Mesaĝoj: 156
Lingvo: English
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-09 08:03:35
Intence aŭ konscie plenuminta ion riproĉindan aŭ punindan - Having done something reproachable or punishable (lit. 'worthy of punishment') either on purpose (intentionally) or consciously.
Mi estas kulpa je forgeso pri via naskiĝtago! I'm guilty of forgetting about your birthday!
Li kulpas pri la ŝtelo - He's guilty of the theft.
Vizaĝo sen kulpo, sed koro de vulpo - A face without guilt, but a heart of a fox.
Ŝi konfesis sian kulpecon. Ŝia konfeso senkulpigas aliajn - She admitted/confessed to her guilt. Her admission/confession takes the blame off/away from others.
Kiu tro sin pravigas, tiu mem sin kulpigas - He who justifies himself too much, places the blame on himself.
Lumo fariĝos, kulpulo troviĝos - Light will arrive, the culprit will be found.
Viaj kunkulpuloj jam estas kaptitaj - Your fellow culprits have already been caught.
Senkulpa sango estis verŝita - Innocent (lit. 'without guilt') blood was spilt.
'Versxi' means 'to pour' (liquids), but it clearly means 'spilt' in the above context! Examples of 'versxi': Versxi vinon el botelo en glason = to pour wine from a bottle into a glass.
When talking about solid things (not liquids), in the sense of 'to tip something out', then that would be 'sxuti', eg. "la enhavo de la sakoj estas ŝutata en korbojn" = the contents of the sacks is poured/tipped into the baskets.
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-10 07:57:44
Efektive kaj nune esti - to actually and presently be [in existence]
Nia organizo ne plu ekzistas - Our organisation doesn't exist any more.
Ne ekzistas naiva vulpo, ne ekzistas homo sen kulpo - A naive fox doesn't exist, a person without guilt doesn't exist. (something like 'There's no such thing as a...)
Li ne sciis pri la ekzisto de lia filo - He didn't know about the existence of his son.
Ni ricevis la ekzistadon de niaj gepatroj - this sounds a bit odd to me! Maybe it means 'We received our parents' (very formal!) as in 'welcomed them during their visit'. Probably not worth worrying too much about this seemingly very formal phrase!
Ĉiuj ekzistaĵoj havas rajton ekzisti (ekzistorajton) - All living things have the right to exist. (I think the idea here is the same as 'vivaj ekzistajxoj')
Multe da laboro estis eluzita por ekzistigi la statuon - A lot of work was needed to bring that statue into existence. ('eluzita' could perhaps be better translated as 'spent', but you can't 'spend work' in English!)
Ili ne povas kunekzisti pro malsameco - They can't coexist due to being different.
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-11 18:03:25
1. Perdinta la prudenton pro mensa malsano - Having lost common sense/prudence due to an illness of the mind.
Note: My Wells dictionary gives 'ordinara prudento' for 'common sense', but the Zamenhof version was 'sana prudento', with the use of 'sana' seemingly coming from the Russian phrase for this...
Ŝi estas en frenezulejo, ĉar ŝi estas freneza - She's in a mad house because she is crazy.
Tiu ĉi konstruaĵo estas hospitalo por frenezuloj - This construction is a hospital for mad people.
2. Perdinta la sinregadon pro pasio; malsaĝega - Having lost control over oneself due to passion; extremely unwise.
Li estis freneza pro ĵaluzo - He was crazy with jealousy.
Li atingis tian gradon de frenezeco, ke li volis mortigi sin - He reached such a degree of craziness that he wanted to kill himself.
Ŝi estas frenezeta (ne tute prudenta) - She's a little bit crazy (not entirely prudent/sensible)
La kolero frenezigis min - The anger made/sent me crazy.
Vi tute freneziĝis! You've gone completely mad!
Li iom drinkis kaj komencis frenezumi - He drank a bit and began to act crazily.
Note: 'drinki' with a 'd' means to drink alcohol. Whereas, 'trinki' with a 't' is to drink other non-alcoholic things. Rather a funny detail to the language there, especially as English clearly influenced the choice for boozing up, whereas the German word 'trinken' was used for the more reserved non-alcoholic option.

