پستها: 31
زبان: English
letigre (نمایش مشخصات) 27 ژانویهٔ 2010، 14:11:16
Sorry if i am disturbing yourself.
Really, i search an engligh correspondant.
My name is Vincent. I am 20.
I am not very good in english and i have an ugly english accent (of course ! I am french ^^") but i want upgrade my level.
I like this language.
Actually, i have a dream. I want to speak french, english ans esperanto.
Thanks you an so sorry for mistake.
joewolz (نمایش مشخصات) 27 ژانویهٔ 2010، 17:08:07
I can help you with your English. I am an English Teacher. Mi Esperanto estas bone kaj mi fluantigxas.
Uvi (نمایش مشخصات) 27 ژانویهٔ 2010، 18:42:26
Si tu veux correspondre en anglais, ça me ferait plaisir de te guider à travers les pièges de la langue de Shakespeare. Je parle et écris couramment l'anglais et le français, étant résident du Québec. Par contre, pour l'espéranto, compte pas sur moi étant donné que je suis en apprentissage moi-même
letigre:Hello every body !
Sorry if i am disturbing yourself.
Really, i search an engligh correspondant.
My name is Vincent. I am 20.
I am not very good in english and i have an ugly english accent (of course ! I am french ^^") but i want upgrade my level.
I like this language.
Actually, i have a dream. I want to speak french, english ans esperanto.
Thanks you an so sorry for mistake.
erinja (نمایش مشخصات) 27 ژانویهٔ 2010، 21:13:47
letigre:Hi have an ugly english accent (of course ! I am french ^^")Many English-speaking women think that a French accent is very romantic. So maybe if you see a beautiful English-speaking woman, you will want to keep your accent
andogigi (نمایش مشخصات) 27 ژانویهٔ 2010، 22:09:12
erinja:When my wife came home from work tonight, I took this advice and spoke to her with a French accent. She only laughed at me. Maybe I need to learn to speak the language better. Thanks for the tip, anyway.
Many English-speaking women think that a French accent is very romantic. So maybe if you see a beautiful English-speaking woman, you will want to keep your accent
Frankouche (نمایش مشخصات) 27 ژانویهٔ 2010، 22:39:09
erinja:Many English-speaking women think that a French accent is very romantic. So maybe if you see a beautiful English-speaking woman, you will want to keep your accentExactly the same for french people when you speak with an english romantic accent...
letigre (نمایش مشخصات) 27 ژانویهٔ 2010، 22:44:03
Hi everybody !
If you are interesting, you can tu send me a "personal message" on "lernu".
Vilinilo (نمایش مشخصات) 28 ژانویهٔ 2010، 0:41:15
erinja (نمایش مشخصات) 28 ژانویهٔ 2010، 3:53:07
letigre:erinja : Why do the french accent is romantic ? what is french men reputation's in your 'US' ? (i don't now if you understand this question. I am not sure ^^")People think that French is the language of love, and that French people are very romantic, and that they know a lot about love. Therefore for English speakers, a French accent can sound very beautiful, and the English speaker might think that this French person knows a lot about love!
It is not French men only, it is also French women
ceigered (نمایش مشخصات) 28 ژانویهٔ 2010، 10:56:40
But in all seriousness, most English speakers love French accents, like British, Australian, and cowboy accents - of course, like British, Australian, and cowboy accents, when the French accent is being used by the antagonist of a movie, it makes the antagonist even more evil.
I refer to it as the "awesome-accent" effect
Aussi: Je pense que la suggestion de Vilinilo est très bon, parce que Livemocha a beaucoup locuteurs de l'Anglais et de le Français. Et ma habilité de le Français est mer-, err... je veux dire "mauvais" , regrettablement, donc je deux arrêter mon discours.
Also: I think that Vilinilo's suggestion is very good, because Livemocha has many English and French speakers. And my French skills are cra- erm... I mean, catastrophic, regrettably, so I must stop talking