Mesaĝoj: 156
Lingvo: English
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-julio-29 10:46:38
- A good way of remembering this is to think of the word 'fugitive'!
Forkuri por sin savi de reala aŭ imagata danĝero - To run away in order to save yourself from a real or imagined danger.
La krimulo fuĝis el malliberejo - The criminal fled from a prison. (You could also say "eskapis el malliberejo")
Ni devas fuĝi el la urbo - We have to flee from the town.
Mi nenion scias pri ilia fuĝo en fremdan landon - I don't know anything about their flight into a foreign country.
Ili akceptis la fuĝintojn en sia hejmo - They accepted the fugitives in their homes.
Tiu malsano fuĝigis la popolon - That illness made the population flee.
Li estas transfuĝinto (homo, kiu forlasis sian partion por transiri en alian) - He is a defector (a person, who has left his party/side in order to go over to another one)
Rifugxinto = refugee.
dizertinto = deserter (in the military sense)
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-julio-29 18:24:40
1. Koncernanta vastan tutaĵon aŭ ĉiujn individuojn aŭ aferojn en iu grupo aŭ kategorio - Concerning a vast whole or all the individuals or matters in some group or category.
La universala voĉdonado en nia lando jam finiĝis - The general election has just finished in our country (or you can say 'gxenerala vocxdonado')
Ni devas trovi universalan rimedon por solvi ĉiujn problemojn - We have to find a universal means of solving all the problems (!)
2. Tia, ke ĝi koncernas sendistinge la tutaĵon de la homoj sur la tero - Such that it concerns without distinction all of the people of the world.
'Sur la tero' effectively has the same meaning as 'en la mondo' (in the world) in this sentence. "Tero" with a capital letter means 'Earth'
La Universala Kongreso de Esperanto estas la plej granda Esperanto-aranĝo - The Universal Esperanto Congress is the biggest Esperanto event.
Ne ĉiuj kredas je universaleco de Esperanto - Not everyone believes in the universality of Esperanto.
Oni universaligis la latinan alfabeton - They universalized the Latin alphabet.
Zamenhof unue pensis pri la universaligo de la latina, sed poste ekhavis alian ideon - Zamenhof at first thought about the universalisation of Latin, but then he had another idea.
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2010-julio-29 21:29:29
Chainy:UNIVERSALA - universalSo an Esperanto synonym in 2. would be tutmonda, world-wide. Thus Universala Kongreso means "World Congress".
2. Tia, ke ĝi koncernas sendistinge la tutaĵon de la homoj sur la tero - Such that it concerns without distinction all of the people of the world..
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-julio-30 05:52:49
Miland:Yes, "World Congress" sounds like a better translation into English. "Universal" in this context does sound a little odd in English.Chainy:UNIVERSALA - universalSo an Esperanto synonym in 2. would be tutmonda, world-wide. Thus Universala Kongreso means "World Congress".
2. Tia, ke ĝi koncernas sendistinge la tutaĵon de la homoj sur la tero - Such that it concerns without distinction all of the people of the world..
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-julio-30 09:20:40
Chainy:See, that's just how organised we Esperantists are - we're not planning just for world-wide domination but universe-wide dominationMiland:Yes, "World Congress" sounds like a better translation into English. "Universal" in this context does sound a little odd in English.Chainy:UNIVERSALA - universalSo an Esperanto synonym in 2. would be tutmonda, world-wide. Thus Universala Kongreso means "World Congress".
2. Tia, ke ĝi koncernas sendistinge la tutaĵon de la homoj sur la tero - Such that it concerns without distinction all of the people of the world..

Miland (Montri la profilon) 2010-julio-30 17:03:20
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-julio-30 18:10:11
ceigered:See, that's just how organised we Esperantists are - we're not planning just for world-wide domination but universe-wide domination. We don't seem to have many inter-dimensional aspirations though.

universa = universal (as in relating to the universe)
universala = tutmonda, world[wide]
Universala Kongreso = World Congress
Universa Kongreso = Congress of the Universe (!!)
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-julio-30 19:39:15
prizorgi iun = to look after someone.
1. Serioze direkti sian atenton kaj agadon al ies bono - To seriously direct your attention and actions towards someone's well-being.
Ŝi zorgas ne nur pri siaj infanoj, sed ankaŭ pri siaj gepatroj - She cares not only for her children, but also her parents.
Zorgu pri vi, kaj nenion pli - Take care of yourself and nothing more.
Nenio povas anstataŭi la patrinajn zorgojn - Nothing can replace the caring of a mother.
Hodiaŭ mi devas prizorgi mian frateton - Today I have to look after my little brother.
