
Esper' - little experiment

글쓴이: ceigered, 2009년 9월 11일

글: 21

언어: English

Momomomomo (프로필 보기) 2009년 9월 14일 오후 6:02:28

On the subject of the actual message I understood all of it and was a little surprised I did. This is why EO has to stay a second language, if populations stated speaking it all the time, soon it would get shortened and lazied up like this (save us oh regulation authorities).

ceigered (프로필 보기) 2009년 9월 14일 오후 7:30:29

Momomomomo:On the subject of the actual message I understood all of it and was a little surprised I did. This is why EO has to stay a second language, if populations stated speaking it all the time, soon it would get shortened and lazied up like this (save us oh regulation authorities).
Well, actually if everyone started speaking it all the time then Esperanto would have done far more than achieve it's original goal. And lazied up speech isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's the direction English has been heading in for a good while, and languages like Chinese have been doing this for ages.

It could even be argued that this kind of highly analyitical grammar is the way to go for human languages, as it complies with brevity, simplicity and regularity.

On the other hand, if EO were to remain a 2nd language only, then the challenge is to make sure it is taught properly otherwise it could be half-heartedly simplified by learners, and if that happens the worse case scenario would probably be the language splitting into various loosely related colloquial languages.

Either way it doesn't really matter to me as long as I can understand someone across the world as easily as before lango.gif.

Rogir:Actually, I consider ĉiuj tiuj ĉi wrong or at least a too literal translation.
Because you are using two correlatives that contradict each other. The 'this' in 'all this' is already covered by ĉi.
Heres the problem though: if I say 'cxiuj cxi' or something like that, I'm basically saying 'all' - the problem with this is that it is far too ambiguous if I'm saying 'all these people' because 'cxiuj cxi homoj' simply translates to 'all people here', where as I'm referring to a specific group of people, 'these people', and I am referring to 'all' of 'these people' in a precise manner.

It's akin to taking out the 'all' in 'all people are good inside', or being a party and saying 'everybody here are good dancers' instead of saying 'all these people here are good dancers' (for example if I was comparing two groups).

tommjames (프로필 보기) 2009년 9월 14일 오후 8:03:05

ceigered:Heres the problem though: if I say 'cxiuj cxi' or something like that, I'm basically saying 'all' - the problem with this is that it is far too ambiguous if I'm saying 'all these people' because 'cxiuj cxi homoj' simply translates to 'all people here',
PMEG seems to view things differently to this, indicating the two forms ĉiuj ĉi homoj and ĉiuj ĉi tiuj homoj are essentially the same, as the left out tiuj is assumed to be "subkomprenata" (I word I absolutely love in Esperanto but have a hard time translating into English.. perhaps "understood according to context" lango.gif ).

PMEG:Oni iafoje uzas ĉi ankaŭ kune kun la tabelvortoj je ĈI. Tiam oni povus diri ke TI-vorto estas subkomprenata:

* ĉio = ĉiuj aferoj → ĉio ĉi, ĉi ĉio = ĉiuj ĉi tiuj aferoj, ĉio tio ĉi
* ĉie = en ĉiuj lokoj → ĉie ĉi, ĉi ĉie = en ĉiuj tiuj ĉi lokoj, ĉie ĉi tie
I think therefore it's fair to say ĉiuj ĉi and ĉiuj ĉi tiuj are functionally the same. If someone said to me ĉiuj ĉi homoj I would definitely read that as "all these people".

mnlg (프로필 보기) 2009년 9월 14일 오후 9:55:54

tommjames:"subkomprenata" (I word I absolutely love in Esperanto but have a hard time translating into English..
Interestingly enough, Italian has it (sottinteso) and I can't do without it when I teach Esperanto ridulo.gif

ceigered (프로필 보기) 2009년 9월 15일 오전 1:41:44

Ok, well I guess 'ĉiuj ĉi homoj' is pretty easy to understand, but what happens if I throw things up (on purpose of course) and say 'all of those people' - ĉiuj malĉi homoj? lango.gif

patrik (프로필 보기) 2009년 9월 15일 오전 3:34:04

ceigered:Ok, well I guess 'ĉiuj ĉi homoj' is pretty easy to understand, but what happens if I throw things up (on purpose of course) and say 'all of those people' - ĉiuj malĉi homoj? lango.gif
I would use "ĉiuj for homoj", but I don't think it's worth using. lango.gif

[I've seen "for tiuj", "for tie", but rarely.]

tommjames (프로필 보기) 2009년 9월 15일 오전 9:10:45

ceigered:but what happens if I throw things up (on purpose of course) and say 'all of those people' - ĉiuj malĉi homoj?
Ĉiuj tiuj homoj

ceigered (프로필 보기) 2009년 9월 15일 오후 3:22:21

ceigered:but what happens if I throw things up (on purpose of course) and say 'all of those people' - ĉiuj malĉi homoj?
Ĉiuj tiuj homoj
ok that's what I thought, glad that's all sorted lol.

Rogir (프로필 보기) 2009년 9월 16일 오전 10:19:09

Once again, I think ĉiuj for is preferable over ĉiuj tiuj.

Kraughne (프로필 보기) 2009년 12월 9일 오전 6:39:01

In any case, malĉi is just excellent. I wish that it were used more often; it's both logical and practical.

Ĉiuj malĉi homoj looks totally okay to me. In fact, because of all this, I'm going to start using malĉi as often as possible.

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