Mesaĝoj: 22
Lingvo: English
darkweasel (Montri la profilon) 2010-majo-10 13:50:11
ceigered:As according to the Fundamento a miljaro is a millennium, a dumiljaro logically is a period of 2000 years.jan aleksan:see FrenchThis one is so hard to grasp with countries and locations, with the word "à"
(especially with "en" when talking bout living in countries).
Maybe "La dumiljaron mi komencis legi librojn pri Esperanto" - dunno if that's right, but could that work as an example?And can the -n ending be used for months and years?For the years I have no example in mind, but in theory it's possible.
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-majo-10 23:49:35
darkweasel:Ah. Maybe "La jaron Dumil"?ceigered:As according to the Fundamento a miljaro is a millennium, a dumiljaro logically is a period of 2000 years.jan aleksan:see FrenchThis one is so hard to grasp with countries and locations, with the word "à"
(especially with "en" when talking bout living in countries).
Maybe "La dumiljaron mi komencis legi librojn pri Esperanto" - dunno if that's right, but could that work as an example?And can the -n ending be used for months and years?For the years I have no example in mind, but in theory it's possible.
darkweasel (Montri la profilon) 2010-majo-11 05:13:26
ceigered:Yes, just that du mil is written in two words.darkweasel:Ah. Maybe "La jaron Dumil"?ceigered:As according to the Fundamento a miljaro is a millennium, a dumiljaro logically is a period of 2000 years.jan aleksan:see FrenchThis one is so hard to grasp with countries and locations, with the word "à"
(especially with "en" when talking bout living in countries).
Maybe "La dumiljaron mi komencis legi librojn pri Esperanto" - dunno if that's right, but could that work as an example?And can the -n ending be used for months and years?For the years I have no example in mind, but in theory it's possible.
pohli (Montri la profilon) 2010-majo-11 08:01:07
k1attack:And what about "je"? Does it mean "at" as in "at 9 o'clock" or "at this time"?"je" is some kind of a joker. It has no special meaning like all the other prepositions. So it can be used in those places where the national languages use a certain preposition just because "you say it so", and the meaning of the preposition itself unimportant. For example, in English you say "I wait for you", where in German you say "Ich warte auf dich" ("auf"="on").
Often "je ..." and the accusative "...-n" are exchangeable (which doesn't mean you should use "je" all the time, the accusative is preferable most of the time):
- with time: je lundo = lundon
- with other measures: je du metro = du metrojn
- with "phrasal verbs": "Mi atendas je vi." = "I wait for you." = "Mi atendas vin." = "I await you."
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-majo-11 13:53:42
darkweasel:just that du mil is written in two words.Dankon pro via korekto

EoMy (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-05 03:28:39
Can someone direct me or give example here for it. I read many in twitter with different usage of je and lunde, some even told me there is no such word lunde.

well, example
on monday
in July
at 3 pm
in the morning of 7th of july
i was borne at 3 pm on the 7th of july in 2000.
horsto (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-05 13:12:58
EoMy:Have big problem in this preposition of time for esperanto.on monday = lunde
Can someone direct me or give example here for it. I read many in twitter with different usage of je and lunde, some even told me there is no such word lunde.
well, example
on monday
in July
at 3 pm
in the morning of 7th of july
i was borne at 3 pm on the 7th of july in 2000.
in July = en julio
at 3 pm = je la tria (horo) (posttagmeze) = je la dek-kvina (horo)
in the morning of 7th of july = en la mateno de la sepa de julio = matene en la sepa (tago) de julio
i was borne at 3 pm on the 7th of july in 2000 = mi naskiĝis la sepan de julio 2000 je la tria posttagmeze.
You can find some more information about dates and time in PMEG.
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-05 13:31:16
EoMy:.. in twitter .. some even told me there is no such word lunde.

EoMy:on mondaylunde or je lundo
EoMy:in Julyen Julio
EoMy:at 3 pmje la 3-a ptm (post-tag-meze)
EoMy:in the morning of 7th of julen la mateno de la 7-a de Julio
EoMy:i was borne at 3 pm on the 7th of july in 2000.Mi naskiĝis je la 3-a ptm en la 7-a de Julio en 2000.
T0dd (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-05 14:07:09
horsto:According to PMEG, and also according to my own sense of usage, LUNDE means "on Mondays" in general, not a particular Monday. PMEG has en (la) lundoj, en ĉiu lundo.EoMy:on monday = lunde
well, example
on monday
in July
at 3 pm
in the morning of 7th of july
i was borne at 3 pm on the 7th of july in 2000.
So, JE LUNDO or LUNDON means "On Monday", where a specific Monday is understood. The use of the -N form in the second case is simply an example of -N replacing the preposition JE.
It's interesting that Bertilow uses the form EN LUNDOJ or EN ĈIU LUNDO in PMEG. We do use EN commonly with months and years. Although EN is a spatial preposition, we metaphorically conceive of months and years as spaces, within which events are located, so EN works. I don't think I've heard EN used with specific days very much, if at all, but I see no reason it couldn't be used that way. If JANUARO is a kind of space, within which things can happen, why not LUNDO? Indeed, why does Bertilow use EN ĈIU LUNDO instead of JE ĈIU LUNDO as a definition of LUNDE?
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-05 14:54:18
T0dd:According to PMEG..LUNDE means "on Mondays" in general, not a particular Monday.That is good general practice (and is taught in PAG as well as Teach yourself Esperanto). However, while Lunde certainly is used for Mondays generally (1st box, 7th example), there are examples in PMEG (section Ci, last box, first and last sentences) of lunde being used for a specific Monday. Here's another probable example (1st box, 6th example - note that the future tense is used). Here's another (section "Absolute signifo", 1st box, 2nd example - note that ad is not used here). Possibly these examples reflect older usage.