
Cool reference to Esperanto

de Filanator, 5 de mayo de 2009

Aportes: 7

Idioma: English

Filanator (Mostrar perfil) 5 de mayo de 2009 01:51:03

Vilinilo (Mostrar perfil) 5 de mayo de 2009 13:56:39

Nice strip! rideto.gif
In my opinion it meant Esperanto was too beautiful an idea to exist for real... kind of pessimistic, but we can take that as a compliment okulumo.gif

Rogir (Mostrar perfil) 5 de mayo de 2009 14:21:16

Except that it actually exists and never died. It's just not the global second language (yet).

ceigered (Mostrar perfil) 5 de mayo de 2009 16:51:03

Something that's dead: Whatever language proceeded the original indo-european language.
Something that's not dead, and due to extensive documentation as with most things in this day and age probably won't die at all anyway: Esperanto

Although I'd be quite interested in whatever proceeded the original indo-european language.

jchthys (Mostrar perfil) 5 de mayo de 2009 16:55:59

People who don’t know anything about Esperanto but think they do.

jan aleksan (Mostrar perfil) 5 de mayo de 2009 17:11:46

Although I'd be quite interested in whatever proceeded the original indo-european language.
Here it is: Dnghu.

I think you can find a pdf somewhere about the history of the indo-european languages and the grammar of this language (MIE: modern indo-european).

It's interesting, and seems to be a serious work carried out. But this language seems hard to learn...

ceigered (Mostrar perfil) 6 de mayo de 2009 01:24:58

jan aleksan:
Although I'd be quite interested in whatever proceeded the original indo-european language.
Here it is: Dnghu.

I think you can find a pdf somewhere about the history of the indo-european languages and the grammar of this language (MIE: modern indo-european).

It's interesting, and seems to be a serious work carried out. But this language seems hard to learn...
Actually Dnghú is the Modern Indo European language, with Dnghú being the word for "Tongue" or "Language" (at least to my understanding) and MIE is like to Proto-Indo-European as Modern Hebrew is to Biblical Hebrew - What I meant was the the proto-language before PIE, e.g. "Proto-World" or some Proto-language which can successfully and legitimately link, say, Proto-Indo European with Proto-Uralic. Unfortunately they're having trouble as is with Indo European and Uralic so I doubt I'll be seeing the 'original' world language any time soon...

But thanks Jan for the link anyway ridulo.gif

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