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Strange Words For English

od topeka1965, 11. augusta 2018

Príspevky: 5

Jazyk: English

topeka1965 (Zobraziť profil) 11. augusta 2018 22:57:21

Hi. I'm trying to do some translations from the Vortaro into English. I'm having a lot of trouble with words in the Vortaro entry for "-ebl-". I could just be having a mental block, so I was hoping someone could help me translate them. They are:

opinieble, from the phrase "sur kiu opinieble devis stari nur la plej malfeliĉa". Opinionably? The best guess on that is something like "on which only the most unhappy may think they must stand", but that doesn't seem close enough.

transnaĝeble and transireble, from the phrase "nek transnaĝeble, nek transireble". These sort of work for me as adjectives ("crossable by swimming", "crossable by walking"), but they are adverbs here. "Crossable by swimming-ly" doesn't make sense to me.

nepovebligis, from the phrase "ŝia penegado, per sia propra tro forta streĉiĝo, nepovebligis ĉiun progreson". The sentence seems to call for a positive word like "ensured" or "made inevitable", but it seems like "nepovebla" would translate to "not possible". The best I can do is "Her persistence, with her own overly strong tension, made all progress impossible". Is that right?

Thanks in advance for any help on this.


sudanglo (Zobraziť profil) 12. augusta 2018 13:36:00

I wouldn't worry too much about these words. I would guess that they have very low incidence.

Anyway, opinieble - oni povus pensi/opinii

Sur kiu, opinieble, .. - On which, one might suppose/ one might well think/ it might be thought, ...

it's not the least fortunate who have the opinion but rather what others might think.


I wonder whether there is any distinction between malebligis (common usage) and nepovebligis

In the matter of transnaĝeble and transireble, it may just be that In the full sentence the grammar of Esperanto would demand an adverb where English would use an adjective.


1. La forta vento faris la maron netransirebla
2. Estas nekredeble, ke ŝi faris tion

Altebrilas (Zobraziť profil) 13. augusta 2018 8:58:06

Saluton Richard,

As a french speaking person, I have no problem with those sentences, although I would say it otherwise.

opinieble, like bedaŭrindekompreneble:

X-e = Oni povas X-i, ke...

Opinieble = oni pobas opinii, ke...

La adverbo anstataŭas la ĉefan subfrazon, kie en:

Kompreneble, pro sia malbona prononco, li parolas tute nekompreneble. (kp. la du adverbojn)

Altebrilas (Zobraziť profil) 13. augusta 2018 9:15:39

"ili devis stari" en la sama frazo povas signifi fizikan aŭ logikan devigon:

la plej malfeliĉa estis devigata stari

oni devis pensi, ke estis nur la plej malfeliĉa, kiu staris

Altebrilas (Zobraziť profil) 13. augusta 2018 9:18:26

"ŝia penegado, per sia propra tro forta streĉiĝo, nepovebligis ĉiun progreson"

I would have written:

"ŝia penegado, pro sia propra tro forta streĉiĝo, malebligis ĉiun progreson"

Mi tute konsentas kun vi. / I fully agree with you.
