Tin nhắn: 156
Nội dung: English
Chainy (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 21:00:44 Ngày 29 tháng 8 năm 2010
Note: Frost as in the deposit of small white ice crystals formed on the ground etc is 'prujno'.
1. Tiagrada malvarmo, ke ĝi glaciigas la akvon - Such a level of cold that it freezes (lit. 'turns to ice') the water.
La infano tremis de frosto - The child trembled from the frost/freezing weather.
Malbona herbo froston ne timas - Bad grass is not afraid of freezing cold [weather].
La vetero hodiaŭ estas frosta - The weather today is frosty.
Fermu la fenestron - mi frostas! = Close the window - I'm freezing!
It's probably more correct to say 'Al mi frostas'. See this PMEG page: Al mi...
La rivero jam alfrostiĝis - The river has already frozen over.
La birdo enfrostiĝis en la glacion kaj ne povis moviĝi - The bird got frozen into the ice and couldn't move.
2. Sensaĵo simila al tiu de granda malvarmo - A sensation similar to that of frost (lit. big cold!)
Ekkuris frosto sub mia haŭto - Frost ran under my skin.
Frosto lin atakis (li ektimegis) - He froze [over] (he became extremely frightened). Lit. "Frost attacked him!"
Liaj vortoj frostigis nian entuziasmon - His words froze our enthusiasm.
Ilia gajeco frostiĝis ĉe tiu terura vido - Their happiness/good-humour froze over upon that terrible sight.
frostovundo - frostbite
frostujo - freezer
ceigered (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 23:05:22 Ngày 29 tháng 8 năm 2010
Chainy (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 17:45:35 Ngày 30 tháng 8 năm 2010
Deklari oficiale rajtigita - The declare as officially sanctioned
Oni agnoskis miajn rajtojn je la heredaĵo - They recognized my rights to the inheritance
Min interesas, ĉu Esperanto estos iam oficiale agnoskita de ĉiuj registaroj - I wonder if Esperanto will ever be officially recognized by all governments.
Ili silente malagnoskis la rezultojn de la voĉdonado - They silently rejected the results of the vote.
rekoni - to recognise
eg. Mi rekonas lian skribon - I recognise his writing.
Chainy (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 20:36:36 Ngày 30 tháng 8 năm 2010
Peni superi alian, kiu havas la saman difinitan celon - To strive to overcome someone else who has the same particular goal.
Mi konkuras kun ŝi pri tiu posteno - I'm competing with her for that post.
Per konkura marĉando la prezo falis - By means of competitive bargaining the price fell.
Ili konkure paroladas - They are speaking competitively.
Ĉiuj knabinoj konkuradas inter si per sia beleco - All the girls compete with each other by means of their beauty.
La kaŭzo de la intergenta malamo ne estas la konkurado ekonomia - The cause of the inter-ethnic hatred is not the economic competition.
Li estas forta konkuranto - He's a strong competitor.
Mi estas nekonkurebla, ĉar mi fidas pri miaj fortoj - I cannot be competed with because I believe in my strengths.
- To be honest, 'nekonkurebla' sounds a little odd to me, but I think I've got the meaning right there!
Oni metis en prezkonkuradon la konstruon de la ponto (ĝin konstruos la firmao, kiu proponos la plej malaltan prezon por tio) - They placed the construction of the bridge open to tender (The firm which offers the lowest price will construct it)
Chainy (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 06:09:07 Ngày 31 tháng 8 năm 2010
1. Honori kiel diaĵon per la decaj vortoj kaj gestoj - to honour like a deity by means of fitting words and gestures.
Ili adoras iujn nekonatajn diojn - They worship some unknown gods.
Tio estas sankta kaj adorata bildo - That is a sacred and worshipped image.
Niaj praavoj adoradis sur ĉi tiu monto - Our grandfathers worshiped on this mountain.
- Maybe a better word here would be 'prapatroj' (forefathers).
Antaŭe ĉi tie estis adorejo de dioj - There used to be a place of worhip to the gods here.
2. Ami per respektoplena pasio - To love with respectful passion.
Multajn heroojn mi adoris en mia infaneco - In my childhood I adored many heroes.
Kiu mem sin adoras, nenion valoras - He who adores himself does not value anything.
Por mi tiu aktorino estas plej adorinda - For me that actress is most adorable.
- "la plej adorinda" would mean that the person speaking regards that actress as being 'the most adorable' (more than any other), but the omission of the definite article 'la' means that the actress belongs to the category of actresses that are collectively 'the most adorable'. PMEG has a section on this:Plej
In English, 'most adorable' without the definite article (the) has the meaning of 'extremely adorable', but I suppose you could interpret it in a similar way to the Esperanto.
3. Havi pasian emon al io - To have a passionate inclination towards something.
Li adoras poezion - He adores poetry
Mi adoras belajn krurojn ĉe la virinoj - In women I adore their beautiful legs.