3. Malsaĝega, sensenca - Extremely unwise, senseless.
Li ĉiam montris sian frenezan amon - He always showed his crazy love.
Tio, kion vi diris, estas frenezaĵo! - What you said is crazy! (lit. 'a crazy thing')
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-11 20:00:19
1. Perforte eniri kaj ekokupi fremdan landon - To enter and occupy by force a foreign land
La malamikaj armeoj invadis la landon - The enemy armies invaded the country.
La malsano invadis nian landon - The illness/disease invaded our country.
La invadoj de la Barbaroj detruis la Roman imperion - The invasions of the Barbarians destroyed the Roman Empire.
2. Grandnombre eniri en iun lokon - To enter a place in great numbers.
La gaja junularo invadis la dancejon - The group of happy youngsters invaded the dance hall.
Nokto invadis la teron - Night invaded the world.
Nia domo estas invadita de ratoj - Our home has been invaded by rats
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-11 20:11:34
Intence mortigi homon - To kill a person on purpose.
Tiu krimulo murdis multajn homojn - That criminal murdered many people.
Multaj homoj estis murditaj dum tiu invado - Many people were murdered during that invasion.
Mi neniam pardonos al la murdinto de mia filo! - I will never forgive the murderer of my son!
Note: murd/int/o = the person having murdered.
Iu pagis al la murdisto por ke li murdu lin - Someone paid the assassin to kill him.
Note: Here, '-ist-' is used (murd/ist/o) to denote the profession of being an assassin, as opposed to 'murdinto', which might refer to a murder of passion etc, committed not necessarily by a professional...
La murdo min tre timigis - The murder really scared me.
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-13 18:20:01
1. Afable peti iun, ke li ien venu - To kindly ask someone to come somewhere.
Li invitis siajn geamikojn al la koncerto - He invited his friends to the concert.
Oni invitas - venu, oni donacas - prenu = [If] they are inviting you - then come, [if] they are giving - then take.
Note - "donaci" means to give in the sense of giving a present, or donating something (as opposed to 'doni' = to give). ReVo has these examples:
Mia patro donacis al mi belan libron - My father gave me this lovely book [as a present/gift].
Al cxevalo donacita oni busxon ne esploras - Don't look at a gift horse in the mouth
Mi jam sendis ĉiujn invitajn leterojn - I've already sent all the invitation letters.
Malfeliĉo inviton ne atendas - Unhappiness doesn't wait for an invitation.
En la sekva numero vi trovos invitilon kaj aliĝilon al la aranĝo - In the following edition (of a magazine etc) you will find an invitation and registration form for the event.
Ŝi afable akceptis la invititojn (invititajn gastojn) - She kindly accepted the invited guests.
2. Afable peti, instigi, ke iu faru - To kindly ask or instigate someone to do [something]
Li invitis min al danco - He invited me to a dance.
Mi akceptis ilian inviton vojaĝi kune - I accepted their invitation to travel with [them].
Ili malinvitis min fari prelegon (nuligis inviton) - They cancelled my invitation to give a lecture.
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-17 06:40:49
1. Nekonata forto, imagata kiel supernatura, rigardata kiel havanta kapricojn, kaj al kiu oni emas atribui la okazaĵojn, kies kaŭzon oni ne konas - An unknown force, imagined as supernatural, seen as having caprices and to which one tends to attribute the events for which one does not know the cause.
La sorto estas favora por vi - Destiny is favourable for/to you.
Bone tiu sidas, al kiu la sorto ridas - It's good for the one upon whom fate smiles.
2. Antaŭfiksita aparta destino de iu - A predetermined, particular fate of someone.
Ĉu vi estas kontenta je via sorto? Are you content with your fate?
Sian sorton neniu evitos - Nobody can avoid their fate.
3. Tio, kio devas okazi pri iu afero - That which has to happen concerning some matter.
Kunligi la sorton de la lingvo kun la estonta kongreso estus tre malprudenta - To link the destiny of the language with the coming/approaching congress would be very unwise (not prudent)
"estonta" literally means 'about to be', but I think 'coming/approaching' is ok for the English translation. Sometimes you see 'venonta', but I think the meaning is roughly the same.
