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Learning Esperanto

door Sinanthiel, 9 december 2008

Berichten: 42

Taal: English

mnlg (Profiel tonen) 11 december 2008 09:08:44

The fact is that in the sentence "you try too much", "too much" is an adverb. It describes "try". If it were to be, for instance, "you apply too much pressure", then in that case "too much" would be describing "pressure" and it would be correct to use "tro multan premon".

nebwahs (Profiel tonen) 11 december 2008 09:14:13

ceigered:I must say, Esperanto is peculiar language at times, but I guess that's part of the joy .
Haha, yea I felt that way for ages, but once you get used to the patterns and they get ingrained in your brain, it makes a lot of sense and you enjoy it even more! rido.gif

Oh, and Sinanthiel, if you could send me the link to where you got Incubus from I'd be very appreciative! rideto.gif

ceigered (Profiel tonen) 11 december 2008 10:06:39

Hey Sinanthiel, could you post the link to 'Gerda Malaperis!'?

I was about to go 'I've found it!' in the best German I could use (Ich have es gefinden) when I realised I hadn't found it... Or maybe I did find it but I don't know what I'm looking for so I looked over it...

Rogir (Profiel tonen) 11 december 2008 14:01:40

Gerda Malaperis is on this site, under kursoj/meznivelaj.

ceigered (Profiel tonen) 11 december 2008 15:28:20

Rogir:Gerda Malaperis is on this site, under kursoj/meznivelaj.
Oh ok, I was under the impression it was more or less like a novel though and that was a course adapted from it? Damn, I've got my head all over the place at the moment, I might need to take a breather from Esperanto soon lango.gif

Miland (Profiel tonen) 11 december 2008 16:16:54

ceigered: .. I might need to take a breather from Esperanto soon
Here's an idea for a breather away from studying the language itself: do some light reading, such as Peter Jameson's Secret Language.

erinja (Profiel tonen) 11 december 2008 17:40:19

FYI "Jee" would probably not be understood to mean "Yeah". You should just say "jes".

Personally, I see "jee" and I think it's a cheer. Yay!

As I said before, baby steps with the colloquialisms! Learn how the language is spoken formally, and in the process, you'll learn the colloquialisms. If you start out immediately with the colloquialisms, you risk not being understood.

Sinanthiel (Profiel tonen) 11 december 2008 19:34:36

Incubus was horrible... The pronunciation was horrible, and the plot of the story was stupid... I lost the link where I got it. malgajo.gif I'm sorry.

mnlg (Profiel tonen) 11 december 2008 19:42:59

To me, Incubus has more of a historical/anecdotal value than as language-learning material or as a movie itself, even though there are those who seriously consider it not that bad (I can't bring myself to agree, I quit after the first 20 minutes or so). I think you should be aware of its existence, but in case you decide never to watch it, in my opinion you won't miss much ridulo.gif

69UM24OSU12 (Profiel tonen) 12 december 2008 04:51:21

There is a book called "Gerda Malaperis!" read by some Esperantists in Brazil... I have the links if you'd like to listen to it. There are 25 chapters, but I've only listened to the first three chapters.
Gerda Malaperis is on this website. Check under Courses- Intermediate level. It now includes sound for all 25 chapters as well as vocabulary and other excercises.

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