Al contingut

Translation opinions for book:

de philodice, 17 d’abril de 2011

Missatges: 28

Llengua: English

ceigered (Mostra el perfil) 21 d’abril de 2011 4.17.24

That ditches my hopes of being an author..... 50k words shoko.gif

BlackOtaku (Mostra el perfil) 21 d’abril de 2011 15.47.39

Was it a WriMo novel, or did it just end up being 50k words?

philodice (Mostra el perfil) 22 d’abril de 2011 18.41.05

BlackOtaku:Was it a WriMo novel, or did it just end up being 50k words?
No, for a writer I'm just short -winded.

ceigered (Mostra el perfil) 23 d’abril de 2011 8.51.47

Here I was thinking 50k was a lot of words lango.gif

darkweasel (Mostra el perfil) 23 d’abril de 2011 9.12.15

ceigered:Here I was thinking 50k was a lot of words lango.gif
Well, 50000 words of Lorem Ipsum (this generator allows only 10000, so paste it five times) is about 73 pages in the standard font of That really is not very much for a book.

ceigered (Mostra el perfil) 23 d’abril de 2011 15.07.37

Aren't books normally printed in a bigger font though? So perhaps they'd get closer to ~120. Either way, I was being inspired by all these authors around the place thinking "maybe I should write a book one day", but I don't know if my "ignaval" centre of my brain could handle that much effort!

philodice (Mostra el perfil) 24 d’abril de 2011 23.39.17

ceigered:Aren't books normally printed in a bigger font though? So perhaps they'd get closer to ~120. Either way, I was being inspired by all these authors around the place thinking "maybe I should write a book one day", but I don't know if my "ignaval" centre of my brain could handle that much effort!
My first 50k word book, stacked up against a fellow author from Clayborn Press, is about half as thick. She said to me, "I had no idea yours was so small!" Yes they do use bigger font and a page layout that halves the size of the pages to make it look longer.

I'm serious. I've decided to do this. As soon as I get translators on board and finish it up I'll go live with an ebook version and paperback and thumb my nose at anyone who says I can't publish an Esperanto novel.

philodice (Mostra el perfil) 25 d’abril de 2011 13.29.39

super-griek:I don't think I would have the time to translate (plus, English is not my native language), but I'm prepared to proofread (part of) the Esperanto version rido.gif
I do not think that any one person has to do the whole thing. I can credit many people for the work and dedicate the book to and pay 10% of the profits to the website instead of a person or group of persons. It is an idea...

Can I check a couple of phrases?
Term of endearment toward a female: Mia kara floretino. Or, Elided, Mia kara floretin'. Meaning, "My precious flower."

ceigered (Mostra el perfil) 25 d’abril de 2011 13.37.52

Mia kara floretino sounds sort of cute (bordering on mushy), so I'd use it lango.gif

erinja (Mostra el perfil) 25 d’abril de 2011 14.15.59

I'd say it as "floreto mia", "little flower of mine".

If you want to get SUPER mushy, "floreto de mia koro" would be even mushier. rideto.gif

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