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Esperanto growth statistics.

od Leke, 31. marec 2011

Sporočila: 17

Jezik: English

Leke (Prikaži profil) 31. marec 2011 15:32:10

I wonder if the recent popularity of the internet has had a big effect on the growth of Esperanto speakers?

Are there registration statistics available from lernu.org for over the last decade? I'm kind of interested in that sort of thing.

darkweasel (Prikaži profil) 31. marec 2011 15:54:20

Are there registration statistics available from lernu.org for over the last decade? I'm kind of interested in that sort of thing.
New users by years

erinja (Prikaži profil) 31. marec 2011 15:57:30

lernu hasn't been around for a decade.

But I think you'll find lots of interesting information on the lernu statistics page; if you click through a few options, you can also find statistics for numbers of visitors to the site and also numbers of pages viewed, calculated for each month since November of 2004.

Keep in mind that lernu's growth doesn't necessarily correlate with growth of Esperanto; as more existing Esperanto speakers heard about the site, I'm sure that they came to visit it. And the forums haven't been around since the beginning either, I'm sure that people come by more often, day after day, if they're reading forum threads, than if they're only working on courses. I don't remember exactly when the forums showed up though.

Leke (Prikaži profil) 31. marec 2011 18:31:28

Nice statistic gathering okulumo.gif
I noticed lernu will soon have 100,000 registrations.

erinja (Prikaži profil) 31. marec 2011 19:11:16

Some special activities are being planned to celebrate the 100,000th registration, in fact.

bartlett22183 (Prikaži profil) 31. marec 2011 20:42:27

I would say that with lernu!, as with many other Esperanto sites, the number of subscribers is not particularly indicative of the number of people more or less interested, let alone proficient, in E-o. I myself do not even recall how I first learned about lernu! some months ago, and by the nature of the internet, that may be the case with others, given the almost overwhelming quantity of data. Easily one can get overwhelmed by the tide. It is possible to encounter some or another site which gains one's interest. I first learned of E-o almost fifty years ago, but it is only recently that I have made any real attempt to use it.


Roberto12 (Prikaži profil) 31. marec 2011 21:22:46

erinja:Some special activities are being planned to celebrate the 100,000th registration, in fact.
When they register, they should get a popup saying something along the lines of:

Congratulations! You're our 100,000th subscriber! Click here to find out about your special prize! This isn't a joke!

erinja (Prikaži profil) 31. marec 2011 22:37:42

It won't be a special surprise for the 100000th subscriber, actually. We did discuss that, but we decided that there's nothing that makes the 100000th subscriber any more special than anyone who signed up earlier. The special activities will involve some sort of contest with prizes, open to all lernu users (not just the 100000th user!)

ceigered (Prikaži profil) 01. april 2011 00:16:10

erinja:Some special activities are being planned to celebrate the 100,000th registration, in fact.
When they register, they should get a popup saying something along the lines of:

Congratulations! You're our 100,000th subscriber! Click here to find out about your special prize! This isn't a joke!
"Gratulojn! Vi estas nia 100.000a abonanto! Alklaku tie ĉi por informiĝi pri via speciala viruso! Tiu ĉi ne estas ŝerco!"

Hi-fidelity translation.

Leonez (Prikaži profil) 01. april 2011 06:39:03

"Gratulojn! Vi estas nia 100.000a abonanto! Alklaku tie ĉi por informiĝi pri via speciala viruso! Tiu ĉi ne estas ŝerco!"

Hi-fidelity translation.[/quote]rido.gif lango.gif rideto.gif

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