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ekzample(s) for clear esperanto pronouncation

di qwertz, 14 febbraio 2010

Messaggi: 56

Lingua: English

Kojotulo (Mostra il profilo) 09 luglio 2010 17:25:57

I found a Dutch gentleman on YouTube who speaks Esperanto very naturally and conversationally. I understood him rather well. Anything I did not understand came from my own lack of experience not his pronunciation. Anyway you can see his video here.

Seth442 (Mostra il profilo) 18 luglio 2010 01:38:29

This girl has some of the clearest videos in Esperanto that I can find. Some of them are really good quality and she speaks slowly and clearly with really good pronunciation.

qwertz (Mostra il profilo) 31 luglio 2010 18:38:53

Seth442:This girl has some of the clearest videos in Esperanto that I can find. Some of them are really good quality and she speaks slowly and clearly with really good pronunciation.
Kati published a new video blog. You also will get some information about the famous "flava butonon". rideto.gif


Contrary, yesterday I was at very malfia/malaĉa Reggae disco. These Rastafaries have a very special kind of pronouncing and singing. Some time time ago I made this La Persisto karaokeo. I'm still try to find out what the singer say excactly at the beginning (0:33 min until 0:45 min). One day I will find out okulumo.gif

So what do you think: Will promoting e-o Reggae means promoting violenting basic e-o principles (=clear pronouncation)? (Apart of that there seems to excist nearly nothing of e-o Reggae music)

philodice (Mostra il profilo) 22 agosto 2010 20:02:17

I love it! Mi amas gxi.

qwertz (Mostra il profilo) 02 ottobre 2010 21:22:17

ceigered (Mostra il profilo) 03 ottobre 2010 05:06:56

philodice:I love it! Mi amas gxi.
Ĉu ĝi vin amas aŭ ĉu vi ĝin amas? Ne forgesu la akuzativon, 'miko okulumo.gif

qwertz (Mostra il profilo) 03 ottobre 2010 09:07:37

ceigered:'miko okulumo.gif
Be carefully about that e-o "slang"! lango.gif

ceigered (Mostra il profilo) 03 ottobre 2010 09:53:54

ceigered:'miko okulumo.gif
Be carefully about that e-o "slang"! lango.gif
Ah it's praEsperanto, mīn frēond rido.gif

qwertz (Mostra il profilo) 03 ottobre 2010 09:56:44

ceigered:'miko okulumo.gif
Be carefully about that e-o "slang"! lango.gif
Ah it's praEsperanto, mīn frēond rido.gif
#grrr# lango.gif

AnFu (Mostra il profilo) 05 ottobre 2010 17:41:40

Other posters have previously mentioned Kati's videos on YouTube account MANEKENOoficiala as a good example of Esperanto pronunciation. The sound quality is ok to good (in the Blogo 3) with minimal background noise. Her voice and her face are very expressive and thereby aid or give clues for comprehension. I like that she has subtitles so I can hear the Esperanto AND read what is being said at the same time. That helps me a lot.

Using that same "Hear and Read" method, are Esperanto Vikifilmetoj (short wiki-based videos) by YouTube user account Traduki. They are videos with text from Esperanto Vikipedia shown on the screen while the text is spoken (by Anton Oberndorfer).

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