
Looking for Downloadable dictionary software for Linux

Bri_, 2009年5月10日

讯息: 4

语言: English

Bri_ (显示个人资料) 2009年5月10日上午3:15:56

Hi, I have just switched my computer to a Vista/Linux dual boot, I was looking for a linux software equivalent for the windows esperanto dictionary program Espero.
Anyone know a good one?

qwertz (显示个人资料) 2009年5月10日上午10:17:55

Bri_:Hi, I have just switched my computer to a Vista/Linux dual boot, I was looking for a linux software equivalent for the windows esperanto dictionary program Espero.
Anyone know a good one?
Hhm. You could try to get this MSWIN application running the "Wine" layer. Just search for it at your Linux package manager. Probably you will need some help from your Linux distro support forum.

Or, may be a little bit oversized: Search for "Virtualbox" at your Linux package manager. It's not advised to install Virtualbox manually. Create a new VirtualBox machine and make an MSWIN setup inside. Virtualbox has an "seamless windows" feature which make it quite handy to use applications from several running operating systems at once. So i.e. if you boot up your Linux System and launch the XP virtual machine you will see the taskbar of the this XP system nearby the Linux taskbar. For further information search the VirtualBox pdf documentation for "seamless windows" feature. Yes, Virtualbox is free.



1Guy1 (显示个人资料) 2009年5月10日下午8:45:16

Bri_:Hi, I have just switched my computer to a Vista/Linux dual boot, I was looking for a linux software equivalent for the windows esperanto dictionary program Espero.
Anyone know a good one?
If you download the Linux version of the Esperantilo text editor it has a built in dictionary. Esperantilo also has built in spell/ grammar checking and an autotranslate feature.


You need to download the program esperantilo.bin & the dictionary file evortaro.zip & make a folder & put them together. The program unzips the dictionaries by itself. Run esperantilo.bin to run the program.

The dictionary is in the menu system under => linguistic => multilingual dictionary.

(I have also got the Freelang Esperanto dictionary for Windows working using wine, but this did require some tweaking.)

nshepperd (显示个人资料) 2009年5月11日上午11:06:46

I don't know if this might fit your purposes, but I wrote a little program for my linux desktop which appears as a little notification area icon. It uses the lernu dictionary to translate (from eo to english) whatever word you have selected at the time, when you click on it, and shows the translation as a tooltip over the icon. So it is not as full-featured as a real desktop dictionary, but I find it useful in chat! rideto.gif
I'll publish it somewhere if you are interested.

EDIT: oh, I fixed it just now to show en->eo translations as well.
