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Why Esperanto won’t diverge into dialects

od rapn21, 06. maj 2019

Sporočila: 32

Jezik: English

Zam_franca (Prikaži profil) 10. julij 2019 15:46:00

I do not believe that many esperantists speak " R-ismo " or " Esperant' ". With esperanto we understand each other. And in all languages, a begginer does not speak as a native. Almost nobody knows those "dialects". We already have a good language for communication, we have no reasons to create another one.

Mi ne kredas ke multaj esperantistoj parolas " R-ismon " aŭ " Esperant' ". Kun esperanto ni lomprenas unu la alian. En ĉiujn lingvojn, komencanto ne parolas same kiel denaska parolanto. Preskaŭ neniu konas ĉi tiujn "dialektojn". Ni jam havas bonan lingvon por komuniko, ni ne havas kaŭzojn por krei alian.

Zam_franca (Prikaži profil) 10. julij 2019 15:56:47

Ni devas protekti esperanton. Se iuj parolas "R-ismon" aŭ "Esperant", li simple ne parolas esperanton. Esperanto ne estas perfekta, sed hodiaŭ ĝi la plej bona solvo. Kontraŭ la "dialektoj", eble ni devus ignori ilin.

Zam_franca (Prikaži profil) 10. julij 2019 15:56:49

Sporočilo je skrito

MiMalamasLaAnglan (Prikaži profil) 10. julij 2019 23:44:00

MiMalamasLaAnglan:English might not have split into different languages, but when it changed from Old English to Middle English, it basically turned into a different language.
Vi nomiĝas "MiMalamasLaAnglan", vi diras "ne krokodilu" kaj vi skribas en angle ? Estas tre amuza. Mi ne koleras,nur mi ridas
rapn21 skribis angle.

Metsis (Prikaži profil) 11. julij 2019 07:18:26

walfino:However to me beginner standard Esperanto sometimes feels like a different dialect from experienced standard Esperanto (which usually has a much higher proportion of adverbs, and adjectives used as verbs, for example).
This is my experience also, that there ways that feel like different dialects. For instance (these are of course crude generalisations ridulo.gif )
  • -intus, -antus, -ontus babblers
    To me they seem to fail understand, that -us is timeless, i.e. Mi farus tion can refer both to a past and a future doing depending on the context.
  • passive participle cultivators
    Many of these appear to be English-speakers, who try to repeat English passive voice. E.g. A book was read : Libro estis leginta instead of simpler Libron oni legis.
  • formal subject injectors
    There are speakers, who use ĝi and tie as formal subjects, cf. "it" and "there" in English, although this is not limited to English-speakers.
  • complex expression hornies
    Some people (I'm looking at you, French-speaking Monato-writers) just get so high by inventing most complex ways to express things.

MiMalamasLaAnglan (Prikaži profil) 07. november 2019 15:10:45

Kio estas Esperant' ?

nornen (Prikaži profil) 07. november 2019 18:42:06

  • -intus, -antus, -ontus babblers
  • passive participle cultivators
  • formal subject injectors
  • complex expression hornies
I concur with you 100%. I would also add the groups "it must be possible in Esperanto to express this idea exactly the same way as it is expressed in my native tongue" and "One Esperanto word (e.g. dividi) maps to two words in my language (e.g. divide, share), therefore I must invent a new word (e.g. kunhavi) to create a 1-to-1-mapping". Sadly, I am not as good as you at thinking of concise titles for these groups.

Metsis (Prikaži profil) 08. november 2019 07:44:31


rapn21 (Prikaži profil) 13. november 2019 11:46:27

novatago:Well, the lobby of gender ideology is introducing a (chaotic) reform in the gender system of esperanto.
There is no gender lobby, that doesn't exist. There are some people who care about gender reform, but it's misleading to call them a lobby. Also, the addition of a small suffix is not chaotic.

novatago:Anyway there is a group of people using that in several ways: NoGo-Esperanto (Neutral Gender Esperanto) speakers. And there is another group of people that is not going to accept that at all: Esperanto speakers.
"NoGo Esperanto" isn't a real word, you just made that up. To claim one side of the gender debate are the "real" Esperanto speakers and the other isn't is dishonest. I don't fully agree with either side, but I recognise that they both are Esperantists.

novatago:In internet, the newcomers don't get anything about the history of Esperanto they just know, more or less, that it's an artificial language. They don't have proper information about the origin and the target of the language and the first thing they see is the NoGo-Esperanto lobby and a lot of people talking about introducing affixes.
There is plenty of information online about the histor of Esperanto and reformists are certainly not the first or only people beginners see.

novatago:It's a shame to see people lying to beginners about Esperanto to reform it.
What lies are they telling?

novatago:But you can still live in Lollypopland where you can choose to see only what you want.
Is this directed at me? Either way, you are way too aggressive and need to calm down. Not everyone who disagrees with you is an enemy who wants to destroy Esperanto. You also exaggerate way too much and blow things out of proportion.

rapn21 (Prikaži profil) 13. november 2019 11:48:19

walfino:But there are already some dialects. Ri-ismo, Esperant' etc. come to mind
Riismo isn't a dialect because using a single extra word does not make a new dialect. No one has ever heard of Esperant'

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