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Has anyone here looked into Lingua Franca Nova/LFN/Elefen?

od PrimeMinisterK, 15. apríla 2022

Príspevky: 13

Jazyk: English

PrimeMinisterK (Zobraziť profil) 15. apríla 2022 8:36:08

I recently found out about this language and it's kind of intrigued me. It's inspired by creoles and is derived from the romance languages, and having studied Spanish a bit in the past, it strikes me as a language much like Spanish but with a greatly simplified grammar.

The language has actually been in existence for several decades and seems to consistently have a small community surrounding it (there's a Facebook group, a Discord, a subreddit (though not an especially active one), and I think maybe something on Telegram also. From what I can tell, Discord seems to be where most of the conversation is happening.

For whatever reason, it seems that the language can never quite get to the next level in terms of the size of its community and interest, but at the same time it doesn't die out either.

More info:



SlavikDze (Zobraziť profil) 17. apríla 2022 10:03:33

Yeah, this pidgin is pretty enough. I'm reading LFN-translation of "Winnie-the-Pooh" just now.

SlavikDze (Zobraziť profil) 25. apríla 2022 8:27:43

Alga aforismos de Mark Twain


All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.
Tota, cual vos nesesa en esta vive, es ignoransa e confiansa, e alora sucseso es serta.


Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Vos debe nunca argumenta con stupida omos, car los va tira vos a sua nivel e pos va gania vos con sua esperiensa.


There are many humorous things in the world, among them the white man`s notion that he is less savage than the other savages.
En nosa mundo es multe humora cosas, entre cuales es la idea de la "blanka om", ce el es min savaja ca otra savajos.


Fortune knocks at every man`s door once in a life, but in a good many cases the man is in a neighbouring saloon and does not hear her.
Un ves en la vive fortuna toca a la porte de cada om, ma en multe casos acel omos es en visina baros e ne oida el.


The lack of money is the root of all evil.
La manca de mone es la radis de la tota mal.


nornen (Zobraziť profil) 25. apríla 2022 17:28:30

Interese. Ĉar mi denaske parolas la hispanan, mi komprenas ĉion. Ekz:

Tota, cual vos nesesa en esta vive, es ignoransa e confiansa, e alora sucseso es serta.
Todo que vos necesitás en esta vida, es la ignorancia y la confianza, y entonces el suceso (éxito) es (será) cierto.
("alora" mi komprenas pro la itala "allora")

Eĉ la frazoj ne aspektas kiel artefaritaj, ili povus bone esti en iu latinida lingvo, kiun mi ne konas. Eble ia kreolo el la karibo. Se mi ne scius, ke temas pri artefarita lingvo, mi eble konjektus, ke la frazoj estas katalunaj (kiun mi ne parolas).

Ĉu kun denaskaj slavparolantoj okazas la samo ĉe Medžuslovjansky?

SlavikDze (Zobraziť profil) 26. apríla 2022 14:22:13

Mi supozas, ke Interslavic estas sufiĉe komprenebla por ĉiuj pli-malpli edukitaj ruslingvanoj. Persone por mi nur malmultaj vortoj estis kaj estas dekomence nerekoneblaj.
Koncerne al LFN mi opinias, ke ĉi tiu lingvo estus pli oportuna, se ĝi havus proprajn pronomojn por ĉiu genro, ĉar unusola "el" por viroj kaj virinoj estas iom embarasa.
Sed mi esperas, ke en LFN-komunumo neniu ekkoleros, se iu insolenta ulo komencos uzi pronomo "ela" por virinoj.


A woman is driving for 1st time on the highway.
Her husband calls says:
"Be careful, love! It's just been on the radio, that someone is driving opposite to the traffic on the highway."
She replies:
"Someone...? These rascals are in hundreds!"
Una fem gida sua auto sur autovia prima ves.
Sua sposo telefona a ela e dise:
"Es atenta, cara! On comunica en radio, ce algun gida contra trafic sur acel autovia."
Ela responde:
"Algun...? Asi es sentos de tal idiotos!"


Luis_Manuel (Zobraziť profil) 30. apríla 2022 20:45:58

hahaha mi nomiĝas ĝin malbone parolata hispana.... ĝi estas escence vulgara latina sed simpligita. mi evidente parolas hispana, ĝi estas mia nativa ligvo ankaŭ mi flue parolas itala kaj portugala modere franca kaj kataluna. kun ĉiu el ĉi tiuj ligvoj mi komprenas ĉion....eĉ mi povas vidi kiu vorto venas el ĉi tie likvoj...

