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Equivalent to "man"

od uživatele ceigered ze dne 3. května 2011

Příspěvky: 29

Jazyk: English

ceigered (Ukázat profil) 3. května 2011 7:27:13

I was wondering what a good equivalent to the English "man" would be. I used "homo" in a separate thread jokingly before but now I'm relatively interested in what an EO equivalent would be (other than "amiko").'

The problem here would be that "man" in English could be seen in the light of Latin's "homo" (akin to sir according to wiktionary), or if "man" in English derives from something else, like for example the Cornish mann (perhaps possible, since there's no etymological sense to saying "man" emphatically unless you're referring to your friend as a fellow human (like "homo") - although "man alive" seems to indicate it is referring to humans and not to some celtic expression).

"Homo" could sound rather strange, almost like calling someone a human from a 3rd person point of view, to some I guess, "viro" doesn't work at all, even in English's point of view, "man" is technically gender neutral, in origins mostly.

Evildela (Ukázat profil) 3. května 2011 7:47:01

Well depends what context your looking at it from, what sentence are you trying to build?

Also don't forget you've got words like; Kamarado

ceigered (Ukázat profil) 3. května 2011 8:34:42

I know, I'm purposely avoiding "friend" terms, just to see if there is any small avenue not yet found.

Context: "man that sucks". "Oh man look at whachu did to mah shoes!" "Man, you need to chillaaaaaax" "Man aloive that crocodoile just ight me leg!" etc, something around those lines. A cross between a emphatic address to anyone nearby, and an emphatic expression of the situation lango.gif

Lom (Ukázat profil) 3. května 2011 9:29:58

ceigered:"Man aloive that crocodoile just ight me leg!"
What does that mean? "Man, I just let that crocodile bite my leg"?

How about "ulo" for "man"?

P.S.: I like "chillax". I never heard it before. ridulo.gif
Kion tio signifas? "Ulo, mi ĵus lasis tiun krokodilon mordi mian gambon"?

Kia pri "ulo" por "man"?

P.S.: Mi ŝatas "chillax". Mi neniam aŭdis ĝin antaŭe. ridulo.gif

tommjames (Ukázat profil) 3. května 2011 9:37:00

Seems to me that "ve!" could be suitable in some of the above cases.

Miland (Ukázat profil) 3. května 2011 10:52:21

ceigered:I was wondering what a good equivalent to the English "man" would be..
Context: "man that sucks". "Oh man look at whachu did to mah shoes!" "Man, you need to chillaaaaaax" "Man aloive that crocodoile just ight me leg!" etc, something around those lines. A cross between a emphatic address to anyone nearby, and an emphatic expression of the situation lango.gif
How about Diable,...

sudanglo (Ukázat profil) 3. května 2011 11:08:41

If you don't like 'ulo' or 'homo' Ceiger, you could try 'kompano' (mate).

Basically, though, I don't see such expressions as translatable into Esperanto because of the limited register variation in Esperanto at its current stage of development.

You could try using a swear word, such as 'Fek' to add more colour to the expression.

ceigered (Ukázat profil) 3. května 2011 11:15:03

ceigered:"Man aloive that crocodoile just ight me leg!"
What does that mean? "Man, I just let that crocodile bite my leg"?
ultra exaggerated example of some outback man remarking "Man alive, that crocodile just ate my leg!" (with the eye sounds becoming oys and the ay sounds becomeing eyes okulumo.gif)

I think in this case as everyone's said I'll go with something more like "diable" "ve" or "fek" lango.gif

Regarding "ulo", I was wondering about that. Is it only me or does it seem like a nice stand in for "mate/amiko" without flat out calling them a friend (for whatever masculinity related reasons prevents us men from calling friends friends)?

RE Chillax, I reckon that must originate from America....

T0dd (Ukázat profil) 3. května 2011 12:24:12

Personally, I like ulo for this usage, as well for the generic "bloke/guy" sort of reference.

"Man (or Dude), I don't know what you're talking about." = Ulo, mi ne scias pri kio vi parolas. The initial 'u' can be stretched for added emphasis. Uuulo...

kaha (Ukázat profil) 3. května 2011 13:14:08

I use "ulĉjo" and "ulnjo"

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