
translation of "poetry slam"?

貼文者: qwertz, 2010年1月23日

訊息: 22

語言: English

qwertz (顯示個人資料) 2010年1月23日下午2:58:06


yesterday I was at my first "poetry slam" event. So, how to translate "poetry slam" into Esperanto?


Very nice poetry slam excample special made for the city where I live (Munich/Germany) spoken with bavarian accent rideto.gif : Bumillo (Sorry for that 15 sek youtube advertisment)

Edit: Mingration lyrics (currently still in German/Bavarian only, but some Esperanto folks onsite will try to create a rhymed eo version)
Edit: [url=http://hotfile.com/dl/27544111/7a45952/Bumillo_Min... ]mp3 version[/url]

(topic: Do you know what "alvojaĝanto" means?)



erinja (顯示個人資料) 2010年1月23日下午3:36:34

A poetry slam is pretty much a contest between people who are making up poems on the spot, is that right?

In that case, I'd call it a "konkurso pri improvizita poezio"

qwertz (顯示個人資料) 2010年1月23日下午4:11:25

erinja:A poetry slam is pretty much a contest between people who are making up poems on the spot, is that right?
I'm not sure. But I believe the poems texts are not improvised "just in time" or "jamed". The texts are prepared before. Do you mean that mit "making up poems on the spot"? Until now I only was at one poetry slam. Seems to be that poetry slams are not the same like jamed hiphopo freestyle competitons. But seems to be that some poetry slammer are also hiphopo activists. Could be a pre-training for freestyle hiphopo. But it's not the same.

erinja:In that case, I'd call it a "konkurso pri improvizita poezio"
So I wouldn't call it "improvizita".

gyrus (顯示個人資料) 2010年1月23日下午4:34:02

I thought people just read out poetry at a poetry slam and it wasn't a competition? In that case I'd call it poezirakonto or something.

qwertz (顯示個人資料) 2010年1月23日下午5:14:29

gyrus:I thought people just read out poetry at a poetry slam and it wasn't a competition? In that case I'd call it poezirakonto or something.
What I have seen one time was a poet competition. May be the regarding Wikipedia entry can give some answers.

matrix (顯示個人資料) 2010年1月23日下午5:48:57

I would say: poezia ŝlemo = “poetry slam”.
ŝlemo is the translation of “slam” in competition field.
Since “poetry slam” is a kind of contest of poetry, I think it may be a good translation.

ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2010年1月23日下午6:07:11

May be the regarding Wikipedia entry can ......
"Maybe the respective Wikipedia entry can ......"

"may be" sounds like a shortened "it may be that" which means "It's possible that", which sounds less like a conversational thought and more like the description of a possibility coming before a ", however ...." sentence lango.gif (e.g. "It may be that (so and so) is (so and so), however that is not the case in (such and such) a situation.")

Miland (顯示個人資料) 2010年1月23日下午7:43:43

If you submit poems that you've composed beforehand, I would call it a poezia konkurso. But ŝlemo (@ matrix) may well be fine, if "slam" has a special conventional meaning for this kind of contest.

qwertz (顯示個人資料) 2010年1月23日下午8:29:21

May be the regarding Wikipedia entry can ......
"Maybe the respective Wikipedia entry can ......"

"may be" sounds like a shortened "it may be that" which means "It's possible that", which sounds less like a conversational thought and more like the description of a possibility coming before a ", however ...." sentence lango.gif (e.g. "It may be that (so and so) is (so and so), however that is not the case in (such and such) a situation.")
I had no intention to tell "however that is not the case in (such and such) a situation." I just tried to point to the wikipedia ressource because I'm not very deep in this topic now.

Shortly before, I found this EO TTK 2006 Poetry Slam youtube video. There seems to be some eo folks out there who still tried that in esperantujo (Jarlo Bills - 2:35 min)

edit: Some comments of Robert L. Read. Sounds interesting.

For example, Auld doesn't just rhyme the last syllable; he rhymes three syllables back. That is, the last three syllables of each line in his schemes sometimes rhymes. (He often gets two, sometimes three.) In English this would be almost impossible, or stilted doggerel. But one must understand: Esperanto is a simpler language. It has only 5 vowels, with 4 dipthongs, for a total of 9 vowel sounds. The Esperanto poet should not be ashamed of this---she should use it.

Here is the best that I have been able to do:

Dankon pro la mondkreintoj
- o - o o o - o
kiuj per heroestimo
- o - o o o - o
donos al ni pliegigon
- o - - o o - o
laux verkitaj plimensiloj.
- o - o - o - o

matrix (顯示個人資料) 2010年1月23日下午9:39:51

Miland:ŝlemo (@ matrix) may well be fine, if "slam" has a special conventional meaning for this kind of contest.
I think poezia ŝlemo may be a good translation of “poetry slam” as defined in Wiktionary: A competition at which poets recite their poems before an audience and are given scores by judges.
