შინაარსის ნახვა

Is anybody interested in an Esperanto Gaming website?

Reteos-ისა და 5 ივნისი, 2010-ის მიერ

შეტყობინებები: 36

ენა: English

vejktoro (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 7 ივნისი, 2010 04:26:43

This program works well.

Have a look.

Hauxkins (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 7 ივნისი, 2010 07:49:59

How about "Ludejo"?

Also, how about creating an associated clan on x-box live and whatever the playstation equivalent is? That way, we could actually use our Esperanto, possibly to winning effect as no-one will understand our tactical discussions..

We could call the clan "The Aggresor Language". okulumo.gif

ceigered (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 7 ივნისი, 2010 10:01:43

Hauxkins:How about "Ludejo"?

Also, how about creating an associated clan on x-box live and whatever the playstation equivalent is? That way, we could actually use our Esperanto, possibly to winning effect as no-one will understand our tactical discussions..

We could call the clan "The Aggresor Language". okulumo.gif
How about "MARSOL" - Marines? lango.gif
(or Agresuloj maybe?)

Esperanto, the language of peace.....

Donniedillon (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 7 ივნისი, 2010 15:09:57

Some possible headers I whipped up...

Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4

Also, I was thinking a nice tag line might be "Ekludu kun nin!"

tommjames (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 7 ივნისი, 2010 15:23:52

Donniedillon:Some possible headers I whipped up...

Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4
Also, I was thinking a nice tag line might be "Ekludu kun nin!"
I quite like the 3rd one.

Reteos (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 7 ივნისი, 2010 16:21:52

I very much like 2 and 3 ridulo.gif

im currently trying to search for an Esperanto spellchecker for the article i made ridulo.gif
thanks for the banner ideas everyone ridego.gif

Reteos (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 7 ივნისი, 2010 17:48:05

Just used the Esperantilo program to help significantly with my spelling and grammar, i have updated the site now, if anyone would like to see the progress of the first article it is


Also if anyone would like to write a review or comparison of any games that they enjoy then i would love to post it on the site on your Behalf, you will be credited do not fear ridulo.gif

ceigered (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 8 ივნისი, 2010 09:42:42

I shall act as an editor until a more capable person appears rido.gif:
Alex Kidd in Miracle World konsideris esti uno de la plej bonaj ludoj de la Sega Master System. En Eŭropo la ludo venis kun la Sega Master system. La ludo post tio nomiĝas "Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle" kaj ellasis en la Sega Mega Drive en 1989.
The first part literally translates to "Alex Kidd in Miracle World considers to be Uno (the card game) of the best games of the SMS" - a better way to phrase this would be:
Alex Kidd in Miracle World estas konsiderata kiel unu de la plej bonaj ludoj de la Sega Master System. En Eŭropo, la ludo venis kun la Sega Master System. La ludo kiu estis post tiu nomiĝis "Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle" kaj estis ellasita por la Sega Mega Drive en 1989.
(Alex Kidd in Miracle world is considered as one of the best games of the SMS. In Europe, the game came with the SMS. The game which was after that was called "Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle" and was released for the SMS in 1989.)

If you wanna say that something had something done to it, e.g. was release, was written, was considered, get the main verb (e.g. ellas-), stick "-ita" (-ed, something done to it in the past) or "ata" (-ed, something being done to it) on the end, then put this new word after "esti". So, "was considered" = "estis konsiderata" (was being considered), and "was released" = "estis ellasita" (was released - it's not "-ata" because the releasing had already been over and done with).

En mia infanaĝo mi ĉiam ludis la Sega Mega Drive, unu de miaj favorataj ludoj nomiĝas Alex Kidd in The Enchanted Castle.
After the end of the first phrase, after "sega mega drive, ", you should put in a "kaj" (just for style). Or, put in a semicolon. You could leave it as is, but it does look as if something is missing, and the reader might have to read again to check if they accidentally missed the point of the entire sentence. So "En mia infanaĝo mi ĉiam ludis la Sega Mega Drive, kaj unu de miaj favorataj ludoj por la konzolo nomiĝas Alex Kidd in The Enchanted Castle".

Esti can also be used instead of nomiĝas in many of the above cases if you want to vary things up a bit rido.gif, but that's not really important at all, I just wasn't sure if you were stressing over that so I though I'd add it in anyway! haha.

mi havis la kasedon kaj ĝi ĉiam frostis, oni nur havis reekis la ludon. La unuan nivelon havis motorciklon KAJ helikopteron! Alex kidd venkas liajn malamikojn kun ludon de "Roko, papero tondilo". Li kapablis gajni eroj kaj potencoj. La A.I estas unu ŝtupo antaŭen kaj tio estas ĉiom, ek unu ŝtupo antaŭen la AI kaj oni ĉiam gajnas.
There are some parts I don't understand 100% (oni nur havis reekis la ludon), but I think this could be better put as:
Mi havis la kasedon kaj ĝi ĉiam frosti(ĝi)s, do oni devis rekomenci la ludon. La unua nivelo havis motorciklon kaj helikpteron por uzi. Alex Kidd venkas liajn malamikojn per la ludo "Papero, tondilo, ŝtono" (ankaŭ nomiĝas "janken" en Japanujo). Li povas gajni erojn kaj potencojn. *La AI estas antaŭe unu ŝtupo kaj ......
I had the casette and it always froze, so one had to restart the game. The first level had a motorcycle and helicopter for use. Alex Kidd defeats his enemies using the game "Rock, paper, scissors" (also named "Janken" in Japan. He can win fragments and powers. The AI is ahead one step and .....

(culture note: Rock, paper, scissors is a Japanese game, which they know as "janken" (a corruption of rock fists, don't ask where the scissors and paper came from! rido.gif) - due to Esperanto's international bearing, for things like that adding "janken" in brackets (ĝanken... however you want to transliterate your Japanese in Esperanto) can be useful, especially when not all of the world names the game after a stone, a piece of paper and a pair of scissors. Especially Asia).

(I'm not sure what the last sentence was meant to mean. Also, I had trouble translating "one step ahead", and now I'm wondering if it's better to not literally translate it...).


That's as far as I can get for now coz I have to go for a sec, but while you do need to go through it again and look for errors and look at ways of translating while avoiding any potential confusion, it's EXTREMELY good. Like I said, there are errors present (and I'm dog tired so I might have corrected them incorrectly), but once you've got some errors rolled out, your article will be very well done.

Reteos (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 8 ივნისი, 2010 12:07:22

Thanks alot Ceigered, the prorgam i used to correct knows more about esperanto than me, so when it says "use nominative" etc i dont understand how to change it.

but thankyou for explaining the past tense of having something done to it

oh and with "Reekis" i put Re-Eki (re-Start)
i dont think esperanto has an official word for reset/restart. i just made one up

il deffinately have to practise that haha.
the above edit has been posted to the site if you would like to check.

If anyone wants to write an article im more than happy to post it up and credit you ridulo.gif

ceigered (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 8 ივნისი, 2010 12:36:41

Reteos:Thanks alot Ceigered, the prorgam i used to correct knows more about esperanto than me, so when it says "use nominative" etc i dont understand how to change it.
I recommend using wiktionary.org - that gives good definitions for things like "nominative". But if it says "use nominative", you need to use a noun instead of whatever form of a word you've used.

Reekis I think should be fine, I couldn't figure out whether it refers to the subject itself (the console can't restart itself e.g. Sega console + restarts + self lango.gif) or to an object (e.g. you + restart + Sega console)

I might try writing up a review.. if only I could think of something. I might try an Okami review, or a PSP game review (coz almost EVERY Psp game is rare thanks to the DS)

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