What's the difference betweeb tiel and tia?
글쓴이: omid17, 2010년 12월 9일
글: 4
언어: English
omid17 (프로필 보기) 2010년 12월 9일 오후 8:07:04
thanks in advance
Chainy (프로필 보기) 2010년 12월 9일 오후 9:20:18
Ŝi estas TIA bela virino = She is SUCH a beautiful woman.
Li kantas TIEL bone = He sings SO well.
Mi estas TIEL forta, kiel vi = I'm AS strong as you.
Mi estas TIA forta viro! = I'm such a strong man!
Just some example sentences there. TIA generally seems to translate as 'such a'... Check out PMEG for a better explanation!
erinja (프로필 보기) 2010년 12월 9일 오후 9:25:28
Mi faras ĝin tiel = I do it that way (literally "I do it in that way")
Mi havas tian hundon = I have that kind of dog.
Mi estas tia viro = I am that kind of man / that sort of man
"tia" describes a noun (tia hundo, tia viro). "Tiel" technically describes a verb (mi kuras tiel) or an adjective (tiel bela).
So if you have a question in your mind, you can also ask yourself, "Am I describing a verb, an adjective, or a noun?" and choose tiel or tia accordingly.
From the lernu dictionary:
tia = of that quality; of that sort
tiel = in that manner, in that grade/level
Mi estas tiel bela kiel vi = I am as beautiful as you (I am beautiful at the same level as you; we have the same "level" of beauty)
Mia hundo estas tia, kia estas la lia. = My dog is the same sort as his (lit. My dog is that sort, which sort his is)
omid17 (프로필 보기) 2010년 12월 10일 오전 6:04:11