Mesaĝoj: 27
Lingvo: English
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-30 02:28:31
Erinja:Sounds like Australians would do just fine in the US; cinemas here don't even have assigned seating, you just go to any open seat.Here I was thinking it was a US thing! Who on earth came up with this silly idea of having a marked seat?

RE Liĥtenŝtejno and Darkweasel's post, I don't find it surprising that "rĥ" roots get a lot of alternatives, since while it's a cool combination it is sort of difficult! (Then again, modern Greek still seems to have it so it clearly isn't impossible nowadays).
BTW, both in English and Esperanto, what on earth do you call someone from Lichtenstein? I'm guessing English maybe "Lichtensteiner", and Esperanto "Liĥtenŝtejnano" (like Aŭstraliano)? Not a common conversation topic, despite how nice a country it looks (the town I was born and raised in has almost as higher population as Vaduz and Schaan though)!
darkweasel (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-30 05:22:42

ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-30 06:07:49

yodle (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-31 00:59:10

ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-31 01:39:48
yodle:Don't be too worriedThis is making me feel uncertain about learning Esperanto. I thought Esperanto was well established and had universal agreement on the rules of the language (not counting derivatives such as Ido). Some of these posts are making me think that sometimes, rules may vary from group to group or person to person.

Any language is always going to have minor variations, especially the larger the language. Most variations you see here are acceptable according to the rules (e.g. various ways of phrasing the same thing), or, particularly like this thread, are on the fringe. E.g. I can say "kurta", "liva" etc (short, left), but these aren't common and thus not really worth worrying about too much (although "liva" could be very useful if wanting to avoid "malDEKSTRA").
Because learners no doubt will come across these variations that we "imperfect" humans make up, these threads sort of act as a way of sorting the crap from the good stuff. The hx -> k phenomenon is unique in EO since it's much more pervasive than things like it normally would be, but either way you'll be understood.
Ultimately, EO is a language, and like all languages has minor variations here and there. The rules are agreed on, but you'll often see different interpretations of them, as is the case with all languages spoken by creative people. EO ultimately has less variation than say dialects or sociolects of various modern day languages.
3rdblade (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-31 01:44:08
yodle:Don't panic. Whenever you add human beings to a perfectly good idea it's bound to go off in a direction you hadn't anticipated. Human life is all about shades of grey! To answer your question, the rules are held to quite steadfastly; however the language is living so it evolves in its own way while sticking to the rules; and the thing with the 'ĥ' words changing was one of those natural evolutions. (It's just a spelling change rather than a rule change, kind of like that American fella who took all the 'u's out of 'colour.' Webster, wasn't it? Basically, things don't change much. Get stuck into the language a bit and you'll see.This is making me feel uncertain about learning Esperanto. I thought Esperanto was well established and had universal agreement on the rules of the language (not counting derivatives such as Ido). Some of these posts are making me think that sometimes, rules may vary from group to group or person to person.

Miland (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-31 09:55:15
yodle:Some of these posts are making me think that sometimes, rules may vary from group to group or person to person.Don't believe everything that you read. I quote from M.C. Butler's Step by step: "Your authorities should be the Fundamento, the Lingva Komitato*, the example of the best writers, and your own critical common sense, in that order."
The best and most recent guide to correct usage is PMEG, written by a member of the Akademio.
You will find a good guide to the best writers (including textbooks) in the page of the late great Don Harlow.
*which is now the Akademio.