Using La Sankta Biblio to learn Esperanto
fra Starkman,2010 5 11
Meldinger: 113
Språk: English
jchthys (Å vise profilen) 2011 3 12 19:12:59
First of all, a nitpicky point -- Erinja said:
Erinja:Actually, Hebrew doesn't have a "tense" system per se, only an aspectual system (perfective/imperfective). Imperfective verbs normally, but not exclusively, correspond to the English future. So while אהיה could mean ‘I will be’, it could well mean ‘I am’ also. One popular modern translation has, for example, ‘I AM WHO I AM’ in the main text, but ‘I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE’ as a viable alternative in a footnote.
I don't know Christian beliefs or theology, but "ehyeh" (אהיה, or with vowels אֶהְיֶה) isn't present tense in Hebrew. It's future tense. The statement in Exodus actually means "I will be that I will be". Or, depending on how you translate the word אשר, it could mean "I will be who/what I will be".
On to the original question, I just want to comment that the Esperanto Bible reminds me most of the original RSV translation. It is in a rather literal and formal style, but modern enough (it is not the equivalent of the KJV). However, I find that in Esperanto, the literalness poses less of a problem than it does in English. Since Esperanto isn't most people's native language, ‘odd’ phrasings don’t sound as unnatural. [Case in point: to my ears, b]neceso kuŝas sur mi[/b] sounds less unnatural than necessity is laid upon me.] Also, Esperanto is designed to have that flexibility.
I find the Esperanto Bible to be useful since I am familiar with the Bible’s content in general, so I rarely have to look up a word. This is quite helpful. Also, translations of the Bible in one's native language are generally very easy (and free) to come by. The one trap is that you need to be careful not to be confused by an English version that uses a different text or interpretation.
NJ Esperantist (Å vise profilen) 2011 3 14 17:56:44
erinja (Å vise profilen) 2011 3 14 18:39:40
So if you're looking at verses in Matthew, it's very likely that one translation is an edited version of another, or that someone completely different translated each one. Usually the translator's name is in the cover somewhere.
I have heard that in the 20's, a New Testament translation created by a committee was published. One of your bibles might have that translation, and the other might have an edited version of it. If no translator's name is printed, it may well be one of those "translation by committee" situations.
sudanglo (Å vise profilen) 2011 3 15 12:00:14
The frontpaĝa enskribo is Malnova kaj Nova Testamentoj tradukitaj el la originalaj lingvoj.
Londono. Brita kaj alilanda Biblia Societo
Edinburgo kaj Glasgovo. Nacia Biblia Societo de Skotlando
Looking at Mateo 6, I see 'Kaj pardonu al ni niajn ŝuldojn' Forgive us our debts! That should make the bankers happy.
NJ Esperantist (Å vise profilen) 2011 3 15 16:01:40
Miland (Å vise profilen) 2011 3 15 16:33:54
The blue softcover one may be the same older translation published by the Bible Society that sudanglo has.
daniellor (Å vise profilen) 2011 3 16 06:15:59
I wish there were an Esp./English bilingual
Bible available somewhere. Anyone out there
thinking of publishing one in the near future?
That would be a real bonus for people learning

Belmiro (Å vise profilen) 2011 3 16 19:19:30
jchthys (Å vise profilen) 2011 3 17 01:56:31
Davo1962 (Å vise profilen) 2011 3 17 23:24:26