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Cxiuj vs Tuta

ceigered-ისა და 11 დეკემბერი, 2008-ის მიერ

შეტყობინებები: 34

ენა: English

mnlg (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 15 დეკემბერი, 2008 14:40:47

jawq81: at the top-right corner of every Forum post you should see a link titled "Reply". By clicking on that link you should be able to enter a new message. In the box, where your message will be written, you should already find the content of the post you are going to reply to, wrapped by the markers [ CIT ] and [ /CIT ], which identify the beginning and end of a quote block.

By placing any string and wrapping it around the same markers you can basically quote anything.

jawq81 (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 15 დეკემბერი, 2008 14:48:42

mnlg:jawq81: at the top-right corner of every Forum post you should see a link titled "Reply". By clicking on that link you should be able to enter a new message. In the box, where your message will be written, you should already find the content of the post you are going to reply to, wrapped by the markers [ CIT ] and [ /CIT ], which identify the beginning and end of a quote block.

By placing any string and wrapping it around the same markers you can basically quote anything.
I'm replying to your message with a test (and it works). I had tried clicking on reply before but apparently something went wrong. If this goes through as hoped, thank you very much for the explanation. What is the function of the other method, I wonder? Anyway, thanks.

ceigered (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 15 დეკემბერი, 2008 14:48:46

jawq81:Thanks ceigered for the explanation but that is what seems to be giving me problems. When I click on the "New Post" at the bottom of the page, I arrive at the "add a message" box. There are nine "bubble box" buttons above this and the second from the right is the "quote text" button that you are referring to. Clicking this brings up a Enter the text,
and a line beneath it. It doesn't seem to allow you to cut and paste. How then does one enter a sentence, a paragraph, or a several paragraph quote? Thanks and sorry if this function is 'blowing my mind'.
I guess you can copy what you want before you go to add the quote, the paste it in.

If this isn't working, copy the text from the persons post below, past it, and then put before it (without the spaces seperating the characters):

and then after the quote of text:
[ / C I T ]

so it would look like (replacing the square brackets so that lernu doesn't convert the text into a quote):

{CIT=george_da_monk-ee} Ésta es mi rendición del canto {/CIT}

and it would pop up as so (now using square brackets):
george_da_monk-ee:Ésta es mi rendición del canto
Hope this helps mate!

ceigered (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 15 დეკემბერი, 2008 14:50:49

Sorry, mnlg must have beat me, but he's right.

But two explanations of the same thing can't hurt, can it? ha ha

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