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Any movies with good subtitles?

от Sinanthiel, 11 ноября 2009 г.

Сообщений: 20

Язык: English

Sinanthiel (Показать профиль) 11 ноября 2009 г., 5:53:10

Okay, so I've been downloading a lot of subtitles lately and most of them don't even correspond with what is actually being said in the movie, and there are tons of grammatical mistakes.

So, does anyone have any suggestions of good subtitles that actually make sense with the movie?

I will be using them to aide my learning of Esperanto.

Thank you for any advice!

GEOPAP (Показать профиль) 11 ноября 2009 г., 7:31:27

Sinanthiel:Okay, so I've been downloading a lot of subtitles lately and most of them don't even correspond with what is actually being said in the movie, and there are tons of grammatical mistakes.

So, does anyone have any suggestions of good subtitles that actually make sense with the movie?

I will be using them to aide my learning of Esperanto.

Thank you for any advice!
"downloading a lot of subtitles lately" cxu vi parolis pri Esperanto? cxar ekzistas la pagxaro "Filmoj en Esperanto "

Sinanthiel (Показать профиль) 11 ноября 2009 г., 7:41:56

I'm sorry, my Esperanto isn't that great just yet... That's why I'm in the english forum. malgajo.gif

Matthieu (Показать профиль) 11 ноября 2009 г., 9:23:58

There are movies with Esperanto subtitles on this website: Filmoj.net.

Sinanthiel (Показать профиль) 11 ноября 2009 г., 10:24:07

Thank you very much! I really appreciate it!

Miland (Показать профиль) 11 ноября 2009 г., 20:24:44

* Please omit *

erinja (Показать профиль) 11 ноября 2009 г., 21:02:44

Miland:Warning: the following is a joke.

Here's a wonderful family movie that should appeal to rednecks and Conservatives of all types, especially if they come from Mississippi or Alabama. (Well, possibly not all of them).
Not sure I see the funny part of this, even as a joke.

I've been aware of this film for some time, and actually I quite enjoy it. Watching it, you almost feel patriotism for the Soviet Union!

In the theme of national anthems in Esperanto, there are a number of national anthems in Youtube that are subtitled or even sung in Esperanto, including Israel, Mexico, and Brazil

ceigered (Показать профиль) 12 ноября 2009 г., 6:47:50

Haha nice Miland, completely irrelevant but nice lango.gif

tommjames (Показать профиль) 12 ноября 2009 г., 10:15:44

erinja:actually I quite enjoy it. Watching it, you almost feel patriotism for the Soviet Union!
Me too! rideto.gif Even though I don't agree with communism and all that stuff it was nice to see the Russian anthem presented that way, it's one of my favourites. Now if only Esperanto could have an anthem like that!

Miland (Показать профиль) 12 ноября 2009 г., 10:43:56

ceigered:Haha nice Miland, completely irrelevant but nice lango.gif
Glad you liked it. The 'relevance' was in the Esperanto subtitles.
