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....temas pri....

dari friendespera, 23 November 2006

Pesan: 12

Bahasa: English

friendespera (Tunjukkan profil) 23 November 2006 03.58.20

Why/When can both ...temas pri... come together?

I was reading in G^angalo
"ni kiel registaro kaj kiel popolo estas malgajaj pro la okazaĵo kaj ni esperas ke temas pri afero kiu ne kunportos sekvojn sur la sekurecon kaj sur turismon."

So what does it mean

Like(How) our government and Like(How) our people are affected(sad) regarding this event and we hope that concerning concerning the affair doesn't bring along consequence on the security and on tourism.

bglu0321 (Tunjukkan profil) 23 November 2006 08.03.59

Did you run that through a free translation or actually try to look it up?

friendespera (Tunjukkan profil) 23 November 2006 10.44.16

I translated it myselves using the help of " Vortaro " (dictionary). So I am really confused why ....temas pri... are comming together

temas = to be about
pri = concerning; about

Actually, I am a beiggner. But, since I love languages very much, I was giving a reading to the whole text using the " Dictionary" (Which is really not good method, I know!). On has to identify from context! But,I am perhaps a bit week at it (identifying from context)!.

bglu0321:Did you run that through a free translation or actually try to look it up?

friendespera (Tunjukkan profil) 23 November 2006 10.51.58

And from context what I can make out is -
As our government and our people are unhappy about these incidents and we hope that concerning about this affair bring along any effect on the security and on the tourism.

friendespera:Why/When can both ...temas pri... come together?

I was reading in G^angalo
"ni kiel registaro kaj kiel popolo estas malgajaj pro la okazaĵo kaj ni esperas ke temas pri afero kiu ne kunportos sekvojn sur la sekurecon kaj sur turismon."

So what does it mean

Like(How) our government and Like(How) our people are affected(sad) regarding this event and we hope that concerning concerning the affair doesn't bring along consequence on the security and on tourism.

RiotNrrd (Tunjukkan profil) 23 November 2006 19.51.16

I tend to translate "temas" as "theming", a verb which doesn't really exist in English. I take it to mean (in phrase form) "focus or concern with a particular subject (or theme)".

Using that, in "temas pri...", the "pri" serves to introduce what that subject of focus or concern is.

"Mi temas pri katoj". I am "theming" about cats, i.e., I am concerning myself with cats.

Kwekubo (Tunjukkan profil) 24 November 2006 00.26.49

This phrase is quite idiomatic Esperanto. It's hard to translate it directly into English, but it's quite common and useful. A rough translation would be "This refers to...", "This is about...", "This concerns...", "It relates to..." etc. In most cases you can just think of it as equal to "Ĝi estas".

I'll try translating your paragraph (albeit non a direct translation):
"ni kiel registaro kaj kiel popolo estas malgajaj pro la okazaĵo kaj ni esperas ke temas pri afero kiu ne kunportos sekvojn sur la sekurecon kaj sur turismon."
"We as a government and a people are sad because of the event, and we hope that it is the sort of affair that won't have ramifications on security and tourism."

That is, "... and we hope that the affair will not have ramifications..."

T0dd (Tunjukkan profil) 24 November 2006 00.32.21

RiotNrrd:I tend to translate "temas" as "theming", a verb which doesn't really exist in English. I take it to mean (in phrase form) "focus or concern with a particular subject (or theme)".

Using that, in "temas pri...", the "pri" serves to introduce what that subject of focus or concern is.

"Mi temas pri katoj". I am "theming" about cats, i.e., I am concerning myself with cats.
The root "tem-" is basically a noun, "temo," or theme. So "temas pri" means, as you said, "theming about", which doesn't have an exact English counterpart. But I've never heard or read it used in a personal sense, as you've done here. That is, I've never encountered "mi temas pri" or "li temas pri," etc. I've only seen "temas pri" on its own, meaning "deals with", "concerns", and so forth. The French expression "Il s'agit de" is used in exactly the same way, and is sometimes translated as "It's a matter of".

I don't mean to say that one couldn't say "mi temas pri," but I don't think it's a very common usage.

In recent years I've occasionally seen an even simpler term for this job: "prias". "Prias sano"= It's a matter of/concerns health.

"Temas pri" is one of those slightly idiomatic Esperanto expressions that probably entered the language straight from some language other than English. Another one is "kadre de," meaning "in the context of".

RiotNrrd (Tunjukkan profil) 24 November 2006 05.49.54

T0dd:... But I've never heard or read it used in a personal sense, as you've done here.
I've never actually used the term in that way either. In fact, because it doesn't have a direct English parallel, it's one of the terms that I've never actually used myself at all. I'm willing to accept that it is incorrect to use it in the way that I gave as an example (or, if not strictly incorrect, at least unusual). My example was meant more to illustrate the meaning behind it and why "temas pri" could work as a combination.

seraphim (Tunjukkan profil) 24 November 2006 12.30.32

I think the English equivalent of "temas pri" is "dealing with." Remember, we translate ideas, not words.


Novico Dektri (Tunjukkan profil) 24 November 2006 16.30.31

I know several people who seem to think that Esperanto is just English with the words translated. They just log on to chatrooms and use a dictionary to spell out their phrases word by word. I admit- when I began learning Esperanto, it wa sso easy, it really did feel almost like a code. However, I now firmly tell these people to remember that Esperanto is not English and can express things easily that even English struggles with. A good example of this is the word "cxirkauxamika". The closest English equivalent is "freinds-all-around". English speakers need to become accustomed to another way of thinking when they learn another language.


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