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Saying Please Pt.2

by Skully101, March 7, 2019

Messages: 3

Language: English

Skully101 (User's profile) March 7, 2019, 4:12:22 AM

Thank you for your help in my first message.
I understand that the suffix "U" is used for commands, but what i don't get is why you put the "U" ending on Bonvolu?

sergejm (User's profile) March 7, 2019, 4:40:07 AM

donU => bonvolU donI
Ordona -U transiras de origina verbo al 'bonvolu', origina verbo iĝas infintifo. La frazo restas ordono, kvankam ĝentila.
Komparu latinan 'nolite dare!' - 'ne donu!'

nikhil (User's profile) March 7, 2019, 7:19:50 AM

Bovolu >> you are asking the person "Please" -- It comes from the verb Bonvoli = to be so kind as to
it is the -u form of Bonvoli which is used as Please in Esperanto

Bonvolu doni = Please give
Or you can say Donu! = Give! ( that will be a bit like ordering someone to give )

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