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Two meters long

od orthohawk, 29. septembra 2010

Príspevky: 17

Jazyk: English

orthohawk (Zobraziť profil) 29. septembra 2010 14:38:22

The joke that came up for me today as I got to the front page contained the phrase "two meters long" and had it as "duonmetro longa." But I'm wondering; Should it not be duonmetrE longa?

I mean the actual measurement is describing the adjective...........

Miland (Zobraziť profil) 29. septembra 2010 14:56:18

I believe it should be duonmetron longa, assuming the context is something like "The stick is half a metre long", La bastono estas duonmetron longa.

Mustelvulpo (Zobraziť profil) 29. septembra 2010 15:44:20

You could also say "Ĝi estas longa je duonmetro," but as Miland noted, the accusative is more commonly used in describing a measurement of size.

Matthieu (Zobraziť profil) 29. septembra 2010 19:42:09

Duonmetre longa” doesn’t shock me, I think it’s correct and I would use it.

By the way, it means “half a meter long”.

ceigered (Zobraziť profil) 30. septembra 2010 4:21:21

Mutusen:Duonmetre longa” doesn’t shock me, I think it’s correct and I would use it.

By the way, it means “half a meter long”.
Half, two, all the same!
Now, it's time to go build a nice, sturdy, non-crooked house... lalalalala.... lango.gif

mea insanitas excepta, I would agree with Mutusen and I normally would use the -e there anyway, since I'm never sure with measurements in any language lango.gif.

Miland (Zobraziť profil) 30. septembra 2010 9:57:40

With measures we usually use the accusative or je. Adverbs are usually qualitative like oportune longa.

Can those who favour duonmetre longa cite any examples from PMEG or the tekstaro?

ceigered (Zobraziť profil) 30. septembra 2010 10:12:21

Miland:With measures we usually use the accusative or je. Adverbs are usually qualitative like oportune longa.

Can those who favour duonmetre longa cite any examples from PMEG or the tekstaro?
Would there be any such metric mesurements in the tekstaro? I tried searching by putting in "metre longa" and clicking a whole bunch of texts at the start and going "search" but it found nada.

Technically, a mesurement is qualitative, and since adverbs are used to describe verbs and adjectives, logically, "duonmetre longa" is possible and seems like it'd be understandable - even if people from some other language across the other side of the world did mesurements differently, I doubt they're more accustomed to using the accusative in the style of the Latin oblique cases used adverbially. It seems like they're equally as understandable from first glance.

UPDATE: duonmetre alte is in Robinsono Kruso lango.gif

Robinsono Kruso:Apud la postflanko de la domo staris alto sxtonajxo, en kiun mi faris kavernon, kaj metis la teron elfositan, cxirkaux mian domon, alte duonmetre.
Traduko: By the rear end of the house stood an high stone thing, into which I made a cavern, and placed the displaced earth, around my house (is the accusative here an error or something more significant?), two metres high.

PDF source, I'm assuming this is decopyrighted, and the lucky ebook users will be happy to know it's in X format (arr, it seems it is being from Gutenberg/Goodburgh and all).

Miland (Zobraziť profil) 30. septembra 2010 11:35:24

ceigered:Would there be any such metric measurements in the tekstaro? I ..found nada.
This indicates, does it not, that it is not a customary usage?
ceigered:Technically, a measurement is qualitative
"Qualitative" is not "quantitative".
ceigered:UPDATE: duonmetre alte is in Robinsono Kruso lango.gif..Apud la postflanko de la domo staris alto ŝtonaĵo, en kiun mi faris kavernon, kaj metis la teron elfositan, ĉirkaŭ mian domon, alte duonmetre.
In my view that's bad Esperanto in a number of ways. "Alto ŝtonaĵo", too long a sentence, and last but not least "alte duonmetre"!. I would put it Malantaŭ la domo estis ŝtona monteto, el kiu mi fosis kavernon. Per la elfosita tero mi faris tavolon ĉirkaŭ mia domo. La tavolo estis duonmetron dika.

PS. Instead of tavolo for the teraĵo constructed round the house, as an expert on Russian by virtue of playing computer games, can you confirm that the word zavalina means something like this, so that Robinson Crusoe could have coined the neologismo zavalino? rido.gif

sudanglo (Zobraziť profil) 30. septembra 2010 12:00:50

Searching with CorpusEye (much bigger database than at Tekstaro) I found:

ni elhakis truon en la pli ol duonmetre dika glacio

I see nothing wrong with that sentence, but the conventional formula for measurements is duonmetron profunda/dika/longa .

Miland (Zobraziť profil) 30. septembra 2010 12:23:28

sudanglo:CorpusEye (much bigger database than at Tekstaro)..
ni elhakis truon en la pli ol duonmetre dika glacio
I see nothing wrong with that sentence..
Thanks for the info about CorpusEye.
I guess my problem with duonmetre dika is that (apart from the customary usage) the adverb lends a qualitative or subjective aspect to the description, more than a simple measurement.
