
Traduku Hari Poter-n!

de Novico Dektri, 28 de julio de 2006

Aportes: 30

Idioma: English

Novico Dektri (Mostrar perfil) 28 de julio de 2006 00:01:23

For all those who want to see Harry Potter in Esperanto, there's a petition to get that working into motion. Here is the link-

Por cxiuj kiuj volas legi Hari Poter-n Esperante, cxi tio estas petskribi por traduki gxin. Cxi tio estas la pagxo por subteni gxin:

kejos144 (Mostrar perfil) 28 de julio de 2006 03:50:50

HAHA! That's awesome! I am so signing that. I want to read the seventh book in Esperanto rather than English. (Even though I'll probably read the English since it comes out sooner.)


Esben87 (Mostrar perfil) 28 de julio de 2006 11:20:29

Signing right now ridulo.gif

Novico Dektri (Mostrar perfil) 28 de julio de 2006 23:32:59

Come on, people. I realize that not everyone reads Harry Potter, but we need as many signatures as we can get, and its not fair if Esperanto never gets a chance to incorporate such a great series into its literature. It'd be a great service for the movement, I think. Please. Anyone, everyone.

kejos144 (Mostrar perfil) 28 de julio de 2006 23:51:48

I am getting people who don't speak Esperanto to sign it.

I really want that book. Heh. rideto.gif

Shawna (Mostrar perfil) 30 de julio de 2006 09:15:18

I signed the petition, too. That woulsd be so cool. I've got almost all the books in English, except HP&the half-blood prince and I'm waiting for that to hit paperback.

Now if I could get my fiance, my godson, and his sister to sign it, hmmm...

I'm actually surprised that it's not already in Esperanto, it's in like 20+ languages already.

kejos144 (Mostrar perfil) 30 de julio de 2006 10:55:56

But Esperanto isn't an actual language/has a small number of speakers, so I doubt they would pay someone to translate it out of the list of every other language. That petition probably won't do us any good though.

Sed Esperanto ne estas realan lingvon/havas malgrandajn sumojn de parolantojn, tia mi dubas ili pagi iu traduki ĝin el la listo de ĉiu lingvo. Tio peticio ne faras probable ni bonon.
(Bonvolu korektu mian gramatikon.)

Shawna (Mostrar perfil) 30 de julio de 2006 20:33:58

Esperanto is a real language. We're not talking Sindarin (Tolkien's Elvish) or Klingon. While those have grammer and vocabulary, they are not a living language, that grows throughout the years. I doubt they have words such as "website" or "email".

Esperanto has been around for over 100 years, the number of people who speak it has been growing steadily. And two million plus speakers as a low estimate doesn't seem very small to me.

I used to work for WordPath, a Native American language preservation society. Most of the tribal languages we worked with had, max, a couple thousand speakers, and some didn't even have that many. Some didn't have more than a few hundred, if that. I took a year and a half of Cherokee in college, and that has only a few thousand speakers. Yet no one doubted that it was a real language, one in danger of being lost forever, and, thus, deserving of preservation for the next generation.

What is your definition of a "real" language? Does it have to have ethnic or national ties to a particular people or country? By that definition, no, Esperanto is not a "real" language. But that's the whole point of Esperanto, a language that doesn't just "belong" to one people, one tribe, one nation, but to all people.

We have a lot of Spanish-only speakers in my neighborhood, and while I speak some Spanish, I always get the feeling that I'm not on equal ground. They've been speaking Spanish their whole life, they have a whole culture around it, and this gringo here with four years of study can't compete.

The reason I'm learning Esperanto is to get away from all that. Everyone, with the possible exception of children of Esperanto speakers, is a non-native speaker. We come from all over the world. We have a culture that transcends national boundaries. How often do you think people talk to others in other countries? I mean, really talk to? And especially with the global reach of the Internet, the use of a neutral language

And don't feel down about the chances of this happening. The whole point of Esperanto is to bridge cultural and national gaps. Even if this doesn't go through, it lets people know that, yes, a lot of people speak Esperanto, enough that they can realistically ask for their own edition. I'm sure they have Braille editions, so why not an Esperanto edition?

It's probably easier to print an Esperanto edition than some of the others, seeing as we use a Roman-based alphabet. In other languages, Russian for one, the alphabet used can influence how many pages have to be printed. If you keep the type face the same, a Russian translation of an English book might come out a third larger.

Phew, sorry about the rant, but I felt that you touched a nerve. If Esperanto isn't a real language, then there's no point in us being here in this community, and everything we've worked on to help this language and movement grow is literally nothing.

mikethomas (Mostrar perfil) 31 de julio de 2006 18:25:20

I wish my rants were as elegant as yours. ridulo.gif

I signed up, now I have to greatly improve my Esperanto so I can enjoy the book, WHEN it comes out.


Shawna (Mostrar perfil) 1 de agosto de 2006 01:39:45

Get a degree in journalism with a concentration in public relations, and you too can sound elegant while frothing at the mouth! ridulo.gif

That's why I want a copy of the book in Esperanto. I've already got the English.

I just wonder how they would translate the magic words they say. In English, it sounds like mangled Latin.

I'm not sure how you could preserve the strangeness of the word when translating. Of course, they could always leave it as it is. I wouldn't want to be the person who has to figure out how to say "Lumos" in Esperanto!

What if, along with the petition, if some people volunteered to help translate the book into Esperanto? It's possible that they haven't yet because they don't know how to go about finding translators.

Just a thought...


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