Pufferfish in Esperanto?
글쓴이: darkweasel, 2010년 3월 31일
글: 13
언어: English
Leporino (프로필 보기) 2010년 4월 1일 오전 10:59:13
darkweasel:I could give my voice to one of the female unicorns if you me want to. I've already done some microphone-acting in the past.Leporino:The biggest problem will be to find voice actors. I could voice Charlie, but once I've finished the text of all three parts, I'm going to need some female voices (for the two other unicorns and - in part 2 - the bananas).darkweasel:Hello everyone, does somebody know how to call these fish in Esperanto? I'm translating Charlie the Unicorn 2 to Esperanto, which is why I need this (they say fugu).Ha ha ha, that's great!!! I hope you don't just subtitle it!
I want to hear that "CHARLEEEEEEY" in Esperanto!
Anyway, I'll go with balonfiŝo, thanks for your suggestions.
Isn't it better to say "Karlo" instead of "Ĉarlo"?
darkweasel (프로필 보기) 2010년 4월 1일 오전 11:20:02
Leporino:As it's just a proper name, I don't think that matters a lot. I wanted to keep the Ĉ-sound of the English original (I don't think a "Kaarloooo!" cry would be nearly as cool as "Ĉaarloooo!"), and that's why I chose "Ĉarlo".
Isn't it better to say "Karlo" instead of "Ĉarlo"?
What do you all think, is it enough to subtitle the Candy Mountain Cave song or should they sing it (which will require a lot of translation effort so that the rhythm stays)? I can't sing very well, so in the last case someone else will need to do this to get a good result.
Leporino: Contact me privately and I'll send you my (written) translation of part 1, then you can choose to voice the blue or the red unicorn.