2. Apliki sian atenton, ke ago estu bone plenumita - To apply your attention, so that a deed/action is fulfilled well.
Li zorgas, ke ĉiuj gastoj de la hotelo ricevu ĉion, kion ili deziras - He's taking care that all the guests of the hotel get everything that they want.
Ŝi estas zorgema lernantino - She's a careful (conscientious) pupil.
Vi malzorgas viajn devojn! - You're neglecting your obligations!
3. Maltrankviliĝi pro necerteco aŭ dubeco de io, kion oni opinias grava - To become unsettled due to uncertainty or doubt about something which one believes to be important.
Li tute ne zorgas pri sia estonteco - He doesn't worry about his future at all.
Riĉa zorgas pri ĉampano, malriĉa pri pano - A rich [person] worries about champagne, a poor [person] about bread. (I would have expected 'ricxulo' and 'malricxulo' to be used for a rich and poor person here, but maybe there was another sentence prior to this one, and so the use of just the adjectives could make sense...?)
Nenio min zorgigas - Nothing makes me worry.
Mi asekuris min, ĉar mi antaŭzorgas malsanon kaj alian malbonon - I've insured myself because I'm taking precautions in advance against any illness or some other bad thing.
- The translation conveys the meaning as I think is intended. It seems that such a sentence can work like that in Esperanto, but if I had written it, I would have been tempted to write something like: "Mi asekuris min, cxar mi antauxzorgas iun eventualan malsanon aux alian malbonon" (Please correct me, if this is wrong!) 'Eventuala' means 'possible', when refering to something that can possibly happen in the future. If you want to translate the English word 'eventually', then that would be 'finfine' or simply 'fine'. Esperanto uses the word 'eventuala' in the way English speakers do when saying 'to prepare for any eventuality (thing that can possibly happen)'
Ŝajnas al mi, ke via vivo estas senzorga - It seems to me that your life is carefree.
4. Konscience fari, plenumi (taskon kaj simile) - To do [something] conscientiously, to fulfill (a task or something similar)
Zorgu vian metion kaj ne miksu vin en alian - Care about your profession/trade and don't get involved in another one.
Granda ofico - grandaj zorgoj - A big (important) office (as in position/post in an organisation etc) [equals] big worries (ie. responsibilities etc) - Oh dear, a rather dragged-out translation there!
Ŝi ĉiam estas zorge vestita - She is always carefully (scrupulously) dressed.
tommjames (Montri la profilon) 2010-julio-30 22:13:51
Chainy:(Please correct me, if this is wrong!) 'Eventuala' means 'possible', when refering to something that can possibly happen in the future. Esperanto uses the word 'eventuala' in the way English speakers do when saying 'to prepare for any eventuality (thing that can possibly happen)'I usually translate "eventuala" as "potential", but "possible" can also be a good enough translation since in English there's not a great deal of difference between those two words. I often find though that in Esperanto "eventuala" is used to denote a possibility that is thought of as being in some way dependant on something else, giving it a slightly more nuanced meaning than simply "ebla". Reta Vortaro seems to see it the same way and offers the translation of "contingent", although I dislike that translation myself, seems too strong. "Dependa" seems to me a better word for contingent.
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-04 11:44:55
Note: I think the following sentences are good to remember:
La jako konvenas al mi (havas la gxustan mezuron) - The jacket fits me (it's the right size) (or you could say 'konformas al mi')
konforma - in conformity/accordance with, well-fitting
konveni - to be suitable, appropriate, to fit (be the right size for)
La jako kongruas kun la pantolono - The jacket matches/goes well with the trousers.
La vestoj bonege sidas al vi = The clothes look really good on you/suit you really well.
1. Esti interkonforma - to be in conformity with each other
La faktoj ne kongruas kun via hipotezo - The facts don't fit with your hypothesis.
Ŝia bluzo, tute ne kongrua kun la jupo, montris, ke ŝi ne zorgas pri tio, kiel ŝi aspektas - Her blouse, [which] didn't match with her dress at all, showed that she doesn't bother about how she looks.
Elegantaj gantoj, kongruantaj kun la pulovero, kaŝis miajn vunditajn manojn - Elegant gloves, matching with my jumper, hid my wounded hands.
2. Plenumi saman funkcion kaj esti interŝanĝebla; interkonveni - To fulfill the same function and be interchangeable; to fit well with each other.
Du aparatoj kongruas, se ili povas funkcii kune - Two machines are compatible if they can work together well.
Tiuj komputilaj programoj estas kongruaj - Those computer programmes are compatible.
La kongrueco inter la dosieroj permesas fari ŝanĝojn per ajna programo - The compatibility between the files allows changes to be made with any programme.