Tin nhắn: 8
Nội dung: English
byronarnold (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 23:24:14 Ngày 09 tháng 4 năm 2007
1. The tea is warm.
La teo estas varma.
2. The teacher is a father.
La instruisto estas patro.
3. Your father is good.
Via patro estas bone.
4. The new teachers will be good.
La nova instruisto estos bone.
5. My brother will be a teacher.
Via frato estos instruisto.
6. Your sons will be friends.
Via filoj estos amikoj.
7. The cakes were good.
La kukoj estis bona.
8. The bread is dry.
La pana estas seka.
9. The new boy was my friend.
La nova knabo estis mia amiko.
10. The boys will be great friends.
La amikoj estos bonaj amikoj.
1. A healthy boy drinks warm milk.
Sana knabo trinkas varmon lakton.
2. The old store doesn't sell dry cakes.
La malnova butiko ne vendas sekan kukon.
3. The teacher met the new friends.
La instruisto renkontis la novajn amikojn.
4. The new friends will make a good cake.
La nova amikoj faros bonan kukon.
5. The girl didn't find the sisters.
La knabino ne trovis la filinojn.
6. The small sister is sick, the brother is healthy.
La malgranda filino esas malsano, la knabo estas sano.
7. The father will not wash the small cups.
La patro ne lavos la malgrandan tasojn.
8. The beautiful bird caught a small insect.
La bela birdo faptas malgrandan insekton.
9. The boy is my old friend.
La knabo estas mia malnova amiko.
10. The boys were great friends.
La knaboj estis granda amikoj.
Once again, thanks for those who decide to help me out.
The website I downloaded the program from said to enter your email address and they would give you a tutor, and they would email the tutor's name and email address to you within 5 days. I did this about a week and a half ago, and they still haven't emailed me a tutor yet. So I decided to bother you guys with it...

mccambjd (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 23:50:23 Ngày 09 tháng 4 năm 2007
byronarnold:I am taking a course on Esperanto called "Kurso de Esperanto".Why don't you take advantage of the courses here at Lernu! ? Ana Pana and Ana Renkontas both have correspondence excercises with a lingvohelpanto which I found very useful and motivating.
byronarnold (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 23:57:41 Ngày 09 tháng 4 năm 2007
mccambjd:I prefer to use things available offline in case I lose internet access. "Kurso de Esperanto" is a free download program that does not need Internet access to use. So I use it...byronarnold:I am taking a course on Esperanto called "Kurso de Esperanto".Why don't you take advantage of the courses here at Lernu! ? Ana Pana and Ana Renkontas both have correspondence excercises with a lingvohelpanto which I found very useful and motivating.
erinja (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 00:14:45 Ngày 10 tháng 4 năm 2007
Via patro estas bone.
This should be "Via patro estas bona". "Bone" means "well".
4. The new teachers will be good.
La nova instruisto estos bone.
This should be "La novaj instruistoj estos bonaj"
5. My brother will be a teacher.
Via frato estos instruisto.
This should be "Mia frato estos instruisto"
6. Your sons will be friends.
Via filoj estos amikoj.
"Viaj filoj estos amikoj"
7. The cakes were good.
La kukoj estis bona.
"La kukoj estis bonaj"
8. The bread is dry.
La pana estas seka.
"La pano estas seka"
9. The new boy was my friend.
La nova knabo estis mia amiko.
10. The boys will be great friends.
La amikoj estos grandaj amikoj.
"La knaboj estos bonaj amikoj"
2. The old store doesn't sell dry cakes.
La malnova butiko ne vendas sekan kukon.
"La malnova butiko ne vendas sekajn kukojn"
4. The new friends will make a good cake.
La nova amikoj faros bonan kukon.
"La novaj amikoj faros bonan kukon"
5. The girl didn't find the sisters.
La knabino ne trovis la filinojn.
"La knabino ne trovis la fratinojn"
6. The small sister is sick, the brother is healthy.
La malgranda filino esas malsano, la knabo estas sano.
"La malgranda fratino estas malsana, la frato estas sana"
"sano" means "health", it's a noun. "filino" means "daughter".
7. The father will not wash the small cups.
La patro ne lavos la malgrandan tasojn.
"La patro ne lavos la malgrandajn tasojn"
Nouns and adjective must agree in number

8. The beautiful bird caught a small insect.
La bela birdo faptas malgrandan insekton.
"La bela birdo kaptis malgrandan insekton"
10. The boys were great friends.
La knaboj estis granda amikoj.\
"La knaboj estis grandaj amikoj"
awake (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 00:42:24 Ngày 10 tháng 4 năm 2007
erinja:3. Your father is good.This is something that a lot of english speakers have trouble with, because (americans at least) often don't differentiate between adverbs and adjectives.
Via patro estas bone.
This should be "Via patro estas bona". "Bone" means "well".
4. The new teachers will be good.
La nova instruisto estos bone.
This should be "La novaj instruistoj estos bonaj"
Byron, remember that the -a ending indicates an adjective (modifies a noun) and the -e ending indicates an adverb (modifies verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs). In Esperanto the two shouldnt be mixed (but fortunately Esperanto makes it easy to keep straight due to the grammar coding of the word endings).
Consider the following two sentences.
La novaj instruistoj estos bonaj = The new teachers will be good. here bonaj is describing instruistoj. It's saying what kind of teachers the new teachers will be.
Compare that to
La novaj instruistoj parolos bone = The new teachers will speak well.
here bone is used because you're not describing the teachers (a noun) but rather describing how they will speak (a verb). I hope that makes the distinction more clear.

erinja (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 01:06:37 Ngày 10 tháng 4 năm 2007
byronarnold:No need to feel badly. There are a lot of learning resources online, and I think it's a good idea to take advantage of everything that's available. Both sites/courses have their plusses and minuses.
I prefer to use things available offline in case I lose internet access. "Kurso de Esperanto" is a free download program that does not need Internet access to use. So I use it...
richardhall (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 15:38:26 Ngày 10 tháng 4 năm 2007
byronarnold:I prefer to use things available offline in case I lose internet access. "Kurso de Esperanto" is a free download program that does not need Internet access to use. So I use it...This is probably an appropriate place to say how helpful I've found the resources here at Lernu! I worked my way through "Bildoj kaj demandoj" as a gentle way in and got alot out of it. The support I got when doing 'Ana Pana' was excellent. I've just started 'Ana Renkontis', and so far it looks just as good.
But I know what you mean about not wanting to rely too much on the internet. I also have a copy of 'Teach Yourself Esperanto' which I bought on a whim in about 1986 and has sat unread ever since. I'm finding I can now get something out the book by using it as a complement to the courses here.
Sadly, TYE doesn't appear to be in print anymore.
Kwekubo (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 16:46:06 Ngày 10 tháng 4 năm 2007
richardhall:But I know what you mean about not wanting to rely too much on the internet. I also have a copy of 'Teach Yourself Esperanto' which I bought on a whim in about 1986 and has sat unread ever since. I'm finding I can now get something out the book by using it as a complement to the courses here.Unfortunately so. Hodder & Staughton dropped all but their best-selling, mainstream titles when they relaunched the Teach Yourself range a couple of years ago. A shame really as I found the book quite useful when I was a beginner. There are other books out there though
Sadly, TYE doesn't appear to be in print anymore.