讯息: 24
语言: English
BlackOtaku (显示个人资料) 2011年5月25日下午12:40:15
Leke (显示个人资料) 2011年5月26日下午2:37:34
I've actually been interested in learning Dutch recently, since it's my preferred holiday destination. I've been wondering if learning 3 languages at once is a bit much

Good luck with your studies.
0b5cur1ty (显示个人资料) 2011年5月26日下午4:30:07

For myself, I'm beginning to think I will keep my focus on Esperanto for the time being and return to Spanish when I'm further on and Esperanto is more firmly rooted in my memory. If I had more spare time in which to study I'd probably decide differently however...
aykevl93 (显示个人资料) 2011年5月28日下午8:37:57