Mesaĝoj: 35
Lingvo: English
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-oktobro-11 22:17:45
So in a way we have to then construct the idea of a "perfect Esperanto speaker". So, nominations/criteria?

I'm not really on either side of the fence here, but it seems to me that one major issue for both sides of the argument is that tests are part of a rigid system of examination, and being able to gauge ones abilities. On the other hand, Esperanto runs out of critical rigidity after a while by nature of its internationality.
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2010-oktobro-11 22:29:36
ceigered:..we have to then construct the idea of a "perfect Esperanto speaker". So, nominations/criteria?You of course, who else? BTW when you become a VIP, remember me.

Seriously, Esperanto was not meant to become the language of a "new elite" to replace the English-speaking one. But if we are to have examinations at different levels, IMO what we have now - the ILEI, and European frameworks - should be good for all foreseeable practical purposes.
sudanglo (Montri la profilon) 2010-oktobro-12 10:07:51
It is absolutely clear that the KER gradings are based on some characteristics of the 'natural' languages. Things that are quite difficult for alilingvaj learners of national languages may in the case of Esperanto be quite childishly simple.
Then again there are issues concerning usage at an advanced level which may be quite defined in the national languages, but where there is room for argument in the case of Esperanto.
Moreover, it is easy to imagine advanced texts that would be quite simple to read, if in Esperanto, by someone who is still only at an early stage of learning Esperanto and hesitant in speech.
For an English speaker so many of the head words in PIV are instantly recognizable or can be related to a cognate form.
I don't know if you have read the polemic tract 'Ĉu nur-angla Eŭropo?' but it would certainly be considered an advanced text in a national language, but presents few problems for the 'mez-klera' Esperantist.
Interestingly, on the usefulness of the Common European Framework for classifying learner skills, the opinion of the Director of Studies of a English language school (for foreigners) in my area is instructive.
I happened to meet him by chance in the street and raised the subject with him. His response - very few of the students who came to the school would fit neatly into the KER categories. He had actually read some weighty tome detailing the specifications and dismissed it as the speculative product of a bunch of academics.
Anyway, it is clear that any criteria for grading language skills should be subject to empirical assessment and capable of practical application.
I think it's great from a propaganda view that we have KER exams for Esperanto. For those who reject Esperanto as being a real language, we can point to existence of the exams and the translation of criteria.
But the KER criteria do not answer the question as to what is an appropriate ordering of difficulty for Esperanto.
3rdblade (Montri la profilon) 2010-oktobro-12 10:30:28
Miland:Oh man, does this mean 'mi penis farti bone' is gonna be on the test?ceigered:..we have to then construct the idea of a "perfect Esperanto speaker". So, nominations/criteria?You of course, who else? BTW when you become a VIP, remember me.

Miland (Montri la profilon) 2010-oktobro-12 10:39:53
An examination of this kind, based on practical proficiency (and the same applies to the ILEI examinations) better serves the movement, in my view, than one based on theoretical ideas of difficulty.
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2010-oktobro-12 10:46:39
3rdblade:Farti pene sounds too tough for me, I'll leave that to potential Akademianoj. Then I can get back to something less demanding like watching Tropical Heat or reading a mystery novel*Miland:Oh man, does this mean 'mi penis farti bone' is gonna be on the test?ceigered:..we have to then construct the idea of a "perfect Esperanto speaker". So, nominations/criteria?You of course, who else? BTW when you become a VIP, remember me.

* e.g. I recommend Earl Derr Biggers' The Dollar Chasers, included in the anthology Ellery Queen's Aces of Mystery. It should be available second hand.
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-oktobro-12 11:38:09
3rdblade:HAHAHA!Miland:Oh man, does this mean 'mi penis farti bone' is gonna be on the test?ceigered:..we have to then construct the idea of a "perfect Esperanto speaker". So, nominations/criteria?You of course, who else? BTW when you become a VIP, remember me.

It totally does nothing to help fight against the idea that Esperanto isn't suitable for application in law etc though

erinja (Montri la profilon) 2010-oktobro-12 19:53:22
For difficult texts, I suppose that La infana raso could be used as an example of a text that isn't too easy. But I think that aside from the occasional word that isn't too common, an experienced Esperantist could understand it without much problem. Poetry is always harder than prose, anyway.
Donniedillon (Montri la profilon) 2010-oktobro-12 21:05:37
sudanglo (Montri la profilon) 2010-oktobro-14 13:33:56
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Is it advanced? Are the times alloted for the different parts generous?