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Kiel oni tradukas la vorton "of" por indiki lokon?

by Ariend, August 12, 2020

Messages: 5

Language: English

Ariend (User's profile) August 12, 2020, 1:31:02 AM

Mi scivolas, kiel oni diras la vorton "of" en esperanto kiam la vorto "of" parolas pri loko ke iu venas de. Ekzemple, en la angla, kiel oni tradukas "Faramir of Gondor"? Mi konjektas ke gxi povas esti "de" aux "el", simila "Faramir de Gondor" aux "Faramir el Gondor".
Dankon, kaj mi bedauxras ke mia esperanto ne estas tre bona, mi estas komencanto

sergejm (User's profile) August 12, 2020, 4:21:33 AM

Uzu 'el'

sudanglo (User's profile) August 12, 2020, 11:31:38 AM

Is your question the sames as what preposition does one use to translate 'the Queen of England'. In that case it's 'de', not 'el'.

On the other hand, if Faramir of Gondor means Faramir (name?) who comes from Gondor (place?) then 'el' is fine, but you could also use 'de'.

I leave it to others to explain the subtle difference between la trajno de Berlino and la trajno el Berlino.

nornen (User's profile) August 12, 2020, 4:03:09 PM

When it is merely about the place of origin, I would prefer "el": Bilbo Baggins el Bagend; Bilbo Baggins el la Shire.

When it is about a title or a position, I would use "de": Denethor II (lokotenanto) de Gondor.

As Faramir is the son of the current Steward to the King of Gondor, I suppose you can use both, "de" focuses on the fact that he is in the line of succession of the stewardship to the king of Gondor, "el" focuses on the fact that he is from the land of Gondor.

When Faramir has become the Prince of Ithilien you can even use both: Faramir de Ithilien el Gondor. He is the prince of Ithilien and comes originally from Gondor.

Ariend (User's profile) August 13, 2020, 6:45:11 AM

Bone, dankon al ĉiuj!

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