
Learning Esperanto

글쓴이: Sinanthiel, 2008년 12월 9일

글: 42

언어: English

ceigered (프로필 보기) 2008년 12월 12일 오후 12:22:20

erinja:FYI "Jee" would probably not be understood to mean "Yeah". You should just say "jes".

Personally, I see "jee" and I think it's a cheer. Yay!

As I said before, baby steps with the colloquialisms! Learn how the language is spoken formally, and in the process, you'll learn the colloquialisms. If you start out immediately with the colloquialisms, you risk not being understood.
If there's one word (spare 'scias') that I hate in Esperanto it's 'Jes' ha ha, why couldn't it be cooler? I think I barely ever use 'yes' anymore unless I'm being sarcastic or cold...
Ok, baby steps, I'll try! rideto.gif.

In reply to miland, I have to practice my Spanish so I'll probably be doing that in the mean time - hopefully it will deanglify my use of Esperanto okulumo.gif (although it will probably help my Ido more than Esperanto)

@ Sinanthiel, mnlg and everyone else:
What's the deal with incubus? Last time I checked, Incubus was a demon who, well, I won't go into that, but apparently it was like a middle-ages story of incubus and some other demon. So what's Esperanto and demons got in common?? And I can't imagine Shatner outside of Boston Legal, even though that's only his recent show, its the only one I can properly imagine him in.

@ 69UM24OSU12 and Rogir:
Thanks for that, at first when I skimmed over it I thought it was a course adapted from the original, but now I know I was wrong to assume so. I'll give it a check soon.

mnlg (프로필 보기) 2008년 12월 12일 오후 12:32:36

ceigered: 'Jes' [...], why couldn't it be cooler?
My informal variant is "jep" okulumo.gif
What's the deal with incubus?
I'll leave this task to IMDB!
And I can't imagine Shatner outside of Boston Legal, even though that's only his recent show, its the only one I can properly imagine him in.
Oh, innocent youth! It is only by sheer luck or titanic effort that you can't see him as James T. Kirk ridulo.gif

erinja (프로필 보기) 2008년 12월 12일 오후 2:32:24

I wouldn't study Ido and Esperanto at the same time. Too similar, it will mess with your and make you talk weird, probably in both.

I had a friend who tried to study German while studying Yiddish. His Yiddish turned out so weird, he was dropping in German words left and right. He was still a beginner in Yiddish when he started on the German, and it was hard for his brain to separate them properly.

Sinanthiel (프로필 보기) 2008년 12월 12일 오후 7:07:37

Incubus is a movie about demons who want to take as many humans to hell with them as they can... So, they find tainted souls and diguise themselves as women and lure these men to their deaths. Kia is a demon who wants to find a pure soul and strike him down so she can take him to hell. So, she find this man named Marco who professes his love to her and Kia's sister tells her that they need revenge for spiritually violating her. So, they call upon the incubus to take care of things. They don't want to kill him, but the incubus kills his sister and in revenge Marco wants to kill the incubus. This entire time Marco doesn't know that they are demons. He kills the incubus and now Kia's sister says that his soul is smeared with blood and that now is the time to take him down. Well, he goes back to church to save his soul and Kia realizes she loves him and runs after him to the church. The incubus shows up when she is about to go into the church and transforms into a goat and tries to kill her. She tells the incubus that her soul belongs to God, and the incubus stops trying to attack her and Marco rescues her.

That's pretty much the entire movie... The entire movie is spoken in Esperanto, but it's not very good Esperanto. The pronunciation is horrible. Words that I should have been able to recognize, I couldn't because they weren't pronouncing them correctly... I had to rewind the movie a few times to listen hard to what they were saying, after a while I gave up and just read the subtitles... Lol.

ceigered (프로필 보기) 2008년 12월 13일 오전 8:35:54

Thanks mnlg and Sinanthiel - I forgot about IMDB lango.gif
(or in Eprime: I did not remember IMDB existed ridego.gif). Weird plotline though, no wonder many critics of Esperanto seem to think Zamenhoff was a cultist when the main movie made in Esperanto is about demons ridego.gif Poor Zam... (I already know more or less the real reason for why he labelled called a cultist, so you needn't tell me)

@ Erinja: I'm use to having multiple languages hitting me at the same time so it's not so difficult for me to tell one from the other. But grammatically I will take your words of caution as I do suspect that the 'easier' grammar of ido (by easier I mean 'more native to Western European' grammar) will stuff me 'round when it comes to Esperanto.

@mnlg: Nah I see an teacher from my old school as Captain Kirk, that was his nickname coz of his last name ha ha.

Sooo... What was this forum on about originally? ridego.gif joking

erinja (프로필 보기) 2008년 12월 13일 오후 5:51:09

Multiple languages isn't really a problem, if it's Hebrew and Chinese. But Esperanto and Ido, Yiddish and German, Russian and Ukrainian - these kinds of pairings are the ones likely to cause problems. No trouble keeping Hebrew and Chinese separated in your brain. Much trouble keeping Portuguese and Portanol separated ridulo.gif

Rogir (프로필 보기) 2008년 12월 13일 오후 9:28:44

I've noticed that. Since I've been learning Esperanto my knowledge of Italian is completely suppressed by the close cognates.

ceigered (프로필 보기) 2008년 12월 15일 오전 7:54:28

Hah I'd agree with Rogir but it's the other way around - the other languages are interfering with my Esperanto - which is not too bad, because I'm more likely to communicate with English or Spanish or dodgy Swedish than I am with Esperanto.

I'd still disagree - Ukrainian and Russian are VERY separate in my head ridego.gif. And I can easily hold some German and Bairisch phrases in my head and not confuse them lango.gif Yiddish however I can agree with, however the two should be more or less mutually intelligible at least in a very superficial sense.

Hebrew and Chinese, ha ha, now you DEFINITELY wouldn't confuse them, but if you're learning them at the same time you are a legend! lango.gif

What's portanol? It sounds like a sea-side automotive company to me.

Miland (프로필 보기) 2008년 12월 15일 오전 11:38:05

ceigered:What's portanol? It sounds like a sea-side automotive company to me.
How about moonshine made in a Portuguese chemistry lab?

Seriously, I understand that Galician is a halfway language between Spanish and Portugese, not just a slang hybrid like Portanol (a Portuguese analogue of Spanglish).

ceigered (프로필 보기) 2008년 12월 15일 오전 11:49:56

ceigered:What's portanol? It sounds like a sea-side automotive company to me.
How about moonshine made in a Portuguese chemistry lab?

Seriously, I understand that Galician is a halfway language between Spanish and Portugese, not just a slang hybrid like Portanol (a Portuguese analogue of Spanglish).
OOOOOOh so it's not a auto company, its like Spanglish?

Apparently Galacian is more like portuguese than it is Spanish, or so I've heard.

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