Ĉiu abomenaĵo trovas sian adoranton - Every abomination finds its adorer
Via ideo meritas adoradon - Your idea is worthy of (merits) adoration.
Chainy (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 07:06:17 Ngày 31 tháng 8 năm 2010
ceigered:I agree with "Al mi frostas", it reminds me of why you say "j'ai froid (I'm finding the external environment around me to be cold)" and not "je suis froid (I am cold)" in French...yes, it seems that 'al mi frostas' is the safe bet - grammatically correct etc. So we should probably avoid using 'mi frostas', although I'm not entirely sure what's wrong with it in the figurative sense. Anyway, take a look at this thread about it: Al mi frostas!
Chainy (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 08:34:15 Ngày 01 tháng 9 năm 2010
Interkonsenti, per interŝanĝo de jure validaj deklaroj, pri difinitaj rajtoj kaj devoj de la respektivaj partioj - To make an agreement between each other by exchanging legally valid declarations about the specific rights and obligations of the respective parties.
Oni kontraktis pri rajtoj de komercado - They entered into a contract about trading rights.
Niaj landoj decidis kontrakti pri paco - Our countries decided to make a peace treaty.
Kontraktoj pri edziĝo estas sufiĉe oftaj nuntempe - Contracts about marriage are quite common these days.
Ĉiuj kontraktantoj (personoj, kiuj subskribis la kontrakton) devos sekvi la regulojn - All contracted parties (people that have signed the contract) will have to follow the rules.
Post la interkonsento pri la devoj kaj salajro ni subskribis laborkontrakton - After the [mutual] agreement on the obligations and salary we signed the work contract.
Chainy (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 09:15:50 Ngày 01 tháng 9 năm 2010
Konsistanta el eroj, kiuj formas seninterrompan, senmankan vicon - Consisting of elements which form an uninterrupted and complete row.
a) en tempo - in time:
Pro la kontinua kaj ĝena bruo ni decidis translokiĝi al alia loko - Due to the continuous and disturbing/annoying noise we decided to move to another place.
Dum la tuta semajno kontinue pluvas ĉe ni - At our place it has been raining continuously/non-stop for the whole week.
La kolekto kontinuas de la unua jaro ĝis hodiaŭ - The collection continues from the first year until today.
La Bulonja Deklaracio estis kreita nur por gardi la ekstreme necesan kontinuecon en nia lingvo - The Declaration of Bulogne was created just to protect the extremely necessary continuity in our language.
b) en spaco - in space:
"Space" as in where the stars are and where the characters of Star Trek explore = 'kosmo'!
Grandajn lagojn kaj kontinuajn montarojn, kiujn mi vidis tie, mi memoros longan tempon - The large lakes and the continuous mountain ranges which I saw there, I will remember for a long time.
Li kontinuigis la rompitan barilon - He fixed the broken fence/barrier (lit. "He brought the broken fence/barrier into a continous state" - ie. one that doesn't have a hole in it!)
Chainy (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 12:26:44 Ngày 05 tháng 9 năm 2010
1. Konfidi al elektita persono plenumon de ago, laboro aŭ klopodo, kiun li devas zorgi aŭ prirespondi - To entrust a chosen person with the fulfillment of an action, work or endeavour, which he has to concern himself with and be responsible for.
Ili komisiis al mi tradukadon de la libro - They commissioned me for the translation of the book.
Li parolis komisie de la tuta klaso - He spoke on behalf of the whole class ('komisie de' has a similar meaning to 'nome de'/'en la nomo de')
Mi estis komisiita aĉeti la trinkaĵojn por la festo - I was commissioned to buy the drinks for the celebration.
Ŝi bone plenumis ĉiujn miajn komisiojn - She fulfilled all of my commissions well.
Hodiaŭ venos lia komisiisto por kontrakti - Today his commissioner will come to enter into the contract.
Li estas fidinda komisiito - He is a trustworthy commissioner.
2. Transdoni kiel prizorgotaĵon - To hand something over [to someone] that is to be looked after [by that person].
Mi komisias al vi mian apartamenton - I am entrusting my flat/apartment to you.
Chainy (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 12:36:20 Ngày 05 tháng 9 năm 2010
Nome esprimi, detale difini; precize mencii - To express by name, to define in detail, to mention precisely
Oni specifis la reciprokajn rajtojn en kontrakto - They specified the reciprocal rights in a contract.
Ŝi specifis, ke ŝi volas ricevi ringon kun diamanto - She specified that she wants to receive a ring with a diamond.
Viaj taskoj jam estas specifitaj - Your tasks are already specified.
Nia urbo havas specifan arkitekturon - Our city has a specific architecture.
Nenion specife interesan mi ekvidis dum tiu ekskurso - I saw nothing of any particular interest during that excursion.