How to create an common identity?
od uživatele qwertz ze dne 29. srpna 2010
Příspěvky: 22
Jazyk: English
ceigered (Ukázat profil) 18. prosince 2010 3:40:14
That's a nice idea - so basically, it takes things like those Facebook "1,000,000 members to tell (so and so) we want (so and so)!" and makes a more official channel with some expecation of a result?
Sounds like a great idea, too much democracy these days is rooted back in the days of so long ago that modern systems etc don't work quite so nicely anymore...
Although, I do worry if there is ever something like an outcry against a criminal or murderer and many people want him dead or something horrid. Humans get very angry very quickly and it spreads fast, which could be a nightmare for protecting the rights of criminals.
Sounds like a great idea, too much democracy these days is rooted back in the days of so long ago that modern systems etc don't work quite so nicely anymore...
Although, I do worry if there is ever something like an outcry against a criminal or murderer and many people want him dead or something horrid. Humans get very angry very quickly and it spreads fast, which could be a nightmare for protecting the rights of criminals.
qwertz (Ukázat profil) 18. prosince 2010 10:15:51
I see that European citizens’ initiative (ECI) a first step to establish direct democracy.
4. What is the added value of the ECI? (ECI FAQ; pdf)
Under the Lisbon Treaty, the functioning of the European Union shall
continue to be founded on "representative democracy" and European
citizens will continue to be directly represented at Union level in the
European Parliament. The Lisbon Treaty duly recalls these fundamental
However, with the ECI, the new Treaty is widening the sphere of public
debate, allowing citizens to participate more intensively in the democratic
life of the Union, through this new “participatory democracy” tool.
Whilst the Commission retains its right of initiative and will therefore not be
bound* to make a proposal following a citizens’ initiative, it is committed to
carefully examine all initiatives that fall within its powers in order to
consider whether a new policy proposal would be appropriate.
The Commission therefore believes that this new instrument will make a
very positive contribution not only to European democracy but also to EU
policy making.
*Hhm, that's half-hearted/halbherzig means makes the ECI tool somewhat edgeless. But that ECI tool can be hardened by press power i.e. Guardian/Der Spiegel/Le Monde etc. So an ECI/press alliance could enforce EU parlament to do action according the regarding EU citizens inicitative.
Generaly the current state of ECI is still "draft proposal".
4. What is the added value of the ECI? (ECI FAQ; pdf)
Under the Lisbon Treaty, the functioning of the European Union shall
continue to be founded on "representative democracy" and European
citizens will continue to be directly represented at Union level in the
European Parliament. The Lisbon Treaty duly recalls these fundamental
However, with the ECI, the new Treaty is widening the sphere of public
debate, allowing citizens to participate more intensively in the democratic
life of the Union, through this new “participatory democracy” tool.
Whilst the Commission retains its right of initiative and will therefore not be
bound* to make a proposal following a citizens’ initiative, it is committed to
carefully examine all initiatives that fall within its powers in order to
consider whether a new policy proposal would be appropriate.
The Commission therefore believes that this new instrument will make a
very positive contribution not only to European democracy but also to EU
policy making.
*Hhm, that's half-hearted/halbherzig means makes the ECI tool somewhat edgeless. But that ECI tool can be hardened by press power i.e. Guardian/Der Spiegel/Le Monde etc. So an ECI/press alliance could enforce EU parlament to do action according the regarding EU citizens inicitative.
Generaly the current state of ECI is still "draft proposal".