
Become a lernu! translator!


メッセージ: 22

言語: English

erinja (プロフィールを表示) 2009年3月18日 2:03:48

Interested in helping lernu improve? Become a lernu translator! We need everyone's help to keep our site up to date. Languages like English and German generally stay pretty well updated. But other languages, like Spanish, are having some problems. Only 81% of lernu is currently translated into Spanish, and only 14% of the dictionary. Spanish word learning is only 66% translated. This means that Spanish-speaking learners only have access to 66% of the vocabulary lists that beginners can use to practice their skills.

Even relatively successful languages like English (100% of the site translated) have deficiencies in places like their dictionaries (only about 30% of the dictionary is translated into English)

So if you want to help, please sign up as a site translator or a dictionary translator - or both! You don't have to speak Esperanto well. Our translation system allows you to look at existing translations, so even if you don't have a firm grasp of what the Esperanto text is saying, you can use other languages you speak to help you out. And the dictionary of nearly every language needs help, so even if you only speak English, so long as you have access to an Esperanto dictionary to assist you, you can still contribute to our dictionaries.

Write to teamo@lernu.net to get translation rights; I hope to hear from you soon!

ceigered (プロフィールを表示) 2009年3月18日 4:34:06

I might look into this, I tend to criss-cross languages/online dictionaries a fair bit so I could help with the dictionary definitions. However, would I be able to join the Spanish dictionary translation despite being a learner of it myself?

BTW Erinja, I would like to call a point of order - "The only place where you may advertise any product or service is in the forum, under "About everything else"" rido.gif - not even the moderators are safe now, ha ha ha!

Rogir (プロフィールを表示) 2009年3月18日 15:25:09

Why is this message not posted in the international forums, but only in English?

I'd like to help with Dutch, and perhaps English too if it is needed.

henma (プロフィールを表示) 2009年3月18日 15:40:32

erinja:Interested in helping lernu improve? Become a lernu translator!
Where do I sign?

I can help with Spanish, if you want. I can also send you a translation of this message into Spanish for you to post it in the Spanish forum ( I would post it myself, but it would have much more strength if you do it okulumo.gif)



jan aleksan (プロフィールを表示) 2009年3月18日 16:13:23

Does help is needed also for french? I mean, I use the french dictionnary, and it seems good to me. Most of the time I find the word. It's true that the spanish one needs work.

erinja (プロフィールを表示) 2009年3月18日 16:28:53

Rogir:Why is this message not posted in the international forums, but only in English?
I am definitely going to post it to the Esperanto forums, once I get a few minutes to do so. Unfortunately, I think I'd make a mess of it if I were to translate my message into any other language, since my Italian is far from fluent, and my French is even worse. But I welcome everyone here to translate my message and post it to other international forums, or else to send me a translation of my message, and I will post it myself.

In the spirit of not violating forum rules, I obviously can't post an Esperanto-language message to the national language forums lango.gif

To answer the other questions - the French dictionary is 33% translated, and the English dictionary is about 34%, so they are similar. The French version of the lernu! site is nearly fully translated; it just hasn't been updated with a few recent additions. Also, French word learning is at only 89%, so that isn't fully translated either. There is definitely still work to be done on French.

You can become a translator by sending an e-mail to teamo@lernu.net, or just by letting me know personally (and I'll give you the rights). You can edit the Spanish dictionary (or any other one) even if you are a learner. Dictionary editing rights give you unrestricted rights to all of our dictionaries. We leave it to the discretion of our editors, to know when you are and aren't capable of making a change to the dictionary. I have certainly made changes to dictionaries for languages I don't speak, in limited cases when I felt safe doing so.

Matthieu (プロフィールを表示) 2009年3月18日 16:41:47

jan aleksan:Does help is needed also for french? I mean, I use the french dictionnary, and it seems good to me. Most of the time I find the word. It's true that the spanish one needs work.
I'm already a dictionary translator for French and I added a few word. It is now 32.6% translated. But most of the untranslated words are rare words, and strange words made of Greek roots.
Also, I could help to translate the rest of the website. The lessons are almost fully translated, but the news are not.
(Ok, I've just seen that erinja has already said it.)

Shall I translate your first post to French?

erinja (プロフィールを表示) 2009年3月18日 20:18:08

Mutusen:Shall I translate your first post to French?
Yes, please do translate it to French. And anyone else who speaks another language, feel free to translate it.

I should also mention that even for existing translations, sometimes words and phrases are translated in a strange way, or flat-out wrong. This can sometimes happen with the picture dictionary in particular, because the translator is frequently not looking at the picture while they translate the labels, and the translations can come out strange. So even if your language is fully translated, please do feel free to look at the site and make sure that your language's translations are not only complete, but also correct.

The dictionaries do have some strange words, and sometimes it is not worthwhile to translate all of the Greek roots and technical terms. But there are also cases when fairly basic words are lacking, and sometimes you can figure this out simply by skimming over the untranslated words. In any case, I still see 100% dictionary translation as a worthwhile goal - even if there are many technical terms, wouldn't it be great to be able to find even those words in the lernu dictionary?

ceigered (プロフィールを表示) 2009年3月19日 4:59:05

erinja:We leave it to the discretion of our editors, to know when you are and aren't capable of making a change to the dictionary. I have certainly made changes to dictionaries for languages I don't speak, in limited cases when I felt safe doing so.
Ah so in the event that we do give erroneous translations, someone will likely cover for us? Oh well, I'll give it a go. Although my email to "teamo [@] lernu.net" will likely be bilingual because my Esperanto is still getting there.

Er, btw, I'm using these instructions here: http://vikio.lernu.net/Helpado/PorVortaristoj, should that be fine?

erinja (プロフィールを表示) 2009年3月19日 19:18:16

ceigered:Ah so in the event that we do give erroneous translations, someone will likely cover for us? Oh well, I'll give it a go. Although my email to "teamo [@] lernu.net" will likely be bilingual because my Esperanto is still getting there.

Er, btw, I'm using these instructions here: http://vikio.lernu.net/Helpado/PorVortaristoj, should that be fine?
I would advise not adding a dictionary entry at all, if you are not sure if it's correct, simply because the dictionary is so big, and it's hard to find mistakes. As far as the site itself, and the word learning lists, accuracy is slightly less important because these things are easily visible to all, and mistakes can be found and corrected easily. I think you should be able to go a long way simply with a good Spanish dictionary, as far as dictionary translation is concerned.

The instructions that you cite are fine.
