Sporočila: 62
Jezik: English
erinja (Prikaži profil) 02. maj 2008 15:44:28
Lernu's Esperanto dictionary ("tuta vortaro") is currently about 33% translated into English.
This puts us about on par with German (31%) and French (30%), as well as Polish (32%) and Portuguese (31%).
We are currently well and truly beaten by languages such as Russian (47%), Dutch (51%), Finnish (54%), Italian (61%) and Chinese (71%).
It is my goal to put English on the top of this table, or at the very least, at above 50% translated! It isn't to say that English is any more important that these other languages, in and of itself. But lernu has more English-language users, by far, than any other language. Not only do we have many users from all of the the English-speaking world, but many people use the site in English if there is not yet a translation in their language.
RiotNrrd (Prikaži profil) 03. maj 2008 02:31:43
erinja:I have some word lists passed to me by usersI can help with those. Send one my way.
eb.eric (Prikaži profil) 03. maj 2008 16:31:02
Matthieu (Prikaži profil) 03. maj 2008 16:37:57
RiotNrrd (Prikaži profil) 03. maj 2008 17:12:26
eb.eric:Has a decision been reached about the formatting of verbs? I've just been skipping them when translating words in the tuta vortaro.Here's the general format I've been using:
[explanation] verb (tr/intr);
The square-bracketed "explanation" is some English word that will make a distinction between various meanings. If there's only one translation, I'll skip it.
So, "see" becomes:
[view] vidi (tr); [meet] renkonti (tr);...
I've been using the same format for other types of words, but (of course) dropping the transitivity abbreviation.
RiotNrrd (Prikaži profil) 03. maj 2008 17:30:31
I (and I'm sure, all of you) don't plan on abusing this ability, but it's something that we need to be aware of so we don't accidentally screw up someone else's posts. Or, if possible, it's an ability that really ought to be taken away and reserved for just the Lernu administrators.
Just something I thought I'd point out.
erinja (Prikaži profil) 03. maj 2008 23:05:35
But I encourage you to "claim" a letter of the alphabet and work on it, either Esperanto to English (adding "to" to the verb definitions and indicating transitivity, or translating the Esperanto words into English), or, on the English to Esperanto side, adding words, indicating transitivity on the Esperanto words, and editing the existing definitions.
I have been working my way slowly through the letter A on the Esperanto-English side. I am currently translating all of the existing untranslated words. After that, I will make a second pass through and add transitivity info (plus the word "to") to the previously translated verbs.
Re: formatting, that isn't the format I have been using, but I could certainly go back and change the ones I already did.
I will let the teamo know re: the forum post formatting thing.
erinja (Prikaži profil) 03. maj 2008 23:11:20
Mutusen:I would like to help translate the French dictionary, but I think I will not have a lot of time... Is this a problem?Hi
You are very welcome to help out, even if you can only give 5 minutes a week towards it. Any contribution is useful, even if it is very small.
Do you have dictionary permissions yet? If not, I can give them to you.
RiotNrrd (Prikaži profil) 03. maj 2008 23:19:09
erinja:Re: formatting, that isn't the format I have been using, but I could certainly go back and change the ones I already did.I haven't done a large number of words yet, so I think we can still discuss the format. I just wanted to see how my particular format would look, so I did a few words that way. Personally, I am pleased with how it works, but I don't think at this time it's set in stone, either.
But we do need to decide on a common format soon, so there is less to rework.
RiotNrrd (Prikaži profil) 04. maj 2008 02:13:15
erinja:But I encourage you to "claim" a letter of the alphabet and work on it, either Esperanto to English (adding "to" to the verb definitions...Well, I put in an hour or so, and "to-ified" the English translations of all the verbs in B, C, D, E, and R (Esperanto to English). It's not difficult work, but it can be a bit mind-numbingly repetitive. I think I'll take a little break now.

(I started with R - for "RiotNrrd", of course - but when I realized just how fast I could actually grind through the lists, I decided to be a bit more systematic. You already said you were taking A, so I started with B.)