Note: Quite what the difference is between 'sorto' and 'destino', I'm not sure right at the moment! But, then I'm also a bit muddled about it when thinking of the English words 'fate' and 'destiny'... A lot of overlap going on here. Anyone got any ideas on this?
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-17 07:13:25
Havi efikon sur la pensoj, sinteno, agmaniero de alia persono - To have an effect on the thoughts, attitude, behaviour (lit. 'way of acting') of another person.
Oni kredas, ke la astroj influas la sorton de la homoj - They believe that the celestial bodies influence people's fates.
Ŝi estis ĉiam influata de siaj geamikoj - She was always influenced by her friends.
Mi pensas, ke li havas influon sur vin - I think he has an influence on you.
Li estas tre influa (havanta influon) persono - He is very influential (having an influence) person.
La prezidanto de nia organizo estas facile influebla - The president of our organization is easily influenced (lit. 'influencable')
Mi ne timas pri mia posteno - vi estas seninflua homo en mia laborejo = I not afraid [of losing] my post - you are an insignificant/powerless (lit. 'without any influence') person in my work place.
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-17 07:32:46
1. Perceptebla per la sentumoj apero; natura okazaĵo - An apperance perceivable by the senses; a natural event.
Ĉiu elpensis sian teorion por klarigi la fenomenon - Everyone thought up their [own] theory to explain the phenomenon.
Fenomenismo estas teorio, kiu asertas, ke nur la fenomenoj estas objektoj de sciado - Phenomenalism is a theory which claims that only the phenomenona are objects of knowledge - and yes, I have no idea what this means

2. Eksterordinara, malofta afero - an extraordinary, rare thing.
Renkonti vin estas vera fenomeno - To meet you is a real phenomenon! (I added the exclamation mark, as otherwise the use of 'phenomemon' sounds rather over the top!)
Li havas fenomenajn kapablojn - He has phenomenal abilities.
En tiu valo kreskas fenomenaj floroj - Phenomenal flowers grow in that valley.
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-20 14:51:38
Oh dear, this is a tricky one for us native English speakers! The first thing you think of when you hear 'sympathy' is the expression of pity for someone else's misfortune... But, in Esperanto, as in many other languages 'simpatio' has a very different meaning (one that also exists in English, but is not used very often): It's an expression of liking or generally having a positive feeling towards someone. Or, simply put, the opposite of 'antipathy' (malsimpatio = antipatio)
If we want to express the word 'sympathy' in the way that it is most commonly used in English (ie. pity etc), then that would be:
Ili esprimis al li sian kunsenton, kaj konsolis lin = They expressed their sympathy to him and consoled him.
Back to the Lernu definition:
1. Reciproka inklino de du personoj, bazita sur simileco de gustoj, temperamentoj, opinioj kaj simile - A reciprocal inclination of two people, based on a similarity of tastes, temperaments, opinions and the like.
Ili vivis en mirinda simpatio - They lived in a surprising harmony (ok, so this is perhaps not the best word, but here 'simpatio' means that they got on with each other really well and had positive opinions/feelings about/towards each other...Basically, they really liked each other.)
Mi ne tre simpatias kun li - I don't really have much of a liking for him. (I don't like him very much, don't feel very positive towards him)
2. Favora inklino de iu por alia persono - Someone's favourable inclination towards another person.
Or, as ReVo puts it: Favora inklino de iu por alia persono, kiu plaĉas al li = Someone's favourable inclination towards another person, who he or she likes.
- Yes, I ignored the section 'kies sentojn tiu iel dividas' (whose feelings that person in some way shares) as it didn't make a lot of sense to me!
Vi havas por ŝi pli grandan simpation - You have much more of a liking for her.
Ŝi estas tre simpatia knabino - She is a very likeable girl.
Vi tiel simpatie ridetas! You smile in such a likeable way!
Mi ne kaŝas mian malsimpation al tiu persono - I don't hide my antipathy towards that person.