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Names of Letters

من jonsd, 10 مارس، 2007

المشاركات: 20

لغة: English

erinja (عرض الملف الشخصي) 20 مارس، 2007 2:41:32 م

Islander:The 2 provided examples don't make much sense to me. The idea of such alphabet, as the NATO standard is, is to provide a short reference (usually 1 strong syllable followed by a soft one: ALpha, BRAvo, CHARlie, ...). Most provided examples have 3, even 4 syllables. This is counter-productive.
I agree. The problem is that most people don't know the whole 'radio alphabet', even in their native language, although there are certain conventions (Italians, for example, use names of cities - B as in Bologna, M as in Milano, etc). I think people are inclined to use whatever comes to mind, so while I agree with the use of alpha, bravo, charlie, etc - I personally spell my name (in English) with a mixture of names (P as in Peter) and random words (E as in Elephant).

Having said this, the lists that the Jarlibro gives are way better than the strange mishmash of names that people may not even be familiar with ("Is that Y as in Yellend or J as in Jelend???")

Islander (عرض الملف الشخصي) 20 مارس، 2007 2:46:18 م

Islander, your point is well taken. There is a need for this, and perhaps you are the person to do it.
I am a 3 month old Esperantist, I have absolutely no pretention of being the one to do something like this.

But such a standard would be important and the academy should look for a more formal concesus of such process. It's not 1 individual, no matter how knowledgeable and intelligent he or she may be, that could come up with the best option. As this would need to become a standard all over the world, this should be discussed with people from all linguistic and cultural backgrounds.

Making the NATO standard was not as easy as it may appear. It still isn't has several coutry may still have issues with 1 or 2 letters. Even in the US, airports replace "Delta" with "Dixie" to avoid confusion with Delta Airlines.

pastorant (عرض الملف الشخصي) 23 مارس، 2007 4:33:47 ص

Yes, it's K like knife and P like psychologist... rideto.gif
My wife has a very funny way of saying how to spell her name.
Someone asked her once if her name (Kelly) was spelled with a Y or an I, and she said ..neither..it's with an F!.

So now, the ongoing joke is..Kelly with an F, the Q is silent...
Only a few people get our humor ridulo.gif

Islander (عرض الملف الشخصي) 26 مارس، 2007 2:34:18 م

So now, the ongoing joke is..Kelly with an F, the Q is silent...
Only a few people get our humor ridulo.gif
That reminds me how a friend I had in grade school. His family name is Tremblay, which is the most common Québécois name. The teacher, probably out of habit, asked him to spell it out. Stomped at such request, he then spelled out T-r-e-m-b-l-a-y-z-o-w-i-c-h-k-y... And he actually was able to spell that much letters until the teacher realised.

richardhall (عرض الملف الشخصي) 27 مارس، 2007 7:33:36 م

Almost right!
"My name is spelt 'Luxury Yacht' but it's pronounced Throatwobbler Mangrove..."

I love Monty Python! rido.gif

richardhall (عرض الملف الشخصي) 28 مارس، 2007 11:10:07 ص

waxle:Ah, Richard, and we can never forget the wonderful advances in Baroque music brought to the world by Johan Gambolputty.....of Nul.
Quite so -- but discussing his works can be a lengthy business. ridulo.gif

At the risk of appearing a real "Python nerd" (which I'm not, honest!) wasn't he 'Johan Gambolputty... of Ulm'? senkulpa.gif

erinja (عرض الملف الشخصي) 30 مارس، 2007 12:57:23 م

richardhall:... of Ulm'? senkulpa.gif
AAAAAAAAH!!! I can't believe I did that.
I wrote that response before I had taken my tea! That's what I'll say.
Since you're American, I'm afraid that excuse won't cut it lango.gif

richardhall (عرض الملف الشخصي) 30 مارس، 2007 2:10:17 م

erinja:Since you're American, I'm afraid that excuse won't cut it lango.gif
Give the fellow a break! American or not, if he hadn't had his tea, that's excuse enough! okulumo.gif

kanajlo (عرض الملف الشخصي) 30 مارس، 2007 10:27:17 م

Tamen, la kafo
vere vigligas onin, pli ol la teo. shoko.gif

richardhall (عرض الملف الشخصي) 30 مارس، 2007 11:38:55 م

kanajlo:Tamen, la kafo
vere vigligas onin, pli ol la teo. shoko.gif
Kafo vigligus, sed teo vivigas.

Coffee might stimulate, but tea gives life. okulumo.gif

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