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Dr Who

by richardhall, April 28, 2007

Messages: 11

Language: English

richardhall (User's profile) April 28, 2007, 8:40:11 PM

I've tried to write something about Dr Who on my blog tonight - I'd be glad to know if I've made a complete hash of the Esperanto!

erinja (User's profile) April 28, 2007, 10:26:23 PM


It's definitely understandable, in spite of the inevitable errors. Here's a corrected version; notes follow.
Vere bela televidaĵo! Ĉi-vespere, la Doktoro batalis strangajn homodalekojn en Novjorko. David Tennant estas bonega Doktoro! Mi ĝuis Dr Who antaŭ multe da jaroj. Mi havas amikon kiu faris modelojn por la programo kaj filmas en Kimrio.

Estas interese, ke ofte religiaj temoj estas gravaj en la rakontoj de la Doktoro. Ekzemple, la dalekoj turmentiĝas de karno kaj kaptiĝis de siaj karapacoj. Ili estas fortaj, sed ĉiam venkiĝis de pli malfortaj estuloj. Tio estas tre pensiga!
I wasn't really sure what you meant about your friend in Cardiff; I got that he does models for the program. I translated the rest of the sentence as "...and is filming in Wales". It could be construed to mean that he is doing the filming himself (i.e. a camera operator) and is not simply involved in production of the show.

Regarding use of the word "per" - it means "by means of". It describes use of a tool or method. So if I am going "to cut something with a knife", that would be "tranĉi per tranĉilo" (cut using the means/tool of a knife). I see "per" as being something a little more concrete. In a sense like being trapped in a shell, I don't see it as being "trapped by the method/tool of a shell". It doesn't make much sense to me, and I wouldn't use "per" in this context. In that kind of passive voice usage, I would normally use "de". Trapped by a shell, written by a person, tortured by flesh - I would use "de" for all of those.

Use of the word "karapaco" - it's normally used to refer to something like a turtle shell. My understanding of the Daleks' shells is that it's more like armor. The Esperanto word for "armor" may be a more accurate translation, since it is not actually part of their body, it is a mechanical protector that they are adding. So I might use "kiraso" instead. It refers to armor plating used on people or machines. You can make the decision yourself, I didn't change it in my corrections.

The only other repeated error was not making the adjectives plural. Oops! It's a really common error for native-English-speaking beginners.

richardhall (User's profile) April 29, 2007, 6:28:55 AM

Thanks for the corrections, and the helpful explanation of 'de'. I think you're right about "karapaco", so I've changed that too. I've altered the confusing sentence about my friend and divided it into two:
Mi havas amikon kiu faris modelojn por la programo. Dr Who filmiĝas en Kimrio.
I'm sure that's clearer, but I do hope I haven't introduced further errors!

mnlg (User's profile) April 29, 2007, 8:20:17 AM

richardhall:Mi havas amikon kiu faris modelojn por la programo. Dr Who filmiĝas en Kimrio.
Perfect ridulo.gif

tiberius (User's profile) May 1, 2007, 4:46:31 PM

ooh, I love Dr. Who. More people here in the US have heard of it thanks to the new series on the sci-fi channal. My dad tapped a ton of the serials when they came on PBS, and I watched them all the time when I was younger.

Now if only they'd re-air red dwarf, I'd be happy.

DesertNaiad (User's profile) May 3, 2007, 12:41:05 AM

Oooooh, I like Red Dwarf!

Paamayim (User's profile) May 3, 2007, 1:49:41 AM

Me too! Maybe we should translate an episode?
Fumu fiŝon por mi. Mi revenos antaŭ matenmanĝe.
It doesn't really have that ring to it.

Kwekubo (User's profile) May 3, 2007, 11:03:25 AM

"Unu tagon, mi revenos. Jes, mi revenos. Ĝis tiam, ne estu bedaŭroj, nek larmoj, nek anksioj. Vi simple antaŭeniru laŭ ĉiuj viaj konvinkoj, kaj vi pruvu al mi, ke mi ne eraras pri miaj."

Brownie points to you if you recognise that rideto.gif

awake (User's profile) May 3, 2007, 1:24:31 PM

Tio estas la monologeto kiu estis donita de la unua doktoro. Ĝi estis reelsendita dum la epizodo, "La kvin doktoroj"

That's the little speech given by the first doctor. It was reshown during the episode "The five doctors"

Kwekubo:"Unu tagon, mi revenos. Jes, mi revenos. Ĝis tiam, ne estu bedaŭroj, nek larmoj, nek anksioj. Vi simple antaŭeniru laŭ ĉiuj viaj konvinkoj, kaj vi pruvu al mi, ke mi ne eraras pri miaj."

Brownie points to you if you recognise that rideto.gif

Kwekubo (User's profile) May 5, 2007, 12:59:13 AM

awake:Tio estas la monologeto kiu estis donita de la unua doktoro. Ĝi estis reelsendita dum la epizodo, "La kvin doktoroj"

That's the little speech given by the first doctor. It was reshown during the episode "The five doctors"
Spot on! One of the two old-series serials that I've seen (alongside Silver Nemesis senkulpa.gif).

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