Сообщений: 10
Язык: English
ceigered (Показать профиль) 30 апреля 2009 г., 13:31:00
Juĝisto al akuzito:Now my grasp of it is:
- Ĉu vi edziĝis?
- Jes.
- Kun kiu?
- Kun virino.
- Ne estu tiel malrespekta. Tio ja estas memkomprenebla.
- Ne diru tion, sinjoro juĝisto. Ekzemple mi havas fratinon, kiu edziniĝis kun viro.
A judge to the accused:But... I don't get it
- Are you married?
- Yes
- With who?
- With a woman
- Don't be so disrespectful. That is quite self-understandable
- Don't say that, Mr. Judge. For example I have a sister who is married to a man.
I'm guessing my translation falls short when I get to the word "Memkomprenebla" - what does this mean? Self-comprehensible/understandable just doesn't make sense to me.
jan aleksan (Показать профиль) 30 апреля 2009 г., 13:37:41
the first response to "kun kiu?" is "kun virino"
but his sister is married "kun viro". So it means that the answer is not "memkomprenebla" because sometimes it's "virino" and sometimes "viro". That's it.
erinja (Показать профиль) 30 апреля 2009 г., 13:57:28
I would use the word "obvious" to translate "memkomprenebla" in this context.
This is why the joke is "funny":
The judge asks who the guy is married to, wanting a name as an answer. The guy says "a woman" rather than giving his wife's name, because the judge's question is not worded to prevent this answer. The judge thinks the guy is being uncooperative so he says something to the effect of "Well obviously so", and the guy says, "No, it's not obviously at all, because my sister is married to a man" (i.e. not to a woman, so it isn't a foregone conclusion that I'm married to a woman!)
darkweasel (Показать профиль) 30 апреля 2009 г., 13:59:40
jan aleksan (Показать профиль) 30 апреля 2009 г., 16:30:10
darkweasel:Actually, in countries with same-sex marriage, it isn't THAT obvious again...haha fuŝigulo
Rodrigoo (Показать профиль) 30 апреля 2009 г., 18:35:58
ceigered (Показать профиль) 1 мая 2009 г., 8:44:35
I now get the joke, I did not see the link between 'obvious' and 'memkomprenebla' (I would have expected 'klara')
Sadly though, despite comments that it wasn't funny, once I got the joke I had a good chuckle.. It somehow appealed to my sense of twisted humour
Jasminka (Показать профиль) 1 мая 2009 г., 9:28:09
jan aleksan (Показать профиль) 1 мая 2009 г., 10:56:02
Jasminka:Please, write in English here.Sorry... In fact I didn't find the best english translation of the esperanto word I had in mind.
sergejm (Показать профиль) 1 мая 2009 г., 12:42:03
I married to a woman
My sister married to a man
Here is same word - "married".
Mi edziĝis kun virino.
Mia fratino edziniĝis kun viro.
Here are two different words - "edziĝis" and "edziniĝis"
But you can correct it:
Mi geedziĝis kun virino.
Mia fratino geedziĝis kun viro.