לתוכן העניינים

Phrases for my book please...

של philodice, 17 בספטמבר 2010

הודעות: 21

שפה: English

Evildela (הצגת פרופיל) 18 בספטמבר 2010, 05:23:36

Genjix, I think your style of writing is more formal then that of philodice, which is almost poetic at times.

For instance, I prefer her:
"Amy removed her protective mask and breathed cautiously in the clean forest air."

to your:
"Amy removed her protective mask. She cautiously breathed the clean forest air."

Her text melds together, and flows nicely forcing the reader to follow the text. Yours however stops them in their tracks, giving the reader the opportunity to place the book down, never a good thing when your trying to sell books =P

Tio ĉi estas ankaŭ mia forumo angla, do eble ĝi estas ankaŭ malboneta. lango.gif

ceigered (הצגת פרופיל) 18 בספטמבר 2010, 16:06:51

I must agree with Evildela, in that Philodice's writing style seems to match the genre she's aiming for.

Of course, I'm the type who can only read a good long text if it's non-fiction and introduces and teaches exciting new concepts or extrapolates on them in a fairly quick-no-nonsense fashion (like an encyclopedia), so Genjix's writing is something I feel a lot more comfortable with and generally prefer. But I'm definitely not Philodice's target audience no doubt rido.gif. Unless her work gets adapted to manga or anime okulumo.gif (or encyclopedic/information brochure format! rideto.gif)

I think that word choice seems to be Philodice's main question, and that her writing style is good as is for what she's doing so she's not fussed about that.

erinja (הצגת פרופיל) 19 בספטמבר 2010, 03:02:05

This forum is probably not the place to offer suggestions for edits to Philodice's English text. That kind of information would probably be best sent to her as a private message.

philodice (הצגת פרופיל) 20 בספטמבר 2010, 00:00:06

erinja:This forum is probably not the place to offer suggestions for edits to Philodice's English text. That kind of information would probably be best sent to her as a private message.
I do thank you for the attention, however, that is correct. The topic did get hijacked a bit. I posted the link just in case somebody felt like checking it out. I'm not trying to sell anything or get any free tips here. rideto.gif
It is very true that the style is poetically based. Yes, I did it on purpose. My fans say that it helps them become immersed in the feelings that my characters are experiencing. This story does have a plot, but the main goal is the way I wanted people to feel while reading it.
At first the fairies spoke french as the alternate language. I wanted something more otherwordly, so thankyou for help with the Esperanto. I love it!

ceigered (הצגת פרופיל) 20 בספטמבר 2010, 06:28:36

Philodice, also slightly off topic, but out of curiousity about how much you want things to look otherworldly (and maybe not even for this novel, but for something somewhere else), a possible stylistic approach might be to stick accent marks above vowels when in the original language the word's from they are present. E.g. naïva, etc. In fact, this isn't so much for your book but more just an idea I had when you mentioned otherworldly languages, and I was thinking about how ornate the elvish languages from LOTOR look with all the diacritic mark look alikes everywhere., so if anyone feels like experimenting with that let me know how it turns out lango.gif.

philodice (הצגת פרופיל) 20 בספטמבר 2010, 14:37:24

I do want it to look otherworldly, but I also want to only use legends, languages, and knowledge invented by somebody else from the past.
I believe that there is so much knowledge in the world, so many stories that have been forgotten or overlooked, even underused (like Esperanto) that when I was thinking about how I wanted to write I decided to only use real places, real cities, real rivers and forests. In places, I use the real speed limits. For example, I don't have people zooming down curvy mountain roads at 95 miles per hour. That isn't physically possible.
This is where Esperanto comes in. In the spirit of educating my readers that the real world is, in fact, interesting enough to learn about, I did not want to be the creator of yet another fiction language.
I wanted as much of the story to be 'real' as possible, so that's how it happened.

philodice (הצגת פרופיל) 11 בדצמבר 2010, 02:19:57

Great news, the book is published, Esperanto phrases and all.

"Undine Heart" can be bought online. Thanks for the help, Miaj Amikoj.

ceigered (הצגת פרופיל) 11 בדצמבר 2010, 11:33:23

philodice:Great news, the book is published, Esperanto phrases and all.

"Undine Heart" can be bought online. Thanks for the help, Miaj Amikoj.
Gratulegojn! Is this it? (I do love borders - "free instant delivery for ebook format" shoko.gif)

Sounds interesting, with elements of the little mermaid cum romeo+juliet cum the parts of twilight that don't make one desire autoannihilation.

If that's not yours then... Oh well, there's a good idea you can steal. rido.gif

philodice (הצגת פרופיל) 11 בדצמבר 2010, 14:03:08

philodice:Great news, the book is published, Esperanto phrases and all.

"Undine Heart" can be bought online. Thanks for the help, Miaj Amikoj.
Gratulegojn! Is this it? (I do love borders - "free instant delivery for ebook format" shoko.gif)

Sounds interesting, with elements of the little mermaid cum romeo+juliet cum the parts of twilight that don't make one desire autoannihilation.

If that's not yours then... Oh well, there's a good idea you can steal. rido.gif
Yes that is my book. It will be the first in a series that features my EO speaking sea people.
I will have more phrases to ask about, that I am not sure if I used the right words.
For example: A nurse dressing a little boy.

"Take off your pants." "Depren via pantalono." Or "Depren viaj pantalonoj."
Put your clothes on. Met viaj vestoj sur.
Or Put these clothes on... Met ĉi tiuj vestoj sur.
Is the book I wrote to get Twilight out of my brain. It involves evil vampire ex lovers and a duel to the death, Bollywood style musical dance action and a race across several countries in order to find the mysterious girl of Arjun Kumar's dreams.

erinja (הצגת פרופיל) 11 בדצמבר 2010, 15:55:51

You're missing verb endings on those verbs. They have no verb endings so it's impossible to tell that they're verbs at all.

Take off your pants = forprenu vian pantalonon.

(pants is a 'fake plural' word in English; in Esperanto we only say 'pantalonoj' if we mean more than one pair of pants)

Put your clothes on - Almetu viajn vestaĵojn.

Put these clothes on - Almetu ĉi tiujn vestaĵojn.

You can also go with a simple "Vestiĝu" (Get dressed.) or "Vestiĝu per ĉi tiuj vestaĵoj" (Get dressed in this clothing)

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