
May I be so bold as to ask...


メッセージ: 6

言語: English

Starkman (プロフィールを表示) 2010年5月6日 17:04:26

I'm brand new here! I love this site, and I'm excited in what I'm learning, but there's something that would make this particular forum all the better.

Would posters here mind translating their response Esperanto-sentences into English?

For example, if someone asks a question about how to translate a sentence, and someone responds, and the response includes, say, addition examples in Esperanto, then an English translation of those as well would be great. That way even beginners will be able to learn.

Boy, that would sure encourage me! But if I presume too much, I apologize.



kristosferos (プロフィールを表示) 2010年5月6日 22:29:39

If you click on a word, the definition appears. That has helped me on this forum.

Se vi klakas vorton, la difino aperas. Tio asistis min sur tia forumo.

Starkman (プロフィールを表示) 2010年5月6日 23:20:32

kristosferos:If you click on a word, the definition appears. That has helped me on this forum.

Se vi klakas vorton, la difino aperas. Tio asistis min sur tia forumo.
Hmm! I click on the words on your post and I ain't get'n nut'n!! What am I doing wrong?

erinja (プロフィールを表示) 2010年5月6日 23:33:07

The clickable words only work on the Esperanto-language parts of the site. It doesn't work here in the English forums (it does work in all of the designated Esperanto-only forums)

ceigered (プロフィールを表示) 2010年5月7日 9:10:51

Normally, we will translate, but sometimes I for example will translate a few examples but will leave some in pure Esperanto. The reason being because the dictionary here is good enough to have things copied in, and I personally learnt the most by tackling EO-only phrases and by trying to grasp the concepts from an EO only perspective. Otherwise you can fall into the trap of translating everything you read and hear in EO into English straight away, which gets hard to do malgajo.gif

Starkman (プロフィールを表示) 2010年5月8日 2:46:21

I can understand that!

ceigered:Normally, we will translate, but sometimes I for example will translate a few examples but will leave some in pure Esperanto. The reason being because the dictionary here is good enough to have things copied in, and I personally learnt the most by tackling EO-only phrases and by trying to grasp the concepts from an EO only perspective. Otherwise you can fall into the trap of translating everything you read and hear in EO into English straight away, which gets hard to do malgajo.gif
