
Question about 'bati'

od Kantoj14, 6. kolovoza 2019.

Poruke: 6

Jezik: English

Kantoj14 (Prikaz profila) 6. kolovoza 2019. 04:57:44

'Bati' means to hit or strike. I assume that means to hit something else. What word would you recommend for hitting yourself accidentally, like "Ow, I hit my head on the doorframe!" or "I hit my elbow against the counter!"? Would you still use bati?

Metsis (Prikaz profila) 6. kolovoza 2019. 06:25:33

Plena Ilustrita Vortaro (PIV) is one of the most important dictionaries of Esperanto. It's monolingual, i.e. explains Esperanto in Esperanto, so it requires more than basic understanding of the language.

PIV gives for the verb bati several meanings, both transitive and intransitive (to hit, strike, beat, scramble eggs etc.).

Bati can also be used reciprocally, i.e. the action is directed toward all subjects (Sinjoroj sin batas : Gentlemen are beating each other).

There are also several derived verbs, of which we are interested in

albati :
1) abrupte alproksimigi ion al io
2) fiksi per batado

The first meaning carries the idea, that something suddenly hits something, albeit in this case the action is more making the hitting. What we need here is to become (-iĝi) hit by something, thus albatiĝi (Ho, mia kapo albatiĝis al la pordokadro).

sudanglo (Prikaz profila) 6. kolovoza 2019. 12:47:21

So 'the car hit the wall' and 'the policeman hit the demonstrator' seem to be difference uses.

There are a number of verbs in Esperanto to do with one thing hitting another :- bati, frapi, karamboli, trafi and kolizii, and these can be modified with prefixes and suffixes.

PIV gives as examples :- frapiĝi kontraŭ tablo, muro knock/bump into a table, wall; li trafiĝis de falanta tegolo k mortis he was hit by a falling tile and died; pramo karambolis kun vaporŝipeto k subakviĝis a ferry-boat collided with a (small) steam ship and sank.

Personally to translate "Ow, I hit my head on the doorframe!", I wouldn't use albatiĝi. I might say Aj! Mia kapo frapiĝis kontraŭ la pordo-kadro.

Translation is an art not a science.

Metsis (Prikaz profila) 7. kolovoza 2019. 08:11:30

Sudanglo pravas: frapiĝi estas pli bona ĉi-kaze.

Audrea (Prikaz profila) 7. kolovoza 2019. 23:43:24

I second frapiĝi - this usage of the mediopassive is also highly intuitive for Slavs, e.g. я ударился/ударилась

Kantoj14 (Prikaz profila) 12. kolovoza 2019. 11:24:31

Tre dankon! ridulo.gif

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