Al la enhavo

Random Question (Hazarda demando)

de Evildela, 2010-marto-07

Mesaĝoj: 25

Lingvo: English

andogigi (Montri la profilon) 2010-marto-07 17:55:44

Evildela:How many languages has Esperanto been translated into?

Kiel multaj lingvoj havas Esperanto estita tradukis en?
Are you asking how many dictionaries there are between Esperanto and other languages?

qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2010-marto-07 18:54:21

Stano MARČEK explains "kiom/a" like seen at the attachment:

Roberto12 (Montri la profilon) 2010-marto-07 20:16:15

Got it, thanks uloj.

Evildela (Montri la profilon) 2010-marto-07 20:27:08

andogigi:Are you asking how many dictionaries there are between Esperanto and other languages?

mateno (Montri la profilon) 2010-marto-07 23:58:30

Evildela:How many languages has Esperanto been translated into?

Kiel multaj lingvoj havas Esperanto estita tradukis en?
Hi Evildela,

Another thing to be looked at in your translation is the expression "havas ... estita".

This is not Esperanto. In the first place, you cannot treat the English "has" and "been" as two separate words, as they are not. They together make a form of the verb "to be" -- which is one of the many past tenses that we have in English.

In Esperanto, we have only one past tense -- and this Esperanto past verb form only consists of one word -- "estis". But as actually the English Present Perfect tense is, roughly speaking, something in-between past and present, sometimes maybe the present Esperanto form -- "estas" -- may be more apt.

Looking at it even better, we should actually consider all three words together: "has been translated". This is past (okay present perfect actually) passive form of "translate".

The passive is done in Esperanto pretty much the same way as in English -- you take the necessary form of "esti" (estas/estis/estos) plus the passive participle of the main verb (i.e. the one which has the meaning) -- "estis tradukita" or "estas tradukita".

So you should actually say:

En kiom da lingvoj estis (jam) Esperanto tradukita?
En kiom da lingvoj estas (jam) Esperanto tradukita?

(The particle "jam", which roughly translates as "already", can help you to express nuances that you express by using of various different tenses in English. Which tense and which particles/time adverbs to use, is what you have to figure out yourself, going by the intended meaning. This all comes with practice and better knowing the language you are translating from/into. The key is -- always to have the meaning in mind and to translate the sentence as a whole -- rather than treating the words one by one.)

Also, this is a very good guide on translating English verbs: it is written in Esperanto but, if nothing else, try to read through the examples at least!

mateno (Montri la profilon) 2010-marto-08 00:21:10

To actually address the question -- far not to answer it as I actually can't -- you can get the idea by searching for "vortaro" in the online catalogue of the UEA bookstore.

But this is only what is currently available (except where it says "nehavebla" okulumo.gif)

So to have even better idea you can go to Trovanto the online catalogue of the Collection for Constructed Languages of the Austrian National Library -- and, again, query for "vortaro".

Obviously you won't get anything like "one dictionary per language" as there are many different specialised dictionaries, monolingual dictionaries and so on.

Evildela (Montri la profilon) 2010-marto-08 01:45:00

Dankon Mateno, via respondi havas helpita min multe. la participojn en Esperanto estas tre malfacila por mi.

cxu mi tradukita ĝuste? aux estas mia Esperanto malbonega.

Thankyou Mateno, your response has helped me alot. The Participles in Esperanto are very dificult for me.

Did I translate correctly? or is my Esperanto terrible.

Peacewind (Montri la profilon) 2010-marto-08 01:59:54

andogigi:Are you asking how many dictionaries there are between Esperanto and other languages?
I'm assuming by lernu's main page, Esperantos is fully translated into;

Čeština (Czech)
Deutsch (German)
Ελληνικά (Greek)
Español (Spanish)
فارسی (Persian)
Suomi (Finnish)
Français (French)
Hornjoserbsce (Upper Sorbian)
Magyar (Hungarian)
Italiano (Italian)
Lietuvių (Lituanian)
Nederlands (Dutch)
Norsk (Norwegian)
Polski (Polish)
Português (Portuguese)
Русский (Russian)
Slovenčina (Slovak)
Svenska (Swedish)
简体中文 and 正體中文 (Chinese)

Those are sites that lernu has translated completely to. There are other languages listed. So we can assume that all of them have a dictionary of some sort.

عربي (Arabic)
Български (Bulgarian)
Català (Catalan)
Dansk (Danish)
עברית (Hebrew)
Hrvatski (Croatian)
日本語 (Japanese)
한국어 (Korean)
Română (Romanian)
Slovensko (Slavic)
Українська (Ukrainian)
Việt nam (Vietnamese)

Wikipedia lists furthur languages that are not listed on lernu and have most likely not been translated completely. For example; Gaelic, Afrikaans, Māori and Icelandic to name a small number.

Fortunatly...Esperantos is listed as one of those Wikipedia languages.

69UM24OSU12 (Montri la profilon) 2010-marto-08 03:51:00

Evildela:Dankon Mateno, via respondi havas helpita min multe. la participojn en Esperanto estas tre malfacila por mi.

ĉu mi tradukita ĝuste? aŭ estas mia Esperanto malbonega.

Thankyou Mateno, your response has helped me alot. The Participles in Esperanto are very dificult for me.

Did I translate correctly? or is my Esperanto terrible.
You could say "Ĉu mi estas tradukita ĝuste?" but the participle construction isn't necessary and isn't typically used for such a simple, direct question. Better is "Ĉu mi tradukis ĝuste?" In the second question, remember to use "ĉu" to form it- "Ĉu mia Esperanto estas malbonega?"

I think a good guideline for using participles is not to use them unless the precision that they give is necessary to make your meaning clear. For example it's not necessary to say "Mi estas trinkanta kafon"- "Mi trinkas kafon" will be perfectly clear. But if you say "Mi trinkis kafon kiam li eniris," then it's not clear whether you mean that you were already drinking coffee when he came in or whether you had your coffee upon his arrival. To express the former, you should say "Mi estis trinkanta kafon kiam li eniris." Don't worry, this will quickly become clear as you progress in the study of the language.

Evildela (Montri la profilon) 2010-marto-08 05:32:02

Dankon multe Peacewind por via informaĵo, kaj ankaux dankon 69UM24OSU12 por via helpo. rido.gif

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