Kwa maudhui

I'm translating something, but I don't understand these terms or phrases, please help me:

ya jeckettre, 27 Desemba 2018

Ujumbe: 7

Lugha: English

jeckettre (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 27 Desemba 2018 1:54:33 asubuhi

el la sako elŝoviĝis la ŝako


tio tamen estus elturniĝo

larĝa ario, enlula akordo


Savinto, Sankta Virgulino de Loretto, Ĉieloj



brusta elfleksaĵo

maŝinisto (on a train)

repuŝa malproksimeblo

interniga lagero

la Ferfabrikiston de Ohnet



tiri la konsekvencoj

la kataroj kaj la husitoj

savista kuracisto


elektra transfajrerado

envii al ...

grandioze vi alŝmiris al ili

etaj problemoj (of women)



manumi lauvice la grupoj

sugestiva sento

elektra bugio



la kapricoj de la elementoj

inde al ...

murakvo (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 28 Desemba 2018 12:57:29 asubuhi

this guy's borrowing words left and right and not really making much sense, i feel really bad for you. i did my best.

el la sako el'ŝovi'ĝis la ŝako
the chess (pieces) become taken out from the bag

the one conducting the game

tio tamen estus el'turn'iĝo
that however would be something "out of turn"? (talking about game turns in chess maybe?)

larĝa ario, en'lula akordo
a broad "aria" (apparently "orchestra melody for a solo singer"), a lulling chord

- i assume this is an attempt to say "economize"`??

Savinto, Sankta Virg'ul'ino de Loretto, Ĉieloj
A savior, Saint Virgin of Loretto, Heavens/Skies

shipwreck (/capsize?)

assume this is supposed to mean "monsoon wind"

brusta el'fleks'aĵo
chest flexing?????? i don't know enough about anatomy to make any kind of guess at this

maŝinisto (on a train)
mechanic / engineer

repuŝa malproksimeblo
recoil distance possibility?

interniga lagero
maybe lagero is suposed to be "lager" (warehouse, not beer?)

la Fer'fabrik'iston de Ohnet
the iron-factory worker of Ohnet

using Ginto. uh... yeah.


tiri la konsekvencoj
to pull (=manipulate?) the consequences

savista kuracisto
rescue doctor (emergency doctor?)

key-airplane... maybe they mean "central/important etc. airplane"?

elektra transfajrerado
electric across-sparking... when sparks travel along something???

envii al ...
to be envious about

grandioze vi alŝmiris al ili
grandiously you smeared (??? probably some phrase like "sucked up" or something??) them

etaj problemoj (of women)
trifling problems

Graves-Basedow disease (apparently hyperthyroidism?)

manumi lauvice la grupoj
i'd need more context to figure this one out

sugestiva sento
a suggestive feeling o.0

elektra bugio
an electric buggy??


to get squeezed/pressured into

la kapricoj de la elementoj
the whims of the elements

inde al ...
worthy of

jeckettre (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 28 Desemba 2018 2:15:50 asubuhi

murakvo:this guy's borrowing words left and right and not really making much sense, i feel really bad for you. i did my best.

Thank you, although most of them are not correct, and those phrases cannot be understood literally.

murakvo (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 28 Desemba 2018 7:36:47 asubuhi

Okay, well it would be helpful if you linked to the original text or showed complete sentences so that we can get a better understanding of what it is you're trying to translate and be able to help you more. Esperanto, as you know, doesn't have set "dictionary meanings" or ways as to how we use compound words, instead we always write and understand through the surrounding context (ex. "manĝujo" meaning anything from "tupperware" to "feed bag"). But with your list as it is right now, we don't have any context to help us.

opajpoaj (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 28 Desemba 2018 5:36:47 alasiri

Per-Ginto ?
¿ ? ‽‽‽

jeckettre (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 30 Desemba 2018 2:34:48 alasiri

murakvo:Okay, well it would be helpful if you linked to the original text or showed complete sentences so that we can get a better understanding of what it is you're trying to translate and be able to help you more.....
“brusta elfleksajxo“ is not about anatomy, it's about clothing. Context :
“La sola diferenco estis, ke super la vestajxo kelkaj portis grizan surtuton, kiu similis al kapucxo, cxar havis gxi nek kolumon, nek brustan elfleksajxon”

And “sxlosil-flugilo” :
“Gxi estis la plej simpla pordega ŝlosilo kun glata ŝlosil-flugilo. Cxe ni malŝlosus tiun pordon eĉ la plej mallerta ŝtelisto.”

And “elektra bugio” :
“La situacio estis des pli urgxa, ĉar mian motoron, ne tauxgan por tia senĉesa laboro, mi devis plurfoje haltigi, purigi aux ŝangxi la elektrajn bugiojn”

opajpoaj (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 30 Desemba 2018 10:08:26 alasiri

elektra bugio : sparkilo (elektra eksplodigilo) – bugio ≈ 'bougie' (por eksplodmotoro) [france !]

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