Kwa maudhui

Kiom kostas un lido?

ya pastorant, 10 Novemba 2006

Ujumbe: 13

Lugha: English

pastorant (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 11 Novemba 2006 11:20:45 alasiri

I think pastorant is referring to introducing new roots in everyday speech (ie outside of poetry, etc) when a perfectly suitable word made up from other roots already exists, eg using "trista" instead of "malgaja". That just doesn't make sense! In this case though there is a difference in meaning between "falsa" and "malvera".
Exactly. That is what I was referring to. So which was the proper word in the original post? Falsa or malvera?

Precize! Mi signifis tion. Do, kiu vorto estis korekta por la unua afiŝo?

RiotNrrd (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 11 Novemba 2006 11:30:55 alasiri

You're on the right track, but falsa specifically means something that is falsified
Jes, mi kredas ke vi pravas. I would not mean to suggest that eo is meant to deceive! ridulo.gif

pastorant:So which was the proper word in the original post? Falsa or malvera?
I'm beginning to think maybe the word you want is "artefarita" or, since it was referring to money, "ludmono".

pastorant (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 12 Novemba 2006 2:03:53 asubuhi

I'm beginning to think maybe the word you want is "artefarita" or, since it was referring to money, "ludmono".
Mi malkonsentas. I would use the word "artefarita" in artefarita koro. Monopoly money is "ludmono". I was basically asking if a lido was a made-up currency, not if it was play money.

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