are you reading.
Mi legas la verdan. - I'm reading the green [one].
Alkanadi (Montri la profilon) 2016-junio-15 08:49:19
erinja:Kuri is an intransitive verb so...Oh yeah. I forgot about the transitivity thing. I didn't know that you could say "Mi legas la verdan". I thought that a noun has to be present because you can't read an adjective.
Kiun libron vi legas? - Which book are you reading.
Mi legas la verdan. - I'm reading the green [one].
I am still a bit skeptical of this but I will try to pay attention for other examples.
dbob (Montri la profilon) 2016-junio-15 15:35:04
Alkanadi:I am still a bit skeptical of this but I will try to pay attention for other examples.Some examples from Tekstaro:
Ne, pli bone mi metos la florkoloran. (Z)
Unu maŝkiraso estis jam preta, kaj ŝi komencis la duan. (Z)
Kaj mi komencis la dudekkvaran. (Z)
En la komenco oni enlasis la grandajn.
En la kvina gimnazia klaso li ekstudis la anglan. (This one almost certainly will ring a bell to you).