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Old courses?

kelle poolt Katzedecimal, 24. juuli 2016

Postitused: 14

Keel: English

Katzedecimal (Näita profiili) 24. juuli 2016 22:21.39

Are all of the old courses gone? I had just started Kio Okazas, came back today to do another chapter and now I can't find any of the old courses, only the new course. I was rather enjoying the course, not to mention the feedback of fluent speakers. Is my progress gone? This is frustrating malgajo.gif

erinja (Näita profiili) 24. juuli 2016 22:51.40

The text of the old courses is now in the library, though without exercises. You can certainly post to the forums anytime to get feedback from fluent speakers!

TheStoic (Näita profiili) 6. detsember 2016 9:49.27

What happened to the course "Mi Estas Komencanto"? It was recommended on a language forum as a Pimsleur-style audio based course that you could download on lernu. I couldn't find the course in the library. Has it been deleted or it maybe listed under a different name?

oyd11 (Näita profiili) 6. detsember 2016 22:12.24

Meant to ask the same question. About the availability of "Mi Estas Komencanto" or any other 'audio only' learning material; there's a lot of dead-linked around the web pointing at it! [ ]

roboto_loco (Näita profiili) 8. detsember 2016 14:17.08

Is there a way to include the old exercises also in the media library, even if only as text?


raffadalbo (Näita profiili) 9. detsember 2016 11:32.12

Many materials from the old courses are available online at "" (replace "eo" with "en", "fr", "de", "it", "es" etc. as appropriate).

I suppose that this is not supported by lernu! but lernu! knows about it.
And in fact I believe this is a strong help for lernu! Users that still want to find old courses may do this - even if probably not with 100% of the original functionalities and without guarantee.

In the future I hope that lernu! itself arranges something similar for what they cannot or do not want to update but is still valuable for some users.

roboto_loco (Näita profiili) 9. detsember 2016 13:33.16

That looks like an amazing resource, thanks for the link!

oyd11 (Näita profiili) 27. detsember 2016 9:10.42

I still cannot find the alleged introductory "Audio Only" courses there;
There's some very nice audio recordings - like some Andersen's tales here:
Also - some anyone know how to download the Audio from the current "Nakamura" course? I would like to listen to it offline several times after reading, thanks!

OrionPax (Näita profiili) 27. veebruar 2017 19:46.10

I came to ask the same thing. Wanted to do the old courses, so rejoined the site but couldn't find them anywhere. Not only are the new courses harder, no matter what I click I get 100% on my phone. What?! I guess I'll have to find another site or book or something to learn the super basics with, and come back to these courses later... *Sigh*

RoxanneRW (Näita profiili) 28. mai 2018 0:49.53

I'm looking for a medium length "file" introducing novices to Esperanto basics from the old, Lernu site. It doesn't seem to have made the transfer to the new, a loss to curious students all.

I am about to teach a linguistics course I last taught in 2015. Then and for a number of years prior, I had my students "learn" the basics of Esperanto at the old Lernu website at From that screen, I then had them go to English-based "About Esperanto" (clicking on the Cat with the Flag picture), then to "Introduction to the Language" (clicking on the cat pointing at "Esperanto") [this info from my old, course instructions].

This quick and fun, non-technical introduction to the language enabled the students — at the end of 45 minutes to an hour — to enjoyably complete the assignment to "write a five sentence paragraph in Esperanto," and nicely taught them how easy the language is to pick up.

I have searched through the Media Library and the Grammar section of the "new" Lernu, to no avail. I've also tried to access mentioned in comments above as a possible repository of old Lernu material, but that server seems to be down.

Can anyone help me locate the really excellent little intro to Esperanto grammar and vocabulary?

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