
How popular is E-o (trans q, checking)

글쓴이: Miland, 2008년 4월 8일

글: 4

언어: English

Miland (프로필 보기) 2008년 4월 8일 오후 2:08:01

Suppose you meet a group of Japanese visitors in Europe (this is an imaginary situation), and you want to ask them 'How popular is E-o in your country?' 'How' here means 'to what degree'. Should this be Kiel populara estas E-o en via lando?

mnlg (프로필 보기) 2008년 4월 8일 오후 2:23:44

Yes. Also "Kiom" would be acceptable. I would even dare a "Kiugrade", but perhaps it's unnecessarily complicated.

Miland (프로필 보기) 2008년 4월 8일 오후 3:06:25

mnlg:Yes. Also "Kiom" would be acceptable.
Thanks, I wondered about kiom since it can mean 'how much', but section 13.3.3 of PMEG appears to suggest that this refers to physical entities, whereas "Tre ofte kiel esprimas nur gradon, tute ne manieron" (14.3.2; also 24.5).

billpatt1942 (프로필 보기) 2008년 4월 15일 오전 12:27:35

Miland:Suppose you meet a group of Japanese visitors in Europe (this is an imaginary situation), and you want to ask them 'How popular is E-o in your country?' 'How' here means 'to what degree'. Should this be Kiel populara estas E-o en via lando?
My Suggestion:

Ĉu esperanto estas tre populara en Japanio, aŭ ne?

Why translate from english into Esperanto? Thinking in Esperanto, I thought "is it very popular or not" will get the conversation rolling. They might answer, "Ĝi estas populara kun junuloj en urboj, sed maljunuloj preferas la francan." (It is popular with youth in the cities, but old folks prefer french.)

I would think that "how" may mean "how come" (American), so it should be translated "kial", or "Je kia maniero ..."

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