讯息: 14
语言: English
Katzedecimal (显示个人资料) 2016年7月24日下午10:21:39
erinja (显示个人资料) 2016年7月24日下午10:51:40
TheStoic (显示个人资料) 2016年12月6日上午9:49:27
oyd11 (显示个人资料) 2016年12月6日下午10:12:24
roboto_loco (显示个人资料) 2016年12月8日下午2:17:08
raffadalbo (显示个人资料) 2016年12月9日上午11:32:12
I suppose that this is not supported by lernu! but lernu! knows about it.
And in fact I believe this is a strong help for lernu! Users that still want to find old courses may do this - even if probably not with 100% of the original functionalities and without guarantee.
In the future I hope that lernu! itself arranges something similar for what they cannot or do not want to update but is still valuable for some users.
roboto_loco (显示个人资料) 2016年12月9日下午1:33:16
oyd11 (显示个人资料) 2016年12月27日上午9:10:42
There's some very nice audio recordings - like some Andersen's tales here:
Also - some anyone know how to download the Audio from the current "Nakamura" course? I would like to listen to it offline several times after reading, thanks!
OrionPax (显示个人资料) 2017年2月27日下午7:46:10
RoxanneRW (显示个人资料) 2018年5月28日上午12:49:53
I am about to teach a linguistics course I last taught in 2015. Then and for a number of years prior, I had my students "learn" the basics of Esperanto at the old Lernu website at http://en.lernu.net/enkonduko/index.php. From that screen, I then had them go to English-based "About Esperanto" (clicking on the Cat with the Flag picture), then to "Introduction to the Language" (clicking on the cat pointing at "Esperanto") [this info from my old, course instructions].
This quick and fun, non-technical introduction to the language enabled the students — at the end of 45 minutes to an hour — to enjoyably complete the assignment to "write a five sentence paragraph in Esperanto," and nicely taught them how easy the language is to pick up.
I have searched through the Media Library and the Grammar section of the "new" Lernu, to no avail. I've also tried to access http://dvd.ikso.net/pagxo/eo/kurso.html mentioned in comments above as a possible repository of old Lernu material, but that server seems to be down.
Can anyone help me locate the really excellent little intro to Esperanto grammar and vocabulary?