Повідомлення: 81
Мова: English
philodice (Переглянути профіль) 12 квітня 2011 р. 23:24:33
Now my EO speaking fairies are a dream that is crushed. I'm mad.
I'm thinking of releasing a "director's cut" edition of my book with the EO intact.
Even better, an Esperanto Translation of the whole book.
It is only 50,000 words...any help here? (Joke maybe, but I'd love to thumb my nose at them in this way.)
3rdblade (Переглянути профіль) 13 квітня 2011 р. 00:24:15
You're in fine company, though. Didn't something similar happen at the League of Nations 90-odd years ago?
'Yes' to the idea of an EO translation of the whole book, too!
roint (Переглянути профіль) 13 квітня 2011 р. 02:01:33
Bennon (Переглянути профіль) 13 квітня 2011 р. 02:08:53
I'm not very familiar with the book publishing industry, so I don't even know the questions to ask to figure out what's going on with that, but that does indeed seem asinine.
BlackOtaku (Переглянути профіль) 13 квітня 2011 р. 05:33:52
Evildela (Переглянути профіль) 13 квітня 2011 р. 05:38:07
philodice:After I approved the final draft to go to print/publish, my editor changed all the Esperanto to French!Can they even do that? like seriously its your book hes just the publisher... WTF? Did he give a reason for this madness. Yeap I'd open a can of whoop ass on him, since when do fairy's speak French anyways?
geo63 (Переглянути профіль) 13 квітня 2011 р. 09:02:31
Evildela:Fairies do speak French, when they can't speak Esperanto, everybody knows that...philodice:After I approved the final draft to go to print/publish, my editor changed all the Esperanto to French!Can they even do that? like seriously its your book hes just the publisher... WTF? Did he give a reason for this madness. Yeap I'd open a can of whoop ass on him, since when do fairy's speak French anyways?

ceigered (Переглянути профіль) 13 квітня 2011 р. 11:24:34
More importantly though, how did they get that past you? That doesn't sound very... legal (or at least moral, since legal loopholes do exist no doubt). And how on earth did they manage to translate from EO to French?
Nonetheless, here's my hearfelt and blunt contribution: BASTARDS! (as in "A difficult or awkward thing, undertaking, or situation". Surely I wouldn't curse!)
3rdblade (Переглянути профіль) 13 квітня 2011 р. 13:23:20

geo63 (Переглянути профіль) 13 квітня 2011 р. 14:03:04
3rdblade:Speaking of French, here's this. Just to cheer you up.It is just that the English expect that the whole world understands them, which is not necessarily true...
I have observed it many times here in Poland - if they started a conversation with Polish "dzien dobry" (have a good day) and not with their "hello", then they certainly would receive more attention. Poland is Polish country and you can't expect that everyone in the street will speak English for you...