SlavikDze (Zobraziť profil) 4. mája 2022 5:26:28

One day little Johnny was digging a hole in his back yard. The next-door neighbor spotted him and decided to investigate.
"Hello Johnny, what are you up to?" he asked.
"My goldfish died and I'm gonna bury him," Johnny replied.
"That's a really big hole for a goldfish, isn't it?" asked the neighbor.
"That's because he's inside your cat!"
A un dia peti Djoni fa buco en sua patio posterior. Un visino vide lo e deside aprende la causa.
"Alo, Djoni, cual tu vole con esta buco?" el demanda.
"Mea pex ora ia mori e me vole sepulta el," responde la xico.
"Ma tal buco es tro grande per un pex ora."
"Lo es a causa ce el es a interna de vosa gato."


A mother was teaching her son about the side-effects of alcohol. She gets two short glasses, filling one with water and the other with whiskey.
She says "I want you to see this."
She puts a worm in the water, and it swims around. She puts a worm in the whiskey, and the worm dies immediately.
She then says, feeling that she has made her point clear, "What do you have to say about this experiment?"
The son responds by saying: "If I drink whiskey, I won't get worms!"
Un madre vole instrui sua fio sur nosiva efeto de alcol. Ela prende du tases e pleni un tas par acua e la otra par wisce.
Ela dise: "Me vole, ce tu vide lo."
Ela pone un verme en acua, e el nada ala. Ela pone otra verme en wisce, e el mori pronto.
Ela demanda alora, pensante ce sua esplica es clar: "Cual tu pote dise sur esta esperimenta?"
E la fio responde: "Si me bevi wisce, me no va ave vermes!"


An ethnogapher visits an Indian tribe full of men.
He asks "How do you guys relieve your sexual tension?"
"Simple, just come down to the river tomorrow and we'll show you."
The next day the ethnographer shows up and sees a group of men near a donkey.
One man says "Since you're our guest you get to go first."
The ethnographer not wanting to go against custom starts to kiss, then proceeds to have sex with the donkey.
Then a man in the group asks, "Are you almost done, friend? We need the donkey to cross the river in order to get to the tribe of women."
Un etnografiste visita un tribu indian, do es sola omes.
El demanda: "E como vos, xicos, lejeri vosa tensa sesal?"
"Simple... Veni a la rio doman e nos va mostra a tu."
A la dia seguente la etnografiste veni a la rio e vide un grupo de omes prosima a un asino.
Un om dise: "Car tu es nosa ospitada, tu debe es prima."
La etnografiste, ci no vole vade contra costum, comensa besa la asino e pos ave seso con esta animal.
Alora un om en la grupo demanda: "Esce tu ia fini, ami? Nos nesesa la asino per traversa la rio e ateni la tribu de femes."


SlavikDze (Zobraziť profil) 11. mája 2022 11:34:33

DEA officer stops at a ranch in Texas, and talks with an old rancher. He tells the rancher, "I need to inspect your ranch for illegally grown drugs."
The rancher says, "Okay , but do not go in that field over there," as he points out the location.
The DEA officer verbally explodes saying, "Mister, I have the authority of the Federal Government with me."
Reaching into his rear pants pocket, he removes his badge and proudly displays it to the rancher. "See this badge? This badge means I am allowed to go wherever I wish... On any land... No questions asked or answers given. Have I made myself clear? Do you understand? "
The rancher nods politely, apologizes, and goes about his chores.
A short time later, the old rancher hears loud screams and sees the DEA officer running for his life chased by the rancher's big Santa Gertrudis Bull. With every step the bull is gaining ground on the officer, and it seems likely that he'll get gored before he reaches safety. The officer is clearly terrified.
The rancher throws down his tools, runs to the fence and yells at the top of his lungs, "Your badge... Show him your badge!"
Un ofisior de la Ajenteria Contra Narcotika veni a un ranxo en Texas e dise a la ranxor vea:
"Me debe esamina vosa ranxo sur narcoticas nonlegal cresente."
La ranxor dise:
"Bon, ma no vade en acel campo."
E el indica la loca.
La ofisior iritada dise:
"Senior, me ave la autoria de Governa Federal con me!"
El prende de un pox sua insenia e mostra lo orgulosa a la ranxor.
"Esce vos vide esta insenia? Esta insenia sinifia, ce me pote vade a cualce loca longo mea desira! En cualce rejion! Sin alga demandas, sin alga respondes! Esce mea esplica es clar? Esce vos ia comprende?"
La ranxor vea confirma con testa, escusa se e continua sua labora.
Pos tempo corta la ranxor oia crias forte e vide, ce la ofisior core de sua bove grande, nomida Santa Gertrudis.
Con cada paso la bove plu prosimi a la ofisior, e pare, ce la om va es sur la cornos ante cuando el atene secur loca. Es clar, ce la ofisior es forte asustada.
La ranxor lansa sua utiles, core a la serca e crias a la ofisior:
"Vosa insenia... Mostra a el vosa insenia!"


SlavikDze (Zobraziť profil) 19. mája 2022 11:26:32

John was sitting outside his local pub one day, enjoying a quiet pint and generally feeling good about himself, when a nun suddenly appears at his table and starts decrying the evils of drink.
"You should be ashamed of yourself young man! Drinking is a Sin! Alcohol is the blood of the devil!"
Now John gets pretty annoyed about this, and goes on the offensive.
"How do you know this, Sister?"
"My Mother Superior told me so."
"But have you ever had a drink yourself? How can you be sure that what you are saying is right?"
"Don't be ridiculous--of course I have never taken alcohol myself."
"Then let me buy you a drink - if you still believe afterwards that it is evil I will give up drink for life."
"How could I, a Nun, sit outside this public house drinking?!"
"I'll get the barman to put it in a teacup for you, then no one will ever know."
The Nun reluctantly agrees, so John goes inside to the bar.
"Another pint for me, and a triple vodka on the rocks", then he lowers his voice and says to the barman "and could you put the vodka in a teacup?"
"Oh no! It's not that Nun again is it?"
A un dia Djon senta estra sua bar prefereda, bevi con gusta sua bir e senti se multe bon. Subita una monce fema senta a sua table e comensa parla su malia de alcol.
"Vos debe ave vergonia, joven om! Bevi alcol es un peca! Alcol es sangue de la diablo!"
Djon deveni iritada e comensa sua ataca.
"Como lo sabe, Sore?"
"La Madre de nosa monceria lo dise."
"Ma esce vos minima un ves ia proba alcol? Come vos pote es serta, ce vosa parolas es vera?"
"No dise asurdia — comprendable, ce me nunca ia bevi alcol."
"Alora permete, ce me compra a vos un poca de vodca — si a pos vos continua crede, ce alcol es malia, me no va plu bevi lo tra la tota mea vive."
"Ma como pote me, una monce, es sentante estra un beveria e bevinte alcol?!"
"Me pote dise a la bariste, ce el versa lo en un tas, e alora nun va persepi lo."
La monce fema nonvolente acorda, e Djon vade a interna de la bar.
"Otra tason de bir per me e truple vodca con jelo," el dise a la bariste. E, basinte sua vose, ajunta: "E versa, per favore, la vodca en un tas de te."
"O, no!" esclama la bariste. "Esce acel monce fema denova es asi?"


SlavikDze (Zobraziť profil) 12. júna 2022 13:15:57

John Escott

The hat
(adapted story, level A1)
La xapo
(raconta ajustada, nivel A1)

Bernardo lives in Rome. He likes hats. One day he is at a street market near the Colosseum. Suddenly, he stops.
Bernardo vive en Roma. El gusta xapos. Un dia el es en un mercato de strada prosima a la Colosseum. Subita el para.

"I like that hat!" he says.
"Me gusta esta xapo!" el dise.

Bernardo buys the hat.
Bernardo compra la xapo.

"I can put it in a bag for you," the woman says.
"Me pote pone lo en saco per vos," la vende-fem dise.

"No, it's OK," Bernardo says. "I can wear it. Put my old hat in the bag, please."
"Lo no es nesesada," Bernardo dise. "Me pote porta lo sur mea testa. Pone mea xapo vea en la sako, per favore."

Bernardo arrives home.
Bernardo ariva a casa.

"Hello, Natalie," he says to his wife. "Do you like my new hat?"
"Alo, Natali," el dise a sua sposa. "Esce tu gusta mea xapo nova?

Natalie looks at him. She thinks, "No!" But she says, "Why do you want another hat, Bernardo? You have twenty!"
Natali mira a el. Ela pensa: "No!" Ma ela dise: "Perce tu vole un otra xapo, Bernardo? Tu ave ja dudes!"

"I like hats," Bernardo says. "And I like this hat."
"Me gusta xapos," Bernardo dise. "E me gusta esta xapo."

Natalie sees some people in the street. "They're laughing at Bernardo's hat," she thinks. "What can I do with it?"
Natali vide algun persones en la strada. "Los rie sur la xapo de Bernardo,' ela pensa. "Cual me pote fa con lo?"

Two days later, Natalie takes the hat to a store. The store buys and sells clothes. The man in the store buys Bernardo's hat.
Pos du dias Natali porta la xapo a un boteca. En esta boteca on compra e vende vestes. La om en la boteca compra la xapo de Bernardo.

That afternoon, Bernardo looks for his hat.
A esta dia Bernnardo xerca sua xapo.

"I can't find my hat, Natalie," he says.
"Me no pote trova mea xapo, Natali," el dise.

He looks in every room of the house.
El regarda en cada sala de sua casa.

"I can buy you a new hat, Bernardo," Natalie says. She smiles. "Let's go to the store!"
"Me pote compra a tu un xapo nova, Bernardo," Natali dise. Ela surie. "Vade nos a la boteca!"

Three days later, Anna buys the hat.
Pos tre dias Anna compra acel xapo.

Anna is a student from the United States. She is in Rome on vacation.
Anna es una studiante de Statos Unida de America. Ela es en Roma per vacanses.

"I love this hat!" she thinks. She smiles. "I can get some flowers for it."
"Me multe gusta esta xapo!" ela pensa. Ela surie. "Me pote oteni flores par lo."

A week later, Anna gets an airplane home.
Pos un semana Anna vola par un avion a sua casa.

She lives in California, near the ocean.
Ela vive en California, prosima a la mar.

That weekend, she goes down to the harbor. She goes to a cafe for a drink.
A la fine de esta semana ela vade su, a la porto. Ela entra en un caferia per bevi algun bevida.

Mitch is sitting in the cafe, too. He sees Anna's hat.
Mitx ance es sentante en esta caferia. El vide la xapo de Anna.

"Who's under that hat?" Mitch thinks.
"Ci es su esta xapo?" Mitx pensa.

Anna looks up and sees him.
Anna leva sua oios e vide el.

"Hi," Mitch says. "I love your hat."
"Bon dia," Mitx dise. "Me multe gusta vosa xapo."

"Thank you," Anna says. She smiles.
"Grasias," Anna dise. Ela surie.

"I'm Mitch," Mitch says.
"Me es Mitx," Mitx dise.

"I'm Anna," Anna says. She thinks, "I like him. Maybe this is a lucky hat!"
"Me es Anna," Anna dise. Ela pensa: "Me gusta el. Cisa lo es un xapo fortunosa!"

Mitch moves to Anna's table. They talk about books and movies.
Mitx senta se a la table de Anna. Los parla de libros e filmas.

Anna tells Mitch about Rome.
Anna raconta a Mitx sur Roma.

"It's a good place for hats!" she says.
"Lo es un loca bon per xapos!" ela dise.

Mitch laughs. "A beautiful hat for a beautiful girl," he says.
Mitx rie. "Un xapo bela per una xica bela," el dise.

"Thank you," she says.
"Grasias," ela dise.

"Come to the movies with me tomorrow, Anna," Mitch says.
"Vade a la sinema con me doman, Anna," Mitx dise.

"OK," Anna says. "Why not?"
"Bon," Anna dise. "Perce no?"

Suddenly, the wind takes Anna's hat away.
Subita la venta prende la xapo de Anna a via.

"My hat!" Anna says.
"Mea xapo!" Anna esclama.

The wind blows the hat out across the water.
La venta porta la xapo via en la mar.

"It's OK," Mitch says. "Can I buy you a new hat? Do you know a store near here?"
"Lo no es un problem," Mitx dise. "Esce me pote compra a tu un xapo nova? Tu conose algun boteca asi en prosimia?

"Yes, I do," Anna says. "Thank you."
"Si, me conose," Anna dise. "Grasias."

She smiles at Mitch.
Ela surie a Mitx.

* * * * *

It is early morning on a beach near the cafe.
Lo es un matina temprana sur la plaia serca de acel caferia.

Cal sleeps on the beach with Sunny, his dog. Cal has no money and no home. Every day, he plays his guitar on the street.
Col dormi sur la plaia con sua can Sanni. Col ave no mone e no casa. Cada dia el toca sua gitar en la strada.

"Look, Sunny," he says. "A hat. Go and get it!"
"Regarda, Sanni," el dise. "Un xapo. Nos prende lo!"

Cal plays his guitar on the street that morning.
Col toca sua gitar en la strada a esta matina.

Many people stop and listen. They put money in the hat.
Multe persones para e escuta. Los pone mone en la xapo.

"Look at this money, Sunny!" Cal says. "This is a lucky hat! We can eat at the cafe today. And tomorrow!"
"Regarda a esta mone, Sanni!" Col dise. "Lo es un xapo fortunosa! Nos pote come en la caferia oji. E doman!"

That night, a man comes to the beach. His name is Rod. He sees Cal and Sunny.
A esta note un om veni a la plaia. Sua nom es Rod. El vide Col e Sanni.

He sees the hat, too, and smiles.
El vide ance la xapo e surie.

"That's a good hat," he thinks.
"Lo es un xapo bon," el pensa.

He walks quietly across the beach. He takes the hat, then he walks away quickly.
El pasea cuieta tra la plaia. El prende la xapo e pos marxa rapida a via.

In the morning, Cal says to Sunny, "Where's my lucky hat?"
A matina Col dise a Sanni: "Do es mea xapo fortunosa?"

Later that night, Rod goes into town.
Tarda a esta sera Rod vade en la vila.

He goes to a store. He has a gun.
El entra en un boteca. El ave un pistol.

"What do you want?" the woman in the store asks.
"Cual vos vole?" la vende-fem demanda.

"Give me the money!" Rod says. "Quickly!"
"Dona a me la mone!" Rod dise. "Pronto!"

"OK, OK," the woman says.
"Bon, bon," la fem dise.

Rod takes the money and runs from the store.
Rod prende la mone e core de la boteca.

The woman calls the police. "He's tall and thin," she says. "And he's wearing a green and yellow hat."
La fem telefoni a la polisia. "El es alta e magra," ela dise. "E el porta un xapo verde-jala."

Later, two policemen see Rod on the street.
Pico plu tarda du polisiores vide Rod en la strada.

"He's wearing a green and yellow hat!" one policeman says.
"El es portante un xapo verde-jala!" un polisior dise.

"And he's tall and thin!" his friend says. "It's him!"
"E el es alta e magra!" sua ami dise. "El es acel rubor!"

Suddenly, Rod sees them. He runs.
Subita ance Rod vide los. El core.

"It's this hat," he thinks. "It isn't a lucky hat!"
"Lo es par causa de esta xapo," el pensa. "Lo no es un xapo fortunosa!"

He throws away the hat.
El dejeta la xapo a via.

The hat falls into a taxi. A young woman, Gina, is in the taxi. She laughs. "That's lucky!" she thinks. "I can wear this hat." The taxi arrives at Los Angeles airport.
La xapo cade en un taxi. Un fem joven, Djina, senta en esta taxi. Ela rie. "Lo es un fortuna!" ela pensa. "Me pote porta esta xapo." La taxi ariva a la airoporto de Los Angeles.

"Are you going on vacation?" the taxi driver asks Gina.
"Esce vos vola per vacanses?" la taxiste demanda a Djina.

"No, I'm going home to Italy," Gina answers.
"No me vola a casa, a Italia," Djina responde.

A day later, Gina is in Rome.
A la dia seguente Djina es en Roma.

"It's a beautiful city," she thinks. "And it's my city."
"Lo es un site bela," ela pensa. "E lo es mea site."

A man stops and looks at her hat. Gina sees him.
Un om para e regarda a sua xapo. Djina vide el.

"Do you like hats?" Gina asks him.
"Esce vos gusta xapos?" Djina demanda a el.

"I love hats!" Bernardo says.
"Me ama xapos!" Bernardo